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28th December 2005, 10:43 AM
G'day Teejay,

Hope you and your family had a great Christmas and equally have a grteat New Year as well. The same wishes to all those who have been following Sarah's progress.

I've got to wait until Kylie and MIL head off into town to see Sarah for their daily visit before I light up.

It might kill me yet, I cough and sputter when I walk past a smoker in the street.

Update on Sarah: Monday night she put on 59g to now be 1800g. She is starting to put on some weight on her face, arms and legs. everyday Kylie looks to see how much her eyelashes have grown overnight, and they are.

The docs have put her back on blood pressure medication as it was getting high which has also helped to bring her heart rate down. her h/rate is around 143 - 185, without the blood pressure medication it's upwards of 230, so there must be a link somewhere.

She has been moved into another room which means movement up the ladder and may get moved into Mitcham Hospital which is about 25 minutes away.

Coming home is still some time off yet, it'd help Kylie to know when but all is going great guns so far.

Wood Borer
28th December 2005, 11:00 AM
Great news Chris, although it could be better (home with you) or it certainly could be a lot worse.

You may need to sit down after you light up to avoid falling over.:eek:

28th December 2005, 11:05 AM
G'day Rob,

I'll make sure that if I do, that it's on the carpet underlay that I stand on when working at the bench.

(See, not only is Wood Borer great for advice on darkside stuff but also on praticalities.)

Thanks mate. :)

28th December 2005, 05:47 PM
Great news Chris and Kylie was about to post a how is bub doing ithis forum but esp must have been working and somone else picked it up before me .... Glad Sarah's going well and you both as well..... hope u all had a great christmas take care jules in bundy :p:p:D:D

29th December 2005, 11:21 AM
Happy to hear good progress is being made.

29th December 2005, 12:03 PM
g'day waldo,

glad to hear the good news. my young lad came home yesterday and spent the last 16 hrs or so squawking (the little bastard!:D ) he's asleep in his baby bjorn in my lap as I type.

wait till yours comes home. is it worth it ? you bet it is!

29th December 2005, 12:27 PM

Thanks Jules, and PTC, yep she's getting there. She put on 29g yesterday so that brings her to 1829g. No other news to report except that the medication has brought her blood pressure down a bit more which is great.

Zed, I'm sure there'll be plenty of late nights that I'll be spending lurking around this joint in cyberspace while I look after Sarah through the late hours. I'm sure your little bloke will be a stack of fun. Am I looking forward to it - you bet I am!

For the moment I've been making toys for little blokes, now I'll have to look at toys for the fairer sex too.

Kylie and MIL have just left to head in to see Sarah for the arvo. I go in every couple of days. Every day would kill me - just sittting there on a chair for 1/2 a day kills me, partly from boredom if that doesn't sound too harsh.

Kylie on the other hand could sit there 24 hours a day.

Studley 2436
29th December 2005, 12:56 PM
g'day Waldo
Glad it is all going well there for you. Sounds like things are progressing nicely for all. Don't be worried about getting bored that's just the difference between men and women. Women just lap up a situation like that.

re the cigar don't draw back on it and take your time to enjoy it


29th December 2005, 01:03 PM
g'day Waldo
Don't be worried about getting bored that's just the difference between men and women. Women just lap up a situation like that.

re the cigar don't draw back on it and take your time to enjoy it


G'day Studley2436,

Glad people understand, makes me know I'm not a nasty bloke.

I lit it up yesterday, btw I don't smoke - hate the stuff, but it's got a real nice flavour that's sort of like a deep roasted taste. I had it sitting on a cast off bit of wood for about an hour with a puff now and then and the thing only burnt down by about 20mm with probably another 130mm to go.

It's been kept moist so not to dry it out, as per instructions from my BIL.

I'll head back down the shed soon to continue paint, estapoling etc. (waterbased) and light it up again. I haven't been drawing it in.

30th December 2005, 06:46 PM
I hope it doesn't make you take up smoking.

One thing I find hard with babies is they can be happy being nursed when you are standing but crack up as soon as you sit down.

30th December 2005, 07:58 PM
G'day Aussiecollector,

No chance, the cigar was a once only ever thing, never to be repeated.

I finished it yesterday and ended up getting so hot working in the shed and probably a mix too of the cigar that I ended up having a cold shower and in the process spewed - something I rarely do is get sick.

So no more cigars or similar. I'd rather have the brandy sans cigar.

