View Full Version : Anyone successfully uploaded and run an animated GIF?
3rd March 2020, 08:06 PM
I can tell my gif is animated as it runs in a vanilla browser window.
When I upload it using the forum image uploader - its about 1 min long and 2.5Mb - it only uploads the first frame.
Maybe there's a size limit involved?
Any ideas?
3rd March 2020, 08:33 PM
I've found out GIFs are limited to 1.9Mb so I down sized the animated gif to 1.7Mb but still no luck - it still just loads the first image.
4th March 2020, 01:25 PM
4th March 2020, 01:31 PM
Tested. Its the forum.
Rather than point to the actual GIF itself, it is pointing the image through a PHP redirection script:
This means the browser is unaware it is actually a GIF as it doesn't have the right headers (says its a HTML)
If one clicks the image (of cute octo!) it pulls it up as an "actual" image and it behaves.
I could fix this in the script, but I dont run the forum :)
IF the forum admin should choose to do so, they could remove the &thumb=1 and constrain the image with a SIZE="" attribute. This would then animate.
edit: Cant readily be done. The input box doesnt allow one to put raw HTML, php or even a javascript. There is a vBulletin mod called GIPHY that will do it, but its inelegant. IF the forum were nice, it would provide a direct path to the image rather than run it via their PHP script? ;) ;) ..... orrrrr mod the "thunb" attribute....i.e. chop it off :) :)
edit 2: it is do-able. See below.
4th March 2020, 02:31 PM
4th March 2020, 03:12 PM
If the forum modifies only two tags it can be done easily.
Here is a highlight showing it working, on the forum, with a small edit to the burped up HTML.
4th March 2020, 03:19 PM
Ah ha!
Insert image, use dialogue from Remote URL, then untick box.
Image needs to be inserted from remote server.... or does it...... what if I upload it first!!!!
This image is on DUCKDUCKGO's mirror archive....
and this one is hosted on the forum, after uploading it as you would normally (Manage Attachments below)
TRA DA!!!!!! Hosted on the forum AND showing as an animated GIF.
4th March 2020, 03:59 PM
4th March 2020, 04:01 PM
That wasn't the way I did it
image web address
It must do the same thing
4th March 2020, 04:42 PM
and this one is hosted on the forum, after uploading it as you would normally (Manage Attachments below)
OK I downloaded your image and then reposted (1.07mB) using manage attachments, it and it works.
But when I upload mine (1.7Mb) the same way it doesn't - it only uploads the first frame (37kB)
469518 469519
My image is generated by LICEcap and then taken through GIMP and saved as a animated GIF
It runs fine in a web browser when I load it directly.
4th March 2020, 05:44 PM
It claims, in that images header, to be a JPG.
4th March 2020, 06:07 PM
Interesting it's sitting on my HD as a GIF and the forum upload converts it to a jpg??
I can also see its a jpg in the "Manage Attachments"
Now I can't even load any of them?
4th March 2020, 06:53 PM
Try uploading it to Imgur and using the BBcode to share in a post
4th March 2020, 07:13 PM
Thanks Warrick - that seems to be working - but why the hell doesn't it work with the WWF upload?
I'll have to refine the timings so that all the solar panels show power