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21st November 2005, 09:11 AM
How is it going?

We are all praying for you and yours.

21st November 2005, 10:25 PM
G'day DavidG and everyone else following this thread,

The specialist today told us that Kylie is no more dilated than when she was admitted Friday fortnight ago, so the drugs are doing some things right.

Has a lot of discomfort in her ribs etc., a friend brought around yesterday a bit of bumpy foam (like gun case foam, apologies for my ignorance of what it's called) the size of a mattress which is really working for her as far as being a bit more comfortable goes.

Just now hoping that she'll make 28 weeks which would be excellent, but any extra day gained is beaut.

Said in earlier posts that I'm working out of the hospital for 1/2 or full days which is a killer in ways because I can't sit still for too much on their chairs.

Had a liitle shed time and I'm itching to get down there more, I might spend a few hours of a night when I get home and have a play.

21st November 2005, 11:49 PM
Yes have break mate. Enjoy.:)

22nd November 2005, 07:29 AM
Least she is still going each day is a blessing and the longer she stays now the better for all concened toes crossed it all goes well.... jules n doug

ps Kylie hope u had a good birffy !!!!:):):):):):)

24th November 2005, 11:01 PM

As an update on the proceedings.

One of the consequences of being a diabetic and pregnant is the build up of fluid, which is th case of the normal person is in the range of 5 -25 with the average being 15, Kylie was 45. So yesterday she had a needle to drain a lot of the fluid, all 2.5 litres of it! She is now 29 on the scale.

The needle posed a few major risks:

• infection;

• bringing on labor with the sudden decrease of fluid by way of breaking the membranes.

Not having the needle also had risks:

• the fluid could build to a point where the pressure becomes too great that it blows the placenta off the wall which would mean loosing Bub.

The needle worked and for the first time last night she had a relxed sleep and slept all the night until 11:00 this morning. The effects of the needle reducing the fluid will last for three days and will have another needle every two weeks (if she stays in that long)

Kylie hit 27 weeks today which is great, if she can hit the magic 28 weeks historically that will be excellent, 30 weeks would be even better, but so too really is another day gained.

(sorry Rob things have been a bit up in the air in regards to client meetings, deadlines and Kylie for me to have been able to do Wednesday night, see what I can do next week)

25th November 2005, 07:32 AM
We are all there with you and Kylie. My SWMBO asks me every day for the latest news.

Wood Butcher
25th November 2005, 08:13 AM
It is great to here that things are going well at the moment. I hope the good news keeps up!!!!

Wood Borer
25th November 2005, 08:36 AM

Great news mate.

You know where the driveway is, you use it as necessary. Having a beer in the shed is secondary at this time.

25th November 2005, 08:52 AM
One of the consequences of being a diabetic and pregnant is the build up of fluid, which is th case of the normal person is in the range of 5 -25 with the average being 15, Kylie was 45. So yesterday she had a needle to drain a lot of the fluid, all 2.5 litres of it! She is now 29 on the scale.

I know what you mean, with us it wasn't so bad, but as I said she still was about 8 weeks in hospital before the birth.

A great highlight of her stay was that one weekend about 3 weeks before the birth I was allowed to take her out for the day as long as she was back by night time. That was a welcome break from the hospital routine.

It doesn't look like you'll get that break but every week she is in there is better for all of you.

Take care.


25th November 2005, 11:12 AM
Waldo thanks for the update - with you all the way brudda http://www.ubeaut.biz/wave.gif

25th November 2005, 11:13 AM
Good to hear the latest news mate... seems that you are staying positive, it must be difficult for you as well.

Kylie obviously has the worst of the situation, with being confined, worried and with the health problems, I guess she is trying to maintain her patience and "wait for the rollercoaster to stop".
For you, being fit and healthy and limited in what you can do for your wife... - I guess it must be frustrating. I guess I'm saying "look after yourself as well".

My wife would like you and Kylie to know that she is thinking of you both and we are both in "Kylie's cheer squad".

27th November 2005, 11:28 PM
Has a lot of discomfort in her ribs etc., a friend brought around yesterday a bit of bumpy foam (like gun case foam, apologies for my ignorance of what it's called) the size of a mattress which is really working for her as far as being a bit more comfortable goes.

