View Full Version : Name wanted for website
4th November 2005, 07:25 PM
Over the years I have made a lot of tools to make life easier.
I smile a bit when someone comes up with a similar tool and shouts about "their" new invention that I built long ago.
I am thinking of making some speciality woodie tools based on some of my shop tools and marketing them online. One of my domains is so I could easily give each type of tool an individual web address, for example,
But it could get unwieldy with an address like
So I wonder if it would be better just to have a single name like and have the tools linked from that.
though even that name's also getting quite long.
All comments or suggestions appreciated.
BTW none of the above sites exist yet so don't bother clicking on them.
4th November 2005, 07:36 PM ( (
Al :p
Auld Bassoon
4th November 2005, 07:45 PM
Hi Bob,
Why not a homepage for "ausmade" with an internal index (links) that take viewers to the relevant area. I cannot see the point of maintaining a specific "homepage" for every item that you might want to put up...
4th November 2005, 08:02 PM
Wot Steve said :)
4th November 2005, 08:17 PM
The way I am setup theres no difference between maintaining one homepage with say 20 sub pages and 21 individual "homepages".
4th November 2005, 08:57 PM
The way I am setup theres no difference between maintaining one homepage with say 20 sub pages and 21 individual "homepages".
Then you'll have a webpage to one day clean up as well as your shed. :D
4th November 2005, 09:04 PM
My deeply held and heavily researched belief is as follows:-
I think all the domain names will end up confusing the unwashed, even though they are subdomains. Better to have one serious domain, and a clear directory page (like this one :D) (
OK my pages aren't quite ready for public consumption either, I've just been mucking round with masked domain redirection, so if you go through that gateway, all pages appear as, all pages have a "home" button taking you back there for a redirect to the next bit.
I'll watch how it turns out Bob, because I could easily do 20 subdomains as well! If that's the case, there may be no incentive to go back to the main page and poke around??? Dunno.
The above hasn't helped me at all, so I'm guessing it hasn't done anything for you either. Sorry.
4th November 2005, 09:10 PM
For your website, it seems to have a bug.
Al :p
4th November 2005, 09:13 PM
Ditto what Steve said.
Auld Bassoon
5th November 2005, 07:39 PM
Bob; it's not for you - it's for the customers! You have to make it easy - and desirable - for them to buy your stuff.
A certain well known Telco here in Oz gets about 25,000 orders initiated per month on one of it's retail web sites - but less than 100 orders are completed (i.e. <0.4%) because it's too darn hard.
Think of it as if you were the customer.
5th November 2005, 07:43 PM
I was thinking the individual names might make it easier for the customers.
5th November 2005, 09:08 PM
I think you should go with the generic sub-domain like Something shorter again would be better. Remember that you don't need the www at the front.
5th November 2005, 11:13 PM
Hi Echidna,
I think all the different domain names would drive me crazy. I prefer to remember that all the good stuff comes from ( i.e. one url and not from a number of urls.