On Sarah's side of things. Today she was moved out of the public neonatal care part of The Royal Womens' into the neonatal part of Frances Perry on level 11. Where she has joined a lineup with other babies and as she progresses she moves closer to the exit - literally.

She now weighs 1872g and soon will be moved out of the humi crib into an open air crib. She has had a suck on Kylie and when she feeds via her tube now she starts to suck. She starting to lose some of her velvety brown hair and is becoming even more aware of her surroundings.

On Kylie's side of things - leaving Sarah each day is real hard for her and is producing copious amounts of milk, so much so that it's too much for Sarah to drink.

31st December 2005, 10:37 AM
Sounds like your 2 girls will be home very soon, good stuff.:D

And leave them cigars alone!:p

31st December 2005, 11:24 AM
G'day Harry72,

Kylie has been home from the hospital now for about 3 weeks.

Sarah will at least be enjoying the a cooler temperature in the Specail Ward. They keep her crib at 29ºC which is much nicer than the 42ºC expected today.

I'll go in to see her tomorrow, I've got to stay back and continue in the shed - under orders, howzat?! :cool: Santa is late in some Christams presents to some nephews.

31st December 2005, 02:08 PM
Great news Waldo! So glad Sarah is doing well and Kylie too.


31st December 2005, 09:46 PM
.... I'd rather have the brandy sans cigar.

Yep, brandy tastes so much better going down than it does coming up.:D

Glad that all is going well. You won't know yourselves when Sarah's home.

4th January 2006, 10:53 AM

I've been wondering about posting a recent pic of my little girl for you lot to drool over, instead of the usual bits of timber that you've turned into something.

Here she is as of yesterday and now weighs 1988g.

There's a good story behind this pic. Sarah on occasion chucks a huge smile but only on the special occasion that, and as Kylie prefers to put it, "passes wind" and it's only by chance that Kylie caught her in the process.

Thanks Ruffly Rustic and Adelaide Woodie for your cards you sent to us, they really do mean a lot.

4th January 2006, 10:55 AM
A very lucky girl.:)

4th January 2006, 11:29 AM
Thanks Waldo.:)

She is such a gorgeous cutie-pie!!!!!


4th January 2006, 12:58 PM
A lucky man Waldo - even with all the trials it is coming together for you - well done. :)


4th January 2006, 01:09 PM
Kylie prefers to put it, "passes wind"

Chris, don't believe that for a minute. Yes, wind can cause them to turn up the corners of their mouths but they can also smile. Enjoy every one of them and cherish your little one who fought to be with you.

Nice pic. You have a beautiful child.


4th January 2006, 04:28 PM
Wait till she's dating the guys.!!!!
thank you both for the beautiful pic.

27th January 2006, 12:16 PM

Well the exciting news of the day is that our little girl has come home at long last!

Sarah has just had a attempted feed on Kylie with little success so a bottle of Mum's milk followed, normally she fall straight off to sleep. But seeing as it's a new surrounding for her her little eyes are everywhere looking at her new home.

I'll post a pic of her in her new home when I download the shots later on.

Real happy to be a full-time Dad now, from the part-time that I was before. :cool: :)

Wood Butcher
27th January 2006, 12:24 PM
Great News Waldo,

I know that you will enjoy every moment with Sarah and Kylie both being home.


27th January 2006, 12:26 PM
ripper waldo. join the no sleep club mate!! fantastic!!!!:D :D :D :D :D

27th January 2006, 12:28 PM

Does the no sleep club entitle me to more hours in the shed? :D

Thanks Wood Butcher, been looking forward to this for a fair while now.

27th January 2006, 12:34 PM
Great news!

Wood Borer
27th January 2006, 01:03 PM
Great news Chris. She'll be out in the shed in no time.

Good things come to those who wait.

27th January 2006, 02:04 PM
Welcome home little lady and Congrats kylie on all ur hard work wonderful news we are sittinghere smirking !!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
cheers jules and His Lordship !!!

27th January 2006, 02:09 PM
A well deserved happy ending - congratulations Waldo and welcome to the fulltime dad status - wouldn't swap it for the world. :D :D :D


27th January 2006, 02:30 PM
Congrats on getting through a stressful time!!

27th January 2006, 03:21 PM
Congratulations & best wishes to all concerned. Next thing you know, she'll be helping you in the shed.

27th January 2006, 03:46 PM
Great news......SWMBO dancing around kitchen again. :D

29th January 2006, 10:42 AM
Gday Chris, great news mate, glad to hear everyone's home!