Thats what my wife is sleeping on.

28th November 2005, 10:29 PM

Time I guess for an update as some are keen for some new news.

On Friday night they hooked Kylie up to a strap thing that goes around her tummy to meausre bub's heart beat, contractins etc.

Bub had a real high heaartbeat of 185 b/minute and due to the high nature of it ran some blood tests to see if there was any infection and also rather than the test just being for the usual 20 minutes they had her connected for 2 hours. In which time it sounded like a freight train roaring through the joint! Her specialst came in urgently the same night to get a scan of Bub to see if anything could be determined. And within 2 minutes against the usual 6 or minuted was able to establish that Bub is in great health and very strong - trying to breath, thrashing about with arms, fists, knees etc.

Basically they're stumped. The blood tests that were taken earlier came back negative. Kylie had very little sleep that night as they ran two more sets of the same tests through the night. Over Friday night Kylie had some very strong contactions measuring 85 on the ricter scale thingy.

They did the same test later on Saturday morning and Bub had settled back to 165 b/minute (should be around 120 or so) and the contarctions had settled big time.

Kylie makes 28 weeks this week which continues to amaze the speacialists as they expect her to have already to had Bub say G'day to the world. But once she gets to 30 weeks it'll be a different story and at that time they'll all have a big pow-wow and work out the best time to bring Bub into the world as they don't want her going too much past 30 weeks.

28th November 2005, 11:26 PM
Good to get the update, Chris, sounds like you're all in safe hands, full on nonetheless.

Did you happen to mention "woodwork", "Lie Nielson", "next years WW show" or somesuch before bub's heartrate went ape####? Sounds like a future "woodie" in there mate ! :D Or a future SWMBO ! ;)

Hang in there, best of luck to you, Kylie & bub.


28th November 2005, 11:37 PM
Thanks for the update, I still follow this with great interest and fingers and toes crossed, hang in there you are both doing fine by the sounds of it.

28th November 2005, 11:43 PM
G'day Waldo set,

Great News mate, another day done......keep it up!

My wife today said that if I didn't hurry up and post our well wishes, I would never again get close enough to her to try and have kids!

So from the A.C.T: Chris, Kylie and Little one, we offer our thoughts and prayers, and hope all the good thoughts help!

Personally, after following the thread since the begginning I am amazed at the commpassion, community spirit and offers of support. I think it is fantastic and an example to other walks in life of what the human spirit should be like! Well done all you woody boys!

Hang in there mate,

Greg ;) ;)

P.S AussieCollector, hope all is going well for you too!

29th November 2005, 12:13 AM
G'day Scooter,

No but I did tell Kylie that I spent $70 at a garage sale on dark side stuff. (I'll post with some pics my treasure haul, could've spend a stack load more but you know how it goes ;) )

2817741, thanks for the post, I'll print todays well wishes off for Kylie to read as they really do help.

Yeah Savage, things are looking better all the time, had 3 phone calls tonight and thought any one of them could've been the phone call. When you don't get many calls at night you kind of jump when the phone rings.

(Aussiecollector - did I read right I think last night that your wife lost her Mum? I saw the topic somewhere but Explorer crashed and I couldn't find the thread to go back to it. My deepest sympathies go to you and your wife and all those who share the sad loss. Apologies if I read wrongly.)

29th November 2005, 12:43 AM

I'm very new to this forum but do love it and everyone is very helpful. I only stumbled on this thread 30 or so minutes ago and after reading back through three weeks of posts I'm absoloutly astounded by the great deal of care and support everyone is showing (god i hope i'm not getting too mushy). What a wonderful site this is.


I too wish you and Kylie all the best, although i think everything will be fine. I bet she gets alot of enjoyment out of reading all these well wishes. Keep it up mate, soounds like you're doing a marvellous job. Tell Kylie to keep it up too. Won't be long and the family will be back where they belong and you'll have an amazing story to tell bubs when he/she grows up.
best wishes

29th November 2005, 12:56 AM
Kylie must be under some stress with all this, 28 weeks is cruising my sister had a son at 27 weeks and he's 4 now and quite fine(a real handfull too).
How you handling it I reckon you would be a bit uptight with seeing your bride hooked up the all the machines and tests, taken her some flowers lately?

