View Full Version : Desk SO drop front legs for repair
12th October 2019, 10:52 PM
Picking this unit up tomorrow but think this will be my greatest challenge yet. Has anyone experience with repairing legs like this?
15th October 2019, 12:08 AM
Looks like a repair with a typical hide glue fail.
It would have been hard to re glue first time . As in clamping it right . And hide glue fails if its not a good tight join .
Things get worse because now the old glue has to be cleaned off . Hot water and a brush will do it but you lose the perfect fresh joining surfaces.
So two pack glue and clamping it right works . Tricky clamping like that needs a surface built up with Filler and wood to get the right clamping angle .
15th October 2019, 05:05 AM
I took all the legs off and decided to dismantle the loose good ones to clean and glue them. I think they will be the basis of making suitable clamping system first. I suspect I will end up making new sections for the legs to fit into. Started a cleaning of the rest of it just using metholated spirits and a sponge and it is working nicely.