Just to clarify, was Sarah smiling when Kylie "passed wind", or did I read that wrong? :confused: ;) :p


29th January 2006, 10:46 AM
Good news Chris, happy days are here again. :D


29th January 2006, 04:43 PM
G'day Scooter,

I must have writen it wrongly although I haven't gone back to see what I wrote, should have been Sarah smiles when she passes wind - and she let's 'em rip too. :) My BIL on wifes side would be real proud of them.

Alex, I won't introduce Sarah to the shed yet, the noisy beastie aka the Dusty might scare her. Also, it's darn hot down there and she could melt.

Yep, happy days. :cool:

30th January 2006, 11:01 AM
Good to hear mate!

30th January 2006, 11:54 AM
Congrats Waldo and Family!! Wonderful News.


30th January 2006, 02:50 PM
Whoooooooo Hoooooooooo!!!


Blessings Waldo & FAmily !!!!

Great to hear..............

Kindest Regards Lou:D:D:D

31st January 2006, 05:03 PM
Waldo, Kylie and Sarah,

Deligthed to hear of the home comming.

On the feeding bit check out http://www.mothersdirect.com.au/prod413.htm for stories, both +ve and -ve sorts of experiences ... Yes Jotham's story is in there. Written by a friend. The moral for me .. do what you can to make breast feeding work, and work hard to make it work 'cause it needs effort and is good but don't beat yourselves up about it if your little one prefers milk in a different package.

You and Kylie sound like you are doing "trifick"

Oh, a message to Sarah ..
"Night time is for sleep .. now and for the forseeable future" :)

best wishes


23rd February 2006, 05:30 PM

Well yesterday was the 22nd and it should've been her due date, so today she should've been just one day old.

She's busy putting in the hard work by having a snooze ready for the next feed. The last attempt was a joke, kept falling asleep on her
mummy, we couldn't even wake her, ended up by dousing her with water literally. (wet cloth)

But she's doing great! Except for constant farts :eek: . Now weighs 3.390kg or approx. 7lb 7oz. Still being watched over for her Kidneys and blood pressure. But no dramas except for having a white blood cell count but that's fixed, has reflux which worries her Mum.

And I have a habit of sleeping through the cries and whinges at night haha.

See ya.

23rd February 2006, 06:23 PM
:D :D :D :D :D
Wish you all the best.

Good pretend sleeping trick too.:rolleyes: ;) :p

23rd February 2006, 06:38 PM
G'dat DavidG,

But the thing is it's honest the sleeping bit.

I'm going to bed each night about 12-1:00 in the morning, I figure that's when Sarah feeds each night so rather trying to sleep for an hour, I'll stay up and come to bed when she's fed - that way I get 3-4 hours before the next feed.

Don't know how this little girl was meant to fit in my little wife - all of 5' 1/2" of her. Pics taken to celebrate Sarah's due date.

23rd February 2006, 07:23 PM
So cute.:D
All together .....a real big group hug to you and yours.

23rd February 2006, 07:39 PM
She is looking great, young and already showing a bit of cheek ;)

25th February 2006, 08:14 AM
Great, to hear every thing is going well.
Now You had better start saving for The Wedding !

Wood Butcher
25th February 2006, 09:36 AM
Wonderful news that Sarah is doing so well, Waldo. Hope the good news keeps oncoming!!

25th February 2006, 09:53 PM
Great to see all are doing well Waldo. Enjoy her baby years, they grow up too quickly (but you still luv 'em).

25th February 2006, 10:03 PM

It's great fun being a Dad, be more fun as she gets mobile etc.

Thankfully and wedding is a fair way off yet ptc.

Yep, things are doing pretty well thanks AlexS and hopfully the good news will keep coming.

Wood Butcher, nothing has shown up yet as to diagnose anything wth her kineys which the specialits are watching closely on.

26th February 2006, 12:02 AM
The wedding is closer than you think start saving now :D

Waldo Great pics great family but being a father of two daughters I can honestly advise that you should make sure your turning skills are up to turning baseball bats, if she looks that good now by the time she turns 15 or so your gonna have big trouble ,

Glad all is so well mate.



26th February 2006, 03:52 PM
G'day Ashore,

Then if that's the case, then there's a few years yet before I have to worry. Right now it's the cuddles that I'm enjoying, then she'll find a bloke and someone else will get the cuddles.