Best of luck guys hope all's going well.

29th November 2005, 08:51 AM

Hope all goes well for you and yours. Best wishes from another expectant father! (just hit 33 weeks)


29th November 2005, 08:57 AM
lets hope that all goes well saw my friend who's bub was born at 30 weeks she is a tiny dolly .. well thats wat she looks like lives in 000000 clothes ( and i didnt think they went that small)
bub is now home and going really well .... hope everything settles again talk soon and love from all here Jules n doug

29th November 2005, 01:21 PM
Gently gently we stroll in the right direction - good on you Kylie and Waldo.

Whatever you do don't shock her with any big purchases - save it till after the birth then you can buy as a celebration of life :D . Ooops sorry getting ahead of myself here :o

Seriously cheers and goodluck and prayers and thoughts with you both.

29th November 2005, 01:27 PM
G'day Teejay,

Does that mean I might get away with buying the 15" CT Thivknesser I want? Wait until Kylie sees your post regards to celebration purchases.:)

Trav, sounds like Woodies the land over are becoming Dads.

Ele__13, all good so far. Just wish Kylie didn't have the discomfort. Her 2nd cousin is feeling guilty that her pregnancy is trouble free.

29th November 2005, 01:28 PM
We are with you.:)
Thicknesser - ok I will let you.;)

29th November 2005, 02:12 PM
Hang in there Waldo, Kylie & Bub. Every day's another step in the right direction.
Will be in Melb for Touchwood later this week, hope to catch up while I'm down there.
PS, was chatting to some Qld colleagues who worked with your Dad.

29th November 2005, 04:34 PM
G'day Teejay,

Does that mean I might get away with buying the 15" CT Thivknesser I want? Wait until Kylie sees your post regards to celebration purchases.:)

The creation of life is a profound and divine occasion and should and should be celebrated with something of comparable significance (said in a holier than thou tone with head wobbling) :D


29th November 2005, 09:37 PM
PS, was chatting to some Qld colleagues who worked with your Dad.

G'day AlexS,

Would be great if we could catch up while you're down here, to thank you in person for organising the vise and also to hear what stories you have to tell about my Dad and who they are that you talked to.

30th November 2005, 09:32 PM
You hang in there bro. The whole team is behind you. :)

5th December 2005, 07:38 AM
Hey Waldo n Kylie hope all is going well .... just wondering how ur all doing best wishes jules

5th December 2005, 08:46 AM
Hope all is well.

5th December 2005, 09:14 AM
G'day Ele_13,

And all the rest of you lot following this.

Friday had it's dramas, which seems to be weekly occurance. Kylie was booked in to have a scan on Wednesday which was pretty important considering her current condition etc., but the Dr who does the scans put her down the list a fair bit and didn't get the scan done until Friday much to the disgust of Kylie's specialist.

Anyway so the scan got done and 2 litres of embryonic fluid were drained. This time as a result Kylie had very severe pain from the reduction as the needle was inserted not more to her side as should normally happen but more on the face of her stomach. Which hit the muscles pretty hard and half way through the proceedure Kylie was already in pretty bad pain.

Not long after she got back into her room she was in constant severe pain. It wasn't that her muscles were going into spasms from having the pressure taken off and from being used to continual stretching, it was more like they didn't know how to relax. I've never seen her in so much pain and she couldn't move. To try and help she was given two panadols, but it was clear she needed much more than this and shortly after was given a pethadene shot.

Saturday was a little better for her by way of the pain and Sunday was much better although not 100% as she still had some pain. Last night she told me she felt weird but couldn't explain how, I rang her this morning and she'd been sick at about 7:00 this morning so they did some blood tests to see if anything is going on.

This week she hits 29 weeks and come 30 they might let the drugs wear off and et her come into labour naturally. That's about the curent play of things at the moment, if anything develops I'll let you know.

Wood Borer
5th December 2005, 09:35 AM
You are a patient and caring husband Chris.

How are you coping?

