View Full Version : Tradition Wax - Where to Buy?

2nd November 2005, 01:08 PM
I am in desperate need of some traditional wax in Cedar colour.

I am working in Boronia over next few days so I can't make it to Carbatec by close.
I need it ASAP.

I tried ringing the place on Mountain Hwy & Stud Rd but they tell me they have run out and not sure when Neil will be in next (usually comes Wednedsdays he said)

I need Cedar Traditional wax in the Boronia area.

Can anyone please help me?
I'm desperate to finish a Jarrah Bedside table and the customer is coming to pick it up one night this week.
My phone 0421305358
Thank You

2nd November 2005, 01:30 PM
Overnight bag from U Beaut. Only $10, they should be happy to help.

Phone, plastic, despatch.

2nd November 2005, 01:42 PM
I don't own a credit card tho so that could be a problem.

Kev Y.
2nd November 2005, 02:00 PM
I don't own a credit card tho so that could be a problem.

Then you definatly have a problem.

You could always contact jim at "Carrolls woodcraft supplies", and see what other options are open to you

Just had a thought... working in Borinia, you would be close to Vic Wood.


Auld Bassoon
2nd November 2005, 07:08 PM
Hi Andrew!

I have a jar of uBeaut Cedar Trad was - about 5% used - you can have it if you collect it - and replace it with a new jar - the price being the lost 5%http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gif

PM me if interested!


3rd November 2005, 01:47 PM
Just had a thought... working in Borinia, you would be close to Vic Wood.


Thanks for your suggestions.
I actually tried calling them first before coming on here.

Would be ideal if Vic Wood actually answered the phone or returned my messages.
I guess they are on holidays but the message doesn't say.
Very annoying as i could possibly drop past on my way home but I can't even talk to them to arrange. Ive been ringing them for two days now and no-body home.:mad:

4th November 2005, 09:49 AM
No one has any at the moment. Carba Tec Melb might be your only answer. Vic Wood is away and doesn't carry the colours only neutral. We made a batch yesterday and begin dispatching it to distribs today but nop one will see any till Monday at the earliest.

I don't call in to the place on Mountain Hwy & Stud Rd unles I am in the area picking up bottles and jars. Have only been there twice this year, both times was told they would send off an order...... Still waiting.

4th November 2005, 02:32 PM
I have just returned from Bris Carbatec trying to get eee and they are out of this and Traditional Wax and say they don't know when they will get stock - also as soon as they get eee they sell out. It was difficult enough getting there through the cricket crowds at the GABBA. Can it be that hard to stock these items??? :( End of whinge

Did get a second mop and Neil's book "A Polishers Handbook" whilst there though :) .

On the eee I was told to use a mild automotive cutting compound without silicon.


4th November 2005, 03:22 PM
Why whinge? Just get it from here, direct from the maker. I'm sure Neil would prefer if we buy direct as it would mean a better margin for him. I'm all for supporting Neil directly as he supplies us with this place.

Andrew, as far as the no plastic thing goes, open an account with a Visa or Mastercard DEBIT card. No credit that way, but you can use it as a CC for phone and internet purchasing, as long as you have the money in the acct.


Sir Stinkalot
4th November 2005, 07:11 PM
As I am sure that Neil would love the additional profit margin ..... I am sure that he would also like to see his products flying off the shelf from his retailers :)

4th November 2005, 10:34 PM
Andrew, as far as the no plastic thing goes, open an account with a Visa or Mastercard DEBIT card. No credit that way, but you can use it as a CC for phone and internet purchasing, as long as you have the money in the acct.

Yes, I've been meaning to do that, thanks for the reminder.

All is ok now anyway thanks to the kind offer from Auld. http://woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/smilies/smile.gif

I dropped around and picked one up on the condition that I replace it with one hopefully tomorrow if I can get it from Carbatec.

Worked beautiful! I love the stuff.
It finished it off real nice after all my hard work over the past few weeks sanding 100 year old recycled Jarrah which was hard as nails. 4 coats of Rustins Danish Oil & a quick rub with the traditional wax. I'll post up some photos when I get around to it.

Thanks for all your help guys, especially Steve, I owe you one.


5th November 2005, 06:13 PM
The photos came out very blotchy, I think the flash highlighted every detail of the recycled Jarrah but you can still see how smooth it came up with a light satin sheen.

I'm very happy with the product and will be using it on all my pieces from now on.

Thanks for everyones help.

Well I was going to post a pic but looks like it only lets me post a link to a website pic. Since I havent put the pics on my website yet - i can't show you.
After all the trouble I went thru to upload them.
Oh well, not unusual for me to waste a whole day on the pc and achieve nothing.

5th November 2005, 06:34 PM
Well I was going to post a pic but looks like it only lets me post a link to a website pic. Since I havent put the pics on my website yet - i can't show you.
After all the trouble I went thru to upload them.
Oh well, not unusual for me to waste a whole day on the pc and achieve nothing.

Are you sure you read the directions? You can post directly without using links.

5th November 2005, 07:15 PM
Silly me............I was trying to insert an image so I clicked 'insert image' when I should have simply scrolled down and clicked 'file atatchments'.

I think it should be called 'insert image link' or just have 'insert link' without the word image because its just another link thats exactly the same but it would end in a .jpg or whatever. its a link to an image on another website so your really inserting a link not an image. Anyway I'm losing myself now.

I'll post in the photo part of the forum in about 30mins if anyones interested in seeing the pics


Auld Bassoon
5th November 2005, 07:50 PM
Go for it mate!