View Full Version : Bogged down with ads

12th February 2020, 04:31 PM
This forum has become nearly impossible to use due to the number of ads.
I used to enjoy the discussion on the forums but now it is near impossible to use due to the number of ads.:C:C
Cheers Bekky.

12th February 2020, 05:03 PM
There is a thread discussing this issue already, have a read as there are some solutions in the thread.

Giant banner adverts in the middle of posts. (https://www.woodworkforums.com/f36/giant-banner-adverts-middle-posts-231173)

cheers Andrew

13th February 2020, 12:45 PM
If you are running MS Internet Explorer or MS Edge the following is great!
Adblock Plus | The world's # 1 free ad blocker (https://adblockplus.org/)

I don't know about using AdBlock Plus with other browsers, but I'm told that it works.

13th February 2020, 02:24 PM
Rrich, I'm just going to repeat this here; it's been said elsewhere in the longer thread linked above.

The forum isn't the place to use an AdBlocker. The forum owners use the meagre benefits those ads bring in to offset (some of) the running costs of the forum. Using an ad blocker stops that flow. Yes, it's a minor inconvenience.

Having said that, because this intermittent issue is not affecting everyone, and is very noticeable for those it does afect, an adblocker may give temporary relief but please don't keep it on longer than necessary

13th February 2020, 04:31 PM
Thanks for the reply, AJ and others.
Readall the other posts, logged out and logged in again, all fixed.
Cheers Keith.