5th December 2005, 09:48 AM
G'day Rob,

Lonely at night so I spend some late nights poking my head in here. Getting tired of the microwave meals from Coles, but I just had a friend drop off some home meade meals to heat up with a bit more nutrtion.

Starting to find the hours at the hospital are wearing in trying to run a business so I'll have to be harder with the length of visits to Kylie. I've also been ordered to get back in the shed and finish off some toys for some nephews for Christmas.

I'm going in today after a client meeting at home at 11:00, then at 3:00 I have a client meeting in town, so I'm working hospital and clients around each other.

Hoping to find a Saturday that I can poke my head at your place so I can look at some of those planes I bought last Saturday week. Caught up with AlexS on Friday and was hoping to get to the exhibition on Saturday but things got away on me.

Have been meaning to try your driveway but with things starting to come to a head soon and buying a weekly parking ticket has precluded me from taking up your very kind offer.

Hardest bit is not being able to do anything, but being there as I can with Kylie is really helping her, as she's not bored from not being able to do something as my MIL or I am there for each day and into the night around about 8:30 each night.

Motivation to do things is hard at times when my mind is at the hospital, at least the house is still tidy, not that I'm here a geat deal.

I should get some work done or organise what work I'll take in with me today.

Thanks Rob for asking about me. :)

Wood Borer
5th December 2005, 09:58 AM

Meg and I are having a BBQ tonight - Let me know if you want to drop in for a feed around 6:30 PM. Meg can get a couple of extra chicken wings for you.

5th December 2005, 10:08 AM
G'day Rob,

Thanks for the very kind offer. I have just talked to Kylie to ask her about what she wants and would like me to be there for her tonight, as she needs the company.

I hate to turn down an offer. :(

Thank Meg for me and look forward to meeting her sometime and sharing a coffee, a chat and learning from your vast knowledge of experience regarding care and looking after planes.

Wood Borer
5th December 2005, 10:17 AM
No offence at all Chris, you do what has to be done and there will be tons of time to socialise in the future.

In a few years time your little one will be running around giving you lots of pleasure and grey hairs (if you have any hair left).:D

5th December 2005, 04:56 PM
is there a P O box
so that we could send cards to for Kylie
And Thanks for the update.

6th December 2005, 09:45 AM
Hardest bit is not being able to do anything, but being there as I can with Kylie is really helping her, as she's not bored from not being able to do something as my MIL or I am there for each day and into the night around about 8:30 each night.

Not true mate, you just can't see what you are doing in a "hold it and see it" way.
Imagine how Kylie would feel if she didn't have a husband like you, or was on her own.
Stay strong, and remember you are doing all you can.
Best wishes to you both, and thanks for the update.

6th December 2005, 10:43 AM
G'day PTC,

The latest on Kylie is that yesterday she was in a lot of pain which was a bit of a mystery until her specialst came in late afternoon and asked her some questions and looked at results from various tests and then came straight back into her room and said that her best advice was to have an emergency cesarean (this was about 5:30ish). As it turned out it was a very good call because what was happening was Kylie's uterus was starting to come off the wall which would have meant the worst thing.

For the reason that she thought Kylie had a urine infection and it could be doungerous to Bub and she didn't think Kylie's body could hold out any longer.

At about 7:40 Kylie went in and about 8:10 last night a nurse came out and said I've got a little girl. Sarah Elise Waldron was born at 7:56 pm 05/12/05 weighing 1680g. She needed some help breathing at first which was expected and not long after going into ICU she was taken off ventilation and breathing on he own.

It's all a bit surreal right now that all of a sudden I've gone from being a married couple for 9 years to now having a family.

I don't know yet how long Kylie will be in hospital for yet as I left this morning to get back here and get some work done for a couple of hours then head back into the hospital.

But if you want to send cards then the address for Kylie is:

Level 10 Room 3,
Frances Perry Private Hospital
285 Cardigan Street,
Carlton VIC 3053

I'll post a pic of Sarah when I get the shots of her off the camera.

Now for the next phase of her life (Sarah's) as she spends the next 3 months or so in hospital.

Wood Borer
6th December 2005, 10:49 AM
Lucky there isn't a camera here mate or you would see my tears of joy.

Congratulations - Well done and we are hoping everything goes OK from here on for the Waldron Family.

