View Full Version : Donating Your Organs

Wood Borer
28th October 2005, 10:31 AM
A mate is in hospital waiting for a liver transplant. Not many people have registered to donate their organs for all sorts of reasons - laziness, selfishness, what's in it for me?, religious reasons, ......

Meg and I have registered to donate our organs - mine might be a bit worn but what the heck.

What about you? Is it possible someone might die because you are too slack to register?

One bloke told me he is too scared to donate his organs because it might hurt!!!!

What are your opinions?

28th October 2005, 10:35 AM
I having a good mick background am scared of the afterlife. what if you appear in it minus the bits you've given away ? an eterntiy without me eyes or heart may be difficult.....

However having said that I know its slightly selfish cause if I need one I wouldnt mind getting it, I would donate whilst alive to my family...

however having said that is not earth overpopulated by apes already ?

hard question oh mexican... no easy asnwer - gotta be a personal thing....

wheres the optionin the poll that asks "I dont know what I should do?" that's my vote.

28th October 2005, 10:54 AM
Yes, when I am dead I am all yours. Take me, cut me open, do whatever you like. Cook me, roast, bake, stew or make some organ oil if you wish.

Surprise me.

Don’t worry I will deal with buddha. :D

Hang on doctor I am not dead yet!

Kev Y.
28th October 2005, 10:55 AM
I have not registered for organ donation... yet.

I am in a bit of a quandry about the whole thing anyway. what happens if the organs I have to donate when the time comes, are all worn out?,

what happens IF my chidren object to me donating my organs?

Basicaly at this point in time I have no opinion either way on the subject. :o


28th October 2005, 11:06 AM
I've registered. I won't be in need when I'm gone. There isn't anywhere to go to take them in my opinion. No point letting the worms eat them.

Not sure what they'd do with a well used liver though. :)

They can have my eyes, no warranty though, they can't see red/green very well. :D

Kidney's shouldn't be a problem - still working.

Do they transplant 'willies' ? Low mileage on this one. :D

Wood Borer
28th October 2005, 11:10 AM
Do they tranplant 'willies' ? Low mileage on this one. :D

Most blokes use inches - impressive when you use miles. :cool:

28th October 2005, 11:10 AM
I'm a DONOR A on my license, whatever that means. Not much use to me when I'm gone so if it saves someone or gives them a better life then they are welcome to it. If any of it's any good to anyone that is. I'm doing my best to make sure I get the most use out of it before I'm done with it.

28th October 2005, 11:12 AM
Most blokes use inches - impressive when you use miles. :cool:

At least I stopped short of saying "Only used by a little old lady on Sundays !"

:D :D

28th October 2005, 11:15 AM
A message to Zed:

With missing organs, you are most likely to get a new body when you get reincarnated. Think outside the square mate. :cool:

28th October 2005, 11:45 AM
No probs - whole family has registered. We discussed it and decided there's probably no point in hanging on to what's going to go up in smoke anyway.

Wood Borer
28th October 2005, 11:49 AM
You can register on line with the Australian Government at this site.


When someone gets my bits they will probably go over to the Darkside. ;)

28th October 2005, 11:59 AM
Since I don’t have private health care, I want to make sure my good body parts would only go to public patients. I would also like to exclude all vegetarians, cat lovers, real estate agents, and lawyers. :D

Sorry it is Friday I just don’t feel like doing work. :o

28th October 2005, 12:49 PM
I am a strong believer in donating organs.

But you really need to discuss with your next of kin. When the time comes THEY have to agree to release the organs. There are an enormous amout of peolpe in Australia that are registered organ donars but only a fraction of these peolpe will end up having their organs available. This could be for all sorts of reasons (ie. illnesses at time of death) but a large number will be because their next of kin refuse to sign the form.

My wife has a "enduring power of atterney" and knows my views on donating my organs. It is also clearly stated in my will.

28th October 2005, 01:07 PM
A message to Zed:

With missing organs, you are most likely to get a new body when you get reincarnated. Think outside the square mate. :cool:

christian afterlife is not "reincarnation" buddha... I dont know the rules that god made - only the intepretation that the pope et al has made.

