View Full Version : woody UK asking computer help
13th November 2005, 07:38 PM
I purchased a new printer a month ago the Epson R300, used up a lot of ink and replaced the Lt. magenta cartridge with a compatible. The compat. worked OK but got a message each time telling me I was a naughty boy and did I want to continue using the compatible which I answered each time in the affirmative. Then the yellow ran out and I replaced with another compatible.
This time the printer will not accept the yellow and refuses to operate and the ink calulator dialogue is greyed out.
I did manage to do a test print (those dotted lines) manually pushing the buttons on the printer and the yellow and all colours work OK.
I can telephone Epson support tomorrow but am expecting trouble as I am using compatibles, so any outside advice would be helpful.
13th November 2005, 08:45 PM
What a rip off!!
I just tryed some non Epson replacement ink cartridges in my new cx6500.
They worked ok.
So I thought Id rip open the old one, there nothing in it.
Sorry there is half a teaspoon of ink in it, even after the machine said to replace it.
Anyway I shall be doing the refill with the syringe in future, well, when the replacement ones run out.
Al :mad:
13th November 2005, 08:49 PM
I only bought this printer because my HP stopped accepting new cartridges.
When I put the old ones back in, it worked ok.:mad:
I have since learnt on the web that they build in obsolesence to their machine, so you are forced to buy a new one. :mad:
Al :mad:
13th November 2005, 09:00 PM
obsolesence, some one did that to us as well!:D :D :D
Studley 2436
13th November 2005, 09:00 PM
no offence intended but
non genuine inks are trouble.
epson goes to a lot of trouble with their printers and ink so that they are the best photo printers there are.
you can put other ink in them but the risk is all yours. Epson has been great to me with parts and warranty. they have been perfect on the two occasions that i have had to take machines in. it all goes out the window if you use other inks.
if you really want to reduce the price of your consumables you should buy one of the better models the cheap ones are really given away then they make money on the ink & paper
Auld Bassoon
13th November 2005, 09:15 PM
G'day Jow!
I'm not sure about UK prices anymore, but here in Oz (and most of the 'western' world, I suspect) ink-jet printers are treated as disposable items. If you look at the cost of a new printer compared against the cost of ink cartridge refills, it's about the same price - or less - just to buy another printer (the old shaver and refill blade game).
It pains me that this is so because of the horrendous waste and impact on our environment - but this seems to be the way that all of the major players in the market are operating.
13th November 2005, 09:39 PM
A few bits to dispel the nonsense:
YES the service guys MAY get someone to analyse your ink :rolleyes: if you have troubles and a warranty claim, but think about how many dollars they'll spend vs the real const of the machine. UNLIKELY!!
Buy bulk ink from a wholesale supplier formulated to suit the particular machine.
Buy an "Epson" chip resetter. :D :D Mine cost $25.00 so I was about $40.00 ahead the first time I used it. This is a beaut little gadget that simply tells the "smart" chip in the cartridge that it's full of the proper ink, so shut up!
Refill to your heart's content.
How long can you do this? My Epson C61 has just had it's 100th refil on the black cartridge, the coloured ones about half that number.
Don't be put off by the guys that tell you it's difficult or not worth it. At $2.00 per refill it's only $50 cheaper than a genuine Epson cartridge!
I get my stuff from:
Even though they now sell only to the trade, they continue to service old customers, and will point you to one of their dealers.
I'm sorry they are a bit far away Jow!
13th November 2005, 09:47 PM
I have only had experiance with canon and HP printers and have found that with picture quality if you don't use original ink and PAPER you get problems.
I am told Hp put a drying agent in their paper and pictures smeer if not original paper ( much Dearer) Also using compatable ink cartriges stuffed up his printer head and that also needed replacment.
Canon however , the cunning bastards , use the viscosity of their ink to regulate the amount and depth of penertration into their paper
Mind you a top version of the canon using the cli-8 series ink gives the best digital pictures I have seen, The nice man selling them also said this technologe had been tested for the pictures to last 90 years, I asked the obvious and he said " well they have ways " after I stopped laughing I still bought the unit cause I had done the homework and that outlet was the best price
So in answer to your question , refill the original ink wells if you can and find out if there are any other compatability problems , ink not drying , poor colour etc . If you can live with these if there are any, fine, otherwise stick to original spares Best of luck
13th November 2005, 10:22 PM
Buy an "Epson" chip resetter. :D :D Mine cost $25.00 so I was about $40.00 ahead the first time I used it. This is a beaut little gadget that simply tells the "smart" chip in the cartridge that it's full of the proper ink, so shut up!
Refill to your heart's content.
We had the same problem untill we got the chip resetter gadget. You can refill the cartridge but unless you reset the onboard chip in the printer the printer will still think it is out of ink.
13th November 2005, 11:47 PM
The nice man selling them also said this technologe had been tested for the pictures to last 90 years, I asked the obvious and he said " well they have ways " after I stopped laughing ...The "ways" involve bright lights, heat and humidity — sounds like a certain US Marine Base ...
There are even standards defining how bright, how hot, etc.
The fun comes when trying to compare tests. Some manufacturers "fiddle" with the standard test to get a better result. If you want to have a bit of fun, ask the "nice man" if the test his manufacturer used is internationally recognised or a company "special"
14th November 2005, 12:33 AM
The gang at home
came up with some helpful suggestions as well.
14th November 2005, 07:52 AM
For those interested in permanency of images you might like to visit This organisation does most of the testing for vendors and is where they get their info from.
14th November 2005, 11:00 AM
You think inks dear !
i paid $91.00 for a foil and cutter for my braun razor.
still picking myself up off the floor.
the razor goes in the bin next time.
Try reading this book " the waste makers" by Vance Packard.
14th November 2005, 09:19 PM
Pleased to report an happy ending to my R300 epson printer problem. I telephoned the compatible ink supplier and they suspected a faulty cartridge and told me to put in a new yellow again. this time everything worked satisfactorly. (and they said they would post a replacement, did cost me a few hours though
ptc: Save you a lot of money if you gave up shaving:rolleyes:
ps and I gave up printing.
16th November 2005, 07:32 PM
If interested got some good support at this site re epson printers and all photographic matters. Usual, you will have to register if you want to post, the site is OK had it for years.
16th November 2005, 09:06 PM
just to show hijacking is still active JOW I see the poms couldnt fix the pitch or super glue the bails in Paki :)
Didnt you watch the game ???:D
16th November 2005, 10:19 PM
I was unable to give my assistance to our team with the TV operations;)
Hi jacking should be made a crime.:)
Sir Stinkalot
16th November 2005, 10:31 PM
I have had a few Epsons before and the ink monitoring wouldn't work with the non-genuine inks ... however it still printed. That was until all of the head dried up and then it got binned.
I now have a B+W laser from Brother ..... works a treat ..... quick and a hundered times better quality than the old inkjets.
When I need colour .... which isn't very often I have the colour laser at work and now do photo printing at Kmart as it is much cheaper than stuffing around at home with an inkjet.
By the time that you factor in the price of ink and paper, and the fact the ink allways dries in the printer the commercial printing outlets such as Kmart and Hardly Normal offer very good value.
3rd December 2005, 03:20 PM
I used to refill the cartridges for my Epson, and got good results. But a mate told me about these guys:
I decided to buy the compatible cartridges because I guess my time is too valuable to be refilling myself (time I can spend better woodworking!:D ) and the prices these guys charge are just too reasonable. Free delivery too!
Happy Woodworking
3rd December 2005, 06:53 PM
Printseeker: your message received with thanks. Aussie users might like to compare prices here in the u.k. @