6th December 2005, 10:52 AM
Congratulations :)

6th December 2005, 11:09 AM

6th December 2005, 11:12 AM
Congratulations mate, glad to hear things are going well. It's all a bit scary at first but they're in the best place they can be.

6th December 2005, 11:17 AM

Thanks guys for the congratulations.

Rob, I rang Kylie to read her your message and she was very touched by it. To everyone from Kylie and I thanks for the huge amount of support, well wishes, prayers and congratulations you've given us.

Now how do I give a greenie to the whole lot of you!? :)

6th December 2005, 11:21 AM
All the best to you and your family Chris. Take it easy mate, and enjoy the peace for the next couple of months.

I remember posting a pic of my first just after she was born. That seems like yesterday. She turned two last week. :eek: :eek: It all happens so fast, so pay attention!

Hopefully now Kylie will be able to get some rest.


6th December 2005, 11:27 AM
And another sigh of relief from here too.... my screen's gone blurry but, so I can't read too much more of this thread!

All the best to all THREE of you!


6th December 2005, 11:38 AM
Lucky there isn't a camera here mate or you would see my tears of joy.

Congratulations - Well done and we are hoping everything goes OK from here on for the Waldron Family.

Hi Waldo, all the best for yourself and Kylie and your new little daughter, Sarah. I agree with woodborer, there are tears of joy for you all here as well, and with bitingmidge my screen is particularly blurred - must have to get new glasses!!!. only thing is this is swmbo (sheryl) for bob, not himself. I have been watching this thread all along, albeit silently, until now - just had to say hi to the new family - have fun when you have them both home and enjoy your sleepless nights for the next 5 years and then for the next 20 or so years after that......
:) :) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

6th December 2005, 11:38 AM
G'day Bittingmidge,

I've got doubts abut you lot, you read a few lines of something and you all turn to teary eyed metrosexuals. :D

Thanks Bittingmidge., DanP, SilentC, Wono and Outback :)

6th December 2005, 11:47 AM
Must be the onion I was peeling for smoko!


6th December 2005, 11:48 AM
What a bunch of purse carrying ..... Oh sorry it is not my line.

Well at least now we can crack jokes again.:D

6th December 2005, 12:43 PM
Congratulations Kylie, Chris and Sarah. You are entering one of the greatest times of your life - appreciate it while you can. Not that you don't enjoy it when they're grown up, but children are great for keeping you young while giving you grey hairs.

6th December 2005, 01:08 PM
Congratulations, Waldo. Great news. All the very best to you and your two girls! :)

6th December 2005, 01:45 PM
Never forget how small they are, in no time at all they are telling you how big they are growing and bear no semblance to that little squeely thing that you brought home from hospital. Do not give up on the time, my nephew was born at 1000g and he made it home in 6 weeks!

Wood Butcher
6th December 2005, 02:24 PM
Fantastic News. It is great to hear thatKylie and now Sarah are okay. Congratulations and can't wait to see the pics!!!!

6th December 2005, 02:41 PM
Congrats to the proud parents
Wonderful Christmas present , both mum and bub doing well
Who could ask for anything more


6th December 2005, 02:52 PM

congrats to u all hope that the little madam in ur house brings u lots of happy daze

soggy eyes here 2
love jules n doug

6th December 2005, 03:01 PM
Fab news Chris. Pretty soon all the recent tough times will seem like a distant memory and you'll be watching Sarah spend her first day at school! It really goes that fast.

best wishes to you all, and well done ~!

Welcome to parenthood.

6th December 2005, 03:54 PM

Great to hear the good news. Welcome to the club!


6th December 2005, 04:37 PM
nearest icon to me doing a jig in happiness and relief for you all.
Such Very Welcome and Happy News! Congratulations!


6th December 2005, 05:13 PM
Congratulations Kylie Sarah and Chris, well done.

SWMBO is dancing around the kitchen screaming YES YES YES YES.

6th December 2005, 05:30 PM
Great News !!!
You should copy all of this forum and pass it on to your new Daughter when she is old enough to understand.
And tell her she was a Celebrity( Famous)

Wife and I feel very Happy for You both.

