View Full Version : Raising kids

10th November 2005, 09:48 PM
Gday all

Wanted to share this. Have 2 girls & a boy, the young bloke is 6, turns 7 tomorrow (Friday).

About 10 mins after they went to bed, the young fella comes out to where I'm checkin' out the forum on the 'puter. Bottom lip quivering, close to tears, he manages to say that he'd been fiddling with the bottom of the venetian in his room and busted off a small part. Relevant that the venetians are secondhandies and already nearly buggered.

Gave him a real serve not long ago when I found that he'd been fiddling with the top clamp on my Delta scrollsaw in the shed, to anyone who's seen the Delta quickclamp you'd know, it's got 1/2 dozen little fiddly parts, including a tiny spring. Anyway, he'd managed to pull it apart, and the bits were on the shed floor :mad: :mad: :mad: . I found them all except the tiny spring, but thanks to my oldest daughter's keen eyes that turned up too.

The serve I gave him covered not fiddling with things that weren't his and could be damaged, but also owning up to mistakes like this as quickly as possible, and that not doing so was being dishonest like lying.

Anyway, back to tonight, I was really pleased that he'd taken the lesson and owned up this time to his mistake. Gave him plenty of praise & reinforcement, he said he was worried about telling me but remembered the other time. Sent him to bed with a cuddle to enjoy his last night as a 6 year old.

You win some, sometimes. :)

Thanks for reading.

Cheers.............Sean, proud dad

10th November 2005, 09:53 PM
Well done Sean. You do realise that your son will never be a politician now.

10th November 2005, 10:21 PM
Hmm, 'course now he'll break things so he can run and tell you and get positive reinforcement....:D

Seriously though, good one. It's great to see them face up to things even when frightened what may happen - a man is born!

Ivan in Oz
10th November 2005, 10:25 PM
Gday all

You win some, sometimes. :)

Cheers.............Sean, proud dad

That was a good one to win!

:D :o

10th November 2005, 10:33 PM
Awwww: a story to warm the cockles...Nice one, Sean.

10th November 2005, 10:53 PM
Well done Sean. As your reward you can have whatever you like at Al's virtual bar.



11th November 2005, 04:24 PM
Well done Sean. You do realise that your son will never be a politician now.
That's another thing to be proud of.:D

Sometimes good thing happen. This was one of them