View Full Version : Low slung pool deck

3rd November 2005, 06:51 AM
I've got a job coming up to build a deck around a semi inground pool, the thing is only out of the ground on average, 250-300mm, so not much room for bearers and joists. I was going to use 150x50 treated hardwood for bearers and joists, however, theres not enough room, unless we hand excavate, through solid red clay. The other option was to just use joists, although there would literally be hundreds of stirrups to put in; any thoughts would be appreciated.

3rd November 2005, 07:16 AM
Would it be possible to place the bearers in the position you want and instead of putting the joists on top of the bearers use framing brackets so they butt into the bearer and sit at the same height. Might be able to use 120 x 75 bearers and 120 x 50 joists as well. I dont think the spacings woudl be that great going around a pool.

3rd November 2005, 09:45 AM
Stef's on the right track. Use stirrups to set the bearers at the final height. Then use joist hangers to set your joists at the same level. It works a treat. No dramas at all.

Just make sure that you can get the hangers in the dimensions you need before starting.


3rd November 2005, 07:31 PM
There's many ways to skin a cat, but using joist hangers has got to be the easiest way. Cheers Stef, Trav,