6th December 2005, 05:39 PM
SWMBO is dancing around the kitchen screaming YES YES YES YES.

I hope mine doesn't do that when I tell her, she'll go straight through the floor. :D

6th December 2005, 06:19 PM
Congratulations to you and yours.
Well done. :D :D :D :D :D
When they come home you will know what family life is really like.:rolleyes: ;)

6th December 2005, 06:36 PM
Waldo, Kylie and Sarah - Congratulations. Haven't been posting but have been watching. Wow. I'm a little speechless - sitting here waiting for words to come. Can't think of anything sensible to say so will just type what I've been thinking. Awesome - she's out. There's a lot of love around here. Life is such a journey. Still, one day at a time. 1.6 - so tiny! Hope there's not too much plastic between you and her. Still thinking about you all. Thanks for keeping us posted. Didn't even know you existed 3 months ago when I joined up...seems such a long time ago now. Best wishes to the family, Chris H

6th December 2005, 07:19 PM
Wonderful news. Congrats to you and Kylie.

But it will still be a tough time for both of you for a while whilst Sarah has to stay in hospital untill she is able to come home.

So show us some pics and keep telling us how Sarah is progressing.


6th December 2005, 08:38 PM
You bloody beauttttttttyyyyyyyy :D:D

Congrats Chris Kylie and Sarah. Great news.

Chris, for her dark side apprenticeship, you had better buy Sarah a wooden mallet to chew on and fump things with when she can lift it :)

Tough luck mate, you'll now have Mother's Day to forget each year also :D

Re: distributing the greenies, Gumby missed it but I'm sure he'd be glad to collect them for everybody :D:D:D

All the very best to the Waldron family for the future, and what a great early Chrisssy present.


Captain Chaos
6th December 2005, 09:30 PM
Congrtatulations Chris, Kylie AND Sarah, ( Little Miss Waldo )? This is the best news that I've had today by miles.:D The road just got a whole lot smoother, I hope that you will be back on the bitumen very soon. Wishing you all the very best from here on in.
Take good care all,

6th December 2005, 10:05 PM
More congratulations, Waldo! Enjoy your family and (in about 15 years time) remember that "grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your kids.
Grandpa Graeme.

6th December 2005, 10:09 PM

Strueth! You're out for 1/2 a day at the hospital and I come back and there's two more pages of congratulations from you all. I'll have to print out pages 11 and 12 for Kylie to read tomorrow.

I can't remeber the stuff too well as to all the complications that the doctors found when they delivered Sarah, not complications that she has but what they found that Kylie had.

• Some were a huge blood clot like a shawl covering Sarah's shoulders;

• blood vessels in front of the placenta;

• a lot of blood mixed with the embryonic fluid, which meant internal bleeding; and

• something about a growth of fat that is normally pushed up by the placenta but wasn't in the right place and had grown to 3 times it's original size, so the docs operated on that. (I think I got that right :confused: )

Kylie will be coming out of the hospital on Saturday which she can't wait for and to get home and enjoy the simplest of things like her gardens and the backyard and my shed (I added that one in ;) ) It's like being on Survivor and missing the things we take for granted.

Well here she is, Sarah Elise Waldron.

6th December 2005, 10:41 PM
She's GORGEOUS!!!!!!

Congratulations to you all

Tikki :)

6th December 2005, 10:45 PM
She is so cute

and so much hair

6th December 2005, 10:53 PM
Sarah Elise Waldron was born at 7:56 pm 05/12/05 weighing 1680g.

It's all a bit surreal right now that all of a sudden I've gone from being a married couple for 9 years to now having a family.Congratulations and best wishes to the three of you. The time Sarah stays in hospital will pass in a flash.

My own son was 5 weeks early and was able to leave hospital after less than a week, so don't despair.


Greg Q
6th December 2005, 11:53 PM

I have been holding my breath for you since the first post. Congratulations.


7th December 2005, 11:55 AM
Hello Sarah Elise Waldron.

Job well done to you both Waldo and Kylie. Congratulations.

Studley 2436
7th December 2005, 12:29 PM
Congratulation Waldo! Very good to hear that you got to this point all OK, all three of you that is.

