View Full Version : Name that wood / Will it take stain well?

29th March 2020, 04:48 PM
I'm on the lookout for a table top which is suitable for staining, the one below is second hand and I would like to know what type of wood it is and if it would take stain well, obviously when the finish is removed...


30th March 2020, 12:02 AM
50 Views and not a single reply? :sad1:

30th March 2020, 01:13 AM
50 Views and not a single reply? :sad1:
Maybe 51 people didn’t know what timber it is, or if it would take a stain :unsure::unsure::unsure:

mature one
30th March 2020, 07:35 AM
Im no expert but it looks like some sort of oak. To check if it will take stain do a section on the underside of the top.

30th March 2020, 02:15 PM
remember, 30 of those views may have been from random web surfers or even search engines, not necessarily people who could reply even if they knew.... plus you gave it what, 7 hours?

30th March 2020, 03:45 PM
Sorry was abit impatient because it was up for sale.

30th March 2020, 04:11 PM
If it's Australian made I'd guess it's Tasmanian Oak/Alpine Ash/Mountain Ash/Messmate. That being said I'm surprised that there is a lot of flat sawn boards in the top and this makes me doubt my identification. Can the seller give you any info. that might help with the id? You're really not giving us much to work with, maybe you just need to take a punt on it.

30th March 2020, 04:22 PM
I would also say oak. Not sure which one but likely from Asia. As mature one said try a bit underneath and see.
Going by the pics I am not seeing any end grain on the table ends so it may be laminated. If so take care sanding the top and not go through the top lamination.

30th March 2020, 05:04 PM
orraloon's suggestion that it may be veneered/laminated makes sense. You can see a narrow, maybe 20mm, board each side on the length of the table and veneer would also explain the flat sawn sections.

30th March 2020, 05:04 PM
If it's Australian made I'd guess it's Tasmanian Oak/Alpine Ash/Mountain Ash/Messmate. That being said I'm surprised that there is a lot of flat sawn boards in the top and this makes me doubt my identification. Can the seller give you any info. that might help with the id? You're really not giving us much to work with, maybe you just need to take a punt on it.

The seller has no clue I'm afraid. Its only the top I'm interested in as I want to use it to build a drop leaf gaming table. Total table top size I'm after is
25mm x 1100mm x 1600mm in a timber that's going take a dark walnut stain.

30th March 2020, 06:33 PM
I think I'm going to give it a miss. Like you guys have said its probably laminate or Veneer.