View Full Version : Important Inapropriate banner ad

Ian Artlett
16th September 2019, 09:39 PM
my wife glanced at the laptop I,m using, I,m no prude, but really,is this needed , she just ripped me a new A***, about it. ADMN,can you filter the type of pop ups.

16th September 2019, 11:24 PM
Oh wow! Thanks for the heads up, I should turn off adblocker :roflmao:

17th September 2019, 12:02 AM
Teds plans got an ad in the other day.
Google selects them based on your computers viewing pattern.:rolleyes:

17th September 2019, 08:04 AM
Teds plans got an ad in the other day.
Google selects them based on your computers viewing pattern.:rolleyes:

I wonder about that as I have had ads that are irrelevant to what I view or search for. As I write this, there is an ad for a golf product at the top of this page. I do not play or have any interest in golf and have never searched for golf related products.

I realise that the Forum has no control over the ads and as I said in another thread they are annoying. I ignore them but I am prepared to tolerate them so that the Forum can continue.

17th September 2019, 08:57 AM
I wonder about that as I have had ads that are irrelevant to what I view or search for. As I write this, there is an ad for a golf product at the top of this page. I do not play or have any interest in golf and have never searched for golf related products.

I realise that the Forum has no control over the ads and as I said in another thread they are annoying. I ignore them but I am prepared to tolerate them so that the Forum can continue.

it is a not uncommonly held fallacy that ads relate only to browser history ... one can also buy ads based on gender, age, location and interests (where they have been recorded) or combinations thereof .... the fallacy is similar to the textbook logical fallacy "cats routinely have four legs so anything that routinely has four legs is a cat"

interestingly i sometimes use a vpn and log in via servers in other countries and ads then appear (sometimes in icelandic or german or french) that relate to that country

i sometimes wonder about the efficacy of the ads ... i frequently get an advertisement for real estate in queensland ... i don't search for real estate, live miles from queensland and have only need there four times (two when i was working and two for my wife's music performances) ... i also frequently will get an ad for something that i bought online yesterday .... but the lovely ladies ads, gambling ads etc are like clickbait elsewhere ... they only need and expect a very small proportion of followers

regards david

Ian Artlett
17th September 2019, 09:10 AM
Well I will admit to looking for Japanese tools online, but not this kind,

17th September 2019, 10:01 AM
A while ago, I was constantly getting ads for Russian brides etc. I got sick of seeing them, so I would hit the x & ? Symbols at the corner of the ad, and reported them as inappropriate every time they came up. I don’t get them anymore.
Clicking on those symbols can also get into “ control your ad settings” . I haven’t gone in to see what it does, but it’s there for you to try if you feel the need.

17th September 2019, 10:55 AM
I've had banner ads for products / services that I'm never likely to need or use & have never searched or viewed online, so some adds are "random" in that they are not related to your browser / search history. I occasionally like to test the theory about browser history influencing the banner / FB etc adverts and yes Google definitely does target your history.

17th September 2019, 12:12 PM
I've had banner ads for products / services that I'm never likely to need or use & have never searched or viewed online, so some adds are "random" in that they are not related to your browser / search history. I occasionally like to test the theory about browser history influencing the banner / FB etc adverts and yes Google definitely does target your history.

indeed it does and furthermore if you use a gmail account it picks up from that (or at least used to some years back) .... several years ago i emailed one of my grandnieces telling her that she, her twin sister and year younger cousin (then about 30) were "party animals" (they had been out drinking until 3:30am) ... the next day i had an ad for the hire of ponies and other animals for children's parties

but as you said (and i observed in a prior post) just because it does influence the ads, it is not the only thing that does and some are just directed more generally

regards david

17th September 2019, 01:06 PM
Teds plans got an ad in the other day.
Google selects them based on your computers viewing pattern.:rolleyes:

True story. A workmate and I were talking about timber. He googled Ebony on him computer and pages of naked African girls appeared. Oops!!

17th September 2019, 01:30 PM
My all time favourite ad combination I got


I've really no idea what to make of that! :)

17th September 2019, 02:37 PM
Just got this advert. I have never trade in shares or looked at share trading sites.


Now on I do look at a lot of sites re electronics and wood working tools and equipment etc but I never see banner adverts for those:?

17th September 2019, 03:40 PM
I was new to internet and looking at building a motor I googled stroker kits and I’m still scarred to this day, I turned it off without even seeing any engine parts haha haha

17th September 2019, 04:36 PM
I was looking for paint stripper and short screws... never mind :D

17th September 2019, 06:35 PM
Turned off AdBlock to see what I'd get and my banner ads have been a variety of business, data analysis and oscilloscope tips. Never searched for or been remotely interested in any of those. The best one, however, was an ad for Google Ads.

17th September 2019, 06:40 PM
My wife once googled Turkish Delight as she wanted a recipe. may take a trip tp Turkey one day, without the wife of cause.