It is pretty amazing how well so many premmies make it through these days. I know of births at 20 weeks that were able to survive and do well. One of my customers gave birth at 20 weeks the baby was 590g not much more than a block of butter.

That makes it 28 weeks by my counting and 1600g which is small compared to full term but sounds like bub will make it through OK

Congratulations again


7th December 2005, 01:26 PM
Sent Kylie a card this morning.

7th December 2005, 02:21 PM
Congrats waldo and family. All the very best.


7th December 2005, 09:28 PM
Hey Chris,

I dont check the post for two days, and you go and let Kylie have little Sarah. Now my swmbo is going to FLOG me for not finding out sooner....Cheers!

Seriously, Congratulations champ! We'll both be bouncing of walls once she calms down a bit!

Congrats again,

Greg and Anne-Marie

;) ;) :) ;) :) ;) ;)

7th December 2005, 10:27 PM
Congratulations Waldo and Kylie. I'm glad that everything has turned out OK for you both and that you now have little Sarah safe and well. We were in Melbourne at Kensington over the weekend staying with our son and his fiancee and helping out with house renovations and during a quiet moment away from the internet I found myself thinking of you and wondering how things were going. We will be grandparents in January and so are beginning to relive special moments. The pictures of Sarah are terrific.

Regards from Adelaide

9th December 2005, 10:29 PM

First up a big thanks to Rob and Meg for the card and to PTC also. It's great the support we're getting and it's been a big plus for Kylie as well.

Sarah was taken off the ventilator on Thursday which goes to show how strong and healthy she is. Today she had some feeding tubes taken out and is now fed orally via a tube down her throat. Her sugars were real low on Tuesday and her sodium was down too. Sarah was 1680 at birth and she has dropped down to 1480 after putting on 18g in the last 2 days I think.

She kicked the hell out of Kylie pretty much without stop from the 11th week and has been much like it since she was born, although today she has settled down for the moment to be a lot quieter and not so restless.

Kylie saw Sarah for the first time on Wednesday night which was real moment for her. But the real moments came when she went down to see her on Thursday night. She got down into NICU just as the nurses were changing over which meant that they had to take Sarah out and weigh her, so the women looking after her asked if Kylie would like to cuddle her. It was really special to her and emotionally too - she loved it. I've got that moment as a movie. And tonight when we went down to see her Kylie got to hold her again which made Kylie's day from what was a hard day for her physically and emotionally.

So now Kylie is getting a bond with Sarah and feeling like she really is a Mum.

FIL and DIL are down. MIL has been down now for the last 5 weeks and really helping Kylie out and when Kylie gets let out she'll come around here to help out (has been staying at SIL place). She has been a huge help, to the point of comng around here and washing the dishes, my clothes and some ironing and getting one round of groceries for me.

Kylie was going to be released tomorrow but the earliest she'll be out now is Monday. I've beeen really looking forward to hugs in bed at night.

So that's the update and more will follow.

Thanks everyone for your support etc. :)

9th December 2005, 10:51 PM
:D :D :D :D
Good news.
:D :D :D :D

9th December 2005, 10:54 PM
G'dat DavidG,


Great legs. :D

9th December 2005, 11:18 PM
Thanks Waldo and Kylie for sharing ur news with us all over the country and os as well
its wonderful news that Sarah is breething on her own and kylie is a able to cuddle her ...

makes life a bit more rewarding ...

cheers from us here in Bundy jules n the slug

E. maculata
9th December 2005, 11:54 PM
Only just caught up with the great news Waldo, she's a li'l ripper mate :D .

10th December 2005, 03:51 AM
Me too, excellent to hear(err read).
Congrats too your family.

10th December 2005, 08:41 AM
Roll on Monday
Not to many Hugs.

10th December 2005, 09:55 AM
Can't believe I missed this thread the past few days - been checking it so frequently till then with all quiet - just like fishing really as soon as you put the rod down BANG.

At about 7:40 Kylie went in and about 8:10 last night a nurse came out and said I've got a little girl. Sarah Elise Waldron was born at 7:56 pm 05/12/05 weighing 1680g. She needed some help breathing at first which was expected and not long after going into ICU she was taken off ventilation and breathing on he own.

