View Full Version : FWW goes "Open Slather"!!

28th October 2005, 06:08 PM
At least one would think it has! I try as far as possible to respect others who may have a lower tolerance for offensive behaviour or language, than perhaps I do, and I also deplore a not so gradual decline in society's standards. (While contributing wherever possible to that decline! :D)

I was pretty amused at the Seppo's discussion about some non-existent pornographic connotation on my "fumping" bench thread of a year or so ago, but one particular extreme ultra conservate has finally got to me, and even worse: FWW stooped low enough to publish his letter of complaint! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I really don't know why this letter got so far up my nose, but it did and it does:

Here in part, from FWW #180 December 2005:
(Snip)... I make it (this protest) as someone who strives for a certain level of decency. I refer to the FatMax tape-measure advertisement (FWW #179 p 109: "Stays rigid to 11 feet. No little blue pill needed.") Please don't do this. For some of us, certain areas in our lives are private, and even sacred. Pleaase have the restraint to not go where som much of our society has gone. Keep your respective companies first-class and above reproach. The attempt at humour and cleverness of the above mentioned page is low class and not befitting influential organisations such as yours.

I think it's just the fact that if indeed the writer feels that a private and sacred area of his life has been insensitively breached, writing a letter to an international magazine about it isn't the best way of keeping it private!

I guess I can see that some people get off on sanding and fine finishing. This is the first I've seen get offended at the thought of someone else being able to measure eleven feet without anyone holding the other end of the tape! :D

and here was I thinking size doesn't matter!


P (Or is it me??)
:D :D :D

28th October 2005, 06:09 PM
do yer feel like fumping him BM?

28th October 2005, 06:37 PM
Tell him he's dreaming http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon12.gif

(Here in part, from FWW #180 December 2005) Its not december 2005 for another 33 days http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gif

The trouble with life is there's no background music.


29th October 2005, 12:21 AM
I know where your coming from.

I managed to get a bluey to my reputation from one of our esteemed american friends.
Now, i dont mind the fact that i got one, what gives me the s**ts is that he didnt leave a reason why.
It seems that some are simply "too precious" for their and our own good.

29th October 2005, 12:22 AM
I dunno - I've seen some of the rubbish so called Sensitive Septics write to magazines - it may just be that FWW thought it would give the rest of the human race a free laugh at the dweebs expense - at least I continue to hope so. :rolleyes:

29th October 2005, 12:31 AM
I know where your coming from.

I managed to get a bluey to my reputation from one of our esteemed american friends.
Now, i dont mind the fact that i got one, what gives me the s**ts is that he didnt leave a reason why.
It seems that some are simply "too precious" for their and our own good.

Hang on a tick. You only get a bluey if the giver doesn't have enough "power" (that is has posted enough ) to be allowed to give you a green or red.

It may be that your friend was trying to give you a greenie.

29th October 2005, 01:11 AM
Hang on a tick. You only get a bluey if the giver doesn't have enough "power" (that is has posted enough ) to be allowed to give you a green or red.

It may be that your friend was trying to give you a greenie.

True....but he may have been trying to give me a reddie too.........cant trust those americans;)

29th October 2005, 09:58 AM
........from one of our esteemed american friends........................what gives me the s**ts is that he didnt leave a reason why.

Something wrong here. :confused:

If you get a bluey without a reason ( being a reddie without any effect ) from someone, how can that be from either an esteemed or friend. :confused:

You're confusing friend with wanker.


29th October 2005, 10:28 AM
I don't think I should go on this board before I've had my morning coffee :confused:


29th October 2005, 12:34 PM

when I read that you'd got a "bluey", I quickly skipped the rest of your post, thinking you were referring to the little blue pill in the offensive ad. :o


29th October 2005, 01:11 PM
FWW stooped low enough to publish his letter of complaint! :eek: :eek: :eek:


P (Or is it me??)
:D :D :D

So why not write to FWW clarifying that a fumping bench is for thumping things on wif a grate big hammer. Not for humping so it don't have sexual connotations (cept maybe for some possible deviates)

If the goody two shoes complainant is so innocent how on earth can he relate a blue pill to sexual stuff.

29th October 2005, 04:27 PM
don't know about you guys, but I always take a blue pill before fumping. and I'm upset too. my fat max only stays ridged for 11 inches not 11 feet :eek:. I was going to exchange it for a new one, but swmbo has gotten kinda attached. i think i'll just write to fww instead.


29th October 2005, 05:12 PM
my fat max only stays ridged for 11 inches not 11 feet :eek:.

I still have trouble trying to picture the 11 feet. :eek: You would need a three story house with him on the second floor and her on the ground floor and two big holes in the floor and ceiling in between. :eek:

You'd never be able to get closeenough for a hug and cuddle. :D


29th October 2005, 05:42 PM
It's to be expected. FWW is read by people across the world. By not posting the letter, FWW would be guilty of something much worse, and that is selectively posting letters to the Editor.

Shakers, Mormons, Baptists, Jews, Muslims, Buddists, Shintos and a bunch of others read FWW and contribute their ideas, plans and work. So to not post a complaint I guess would be wrong. Even though at face value it may appear prudish by our standards.

I applaud them for putting the letter in.

journeyman Mick
30th October 2005, 01:40 PM
..........Shakers, Mormons, Baptists, Jews, Muslims, Buddists, Shintos and a bunch of others read FWW .........

I don't think any Shakers read FWW. Shakers did not believe in procreating and their simple, almost austere lifestyle didn't attract enough new believers to replace those lost to old age. (Or to put it bluntly, there's none left! :eek: At least that's what I read in a book about them :rolleyes: )


30th October 2005, 02:21 PM
Thing that gets me about these wowser Seppo's, is that they probably have at least two handguns and an M16 at home.

Never could understand how people blowing each other away, barely raises an eyebrow, even gets a nod of approval if the 'blowee' is seen as an 'enemy', yet a bit of friendly bonking or references to the naughty bits sends them apoleptic.

Rather good eh? (an apoleptic Septic!)

30th October 2005, 03:32 PM
I don't think any Shakers read FWW. Shakers did not believe in procreating and their simple, almost austere lifestyle didn't attract enough new believers to replace those lost to old age. (Or to put it bluntly, there's none left! :eek: At least that's what I read in a book about them :rolleyes: )

MickAlthough the Shakers don't have the numbers of earlier years, there are still a handful or so in Maine.

Rumour has it that a female Shaker invented the circular saw blade by modifying her spinning wheel.