It's all a bit surreal right now that all of a sudden I've gone from being a married couple for 9 years to now having a family.

WALDO and MRS WALDO she looks beautiful, so happy for you and would like to welcome you to a whole new world - you'll love it :) :) :)

A family is the meaning of life Waldo welcome to the holy grail.

Bless you both - really this is wonderful.


10th December 2005, 09:57 AM
Oh bugger I'll have to go and grab a tissue :o


11th December 2005, 08:40 PM
Like Teejay, I've been following the thread and thought all was quiet, plus been a bit slack over the past few days and only been on here and there, anyway, congrat's to both of you and your little girl, I can see she will become a "Daddy's Girl" my first one did, couldn't go anywhere without her wanting to come along, lots of fun!:) :cool:

11th December 2005, 10:16 PM
Congratulations to you and Kylie. Now you will have to make sure you and your wife dont burn out with the trips to the hospitial when she is discharged. The hosiptial may have accomadation for you and Kylie to stay in so you are closer to bub. My wife is still hanging on much to the amasement of her Dr.

11th December 2005, 10:29 PM

Thanks Aussiecollector and Savage. No real news to report.

The Docs have been a bit worried about her blood pressure which was around 100, so today they put her on some medication to lower it and has dropped to 90 now. Her heart rate was around 150 - 180 which has now lowered to around 130 - 140 which is good.

They are concerend that she is urinating quite a bit so they will do some tests to see how things are with her kidneys.

Kylie has been very emotional the last two days because as much as she wants to come home she'd rather stay at the hospital where she can go down to see Sarah when and as often as she likes. So tomorrow when she comes home will be hard for a few days with the separation bit.

Thanks for the 13 pages of support guys and girls.

12th December 2005, 12:35 AM
No worrie's all one big happy family around here!(yes OZwinner is the black foil wearing sheep!)

12th December 2005, 08:29 PM

Rather than a PM to thank Termite, I thought I'd make this a public post and thank Termite and his wife Pam for sending the card of congratultions on Sarah's g'day to the world.

So Termite and Pam a very appreciated thank you to you both. :)

12th December 2005, 10:39 PM
Hope all continues to go well for you all.
Can I suggest that in a couple of years time, you make Sarah a rocking horse a la Wongo, with a screw opening under the saddle that allows you to use the body as a time capsule. Print out this thread as well as a WIP of you making the horse & put them in the capsule. Some generations later, when they have the harness restored, your great grandchildren will discover the story.

12th December 2005, 10:52 PM
G'day AlexS,

Yeah not a bad idea at all. I probably should look at making stuff for girls too (rather than just the planes, trains and trucks that I currently do) especially now as I have one.

13th December 2005, 08:19 AM
Just caught up on the news. A big 'whew', and congrats. Have a cigar!


13th December 2005, 09:22 AM
G'day TassieKiwi,

Thanks, I will. My BIL sent me a Cuban cigar which he got from an importer to smoke in celebration. I don't smoke but in the circumstances I'll try it out. He told me it'll take a couple of hours to smoke and so SWMBO has confined me to the shed if I want to smoke it. ;)

15th December 2005, 11:50 PM
So how's it all going?
Any idea yet when you're likely to be able to bring Sarah home?

Best wishes


16th December 2005, 07:19 AM
G'day Ian,

At this stage it looks like it'll be late February before she gets to come home. Her birthdate was meant to be 22nd February and it might even be a couple of weeks after that which may take us into early March.

In the meantime my wife and MIL make the daily pilgrimage into to see her and take in the expressed milk. Sarah is drinking about 12ml a day now.

I go into see her when I have meetings in town. Tomorrow being Saturday Kylie and I'll go in and say g'day.

28th December 2005, 10:15 AM
G'day TassieKiwi,

Thanks, I will. My BIL sent me a Cuban cigar which he got from an importer to smoke in celebration. I don't smoke but in the circumstances I'll try it out. He told me it'll take a couple of hours to smoke and so SWMBO has confined me to the shed if I want to smoke it. ;)

If you just keep lighting it and don't puff on it you may get a couple of days out of the thing in the shed. ;)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Waldo - be good when bub is home but all is well with the world there really :)