28th October 2005, 01:10 PM
You go back into the earth that you came from. They even say it at Christian burial ceremonies: "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust". If there is an afterlife, it's not your 'mortal body' that goes there.

28th October 2005, 01:14 PM
As knucklehead says. Having yourself listed and having 'potential organ donor' on your licence does not mean that you will, in fact, donate your organs. It just give the medics a bit more pressure to put on your NOK. You need to make sure your family is well aware of your wishes and have it in your will, allthough by the time they get to your will your organs are cactus. :rolleyes:


28th October 2005, 01:16 PM
PS I don't have it on my licence but my family are well aware that I will donate.

28th October 2005, 01:31 PM
The missus and I have discussed this and other such topics:

1. We will both donate our organs
2. We don't want to be kept on a life support machine
3. We want to be cremated
4. If either of us dies with our livers intact, we have not tried hard enough - the liver is evil and must be punished.... :p

Ivan in Oz
28th October 2005, 02:30 PM
The missus and I have discussed - the liver is evil and must be punished.... :p

Give your Liver to someone else to flog and Overwork :D :eek:

Will I ever tire of being a giver, peeves me at times; with ALL the Takers out there :confused:
Once I die, maybe even after that :D :eek:

28th October 2005, 03:05 PM
At least I stopped short of saying "Only used by a little old lady on Sundays !"

:D :D

Mr Gumby r u saying SHMBO is a little old lady???? dearie me ......

mind u HTTHSBO is peeing himself laughing atm reading this one .. cheers all Jules

off on a tangent

why is it that parents are punished when thier kids get suspended from school .. the kids love not having to go to school so we get punished HMMMMMMMMMMM

28th October 2005, 03:19 PM
I think that going to one's grave (in my case - a watery one) with a perfectly healthy liver is sheer, profligate waste.

Again from a personal perspective, liver should read deader once middle age threatens

28th October 2005, 07:34 PM
Since I don’t have private health care, I want to make sure my good body parts would only go to public patients. I would also like to exclude all vegetarians, cat lovers, real estate agents, and lawyers. :D

Nice try Scott. :rolleyes:

Al :D

28th October 2005, 07:36 PM
I keep trying to donate an organ, but the missus keeps on refuseing.

Al :D

28th October 2005, 07:42 PM
The missus and I have discussed this and other such topics:

1. We will both donate our organs
2. We don't want to be kept on a life support machine
3. We want to be cremated
4. If either of us dies with our livers intact, we have not tried hard enough - the liver is evil and must be punished.... :p

Re 1, 2 & 3
SWMBO & I decided the same, & while going through the pre-retirement stuff of wills, EPOs etc, the solicitor suggested that we make living wills & give a copy to our GP to keep in his records, & to the kids so there's no arguments.

Re 4.
Wicked, wicked liver. Take that & that & that!

28th October 2005, 08:59 PM
When I'm gone (sorry fella's not for a while yet I hope), they can have what ever is left, simple as that, I would like to think someone gets parts not because they abused thier own but had a stuffed one from the start e.g. a blind child gets my corneas and is able to see for the first time. Not some alcoholic who has abused his/her liver and is just going to do the same with mine, but I'll be gone and won't be able to do much about it, as it is all need to know and only the surgeon knows for sure. I think they tell you that a 30yr old got your liver and two people got a kidney each etc....


28th October 2005, 09:16 PM
I recon there should be a box on your drivers license application/renewal that you have to tick if you DON"T want to donate organs - as oppose to if you do. People are too lazy to tick the donate box.

29th October 2005, 01:54 AM
I havent got a problem with donating....but shouldnt i have a say who they go to?

My reason for saying this......George Best.
He was an Alco before he got his transplanted liver......and from all accounts was back on the booze within 12 months of recieving a transplant.

I can only imagine how the organ donors family may feel knowing that their loved ones liver MAY have gone to a person that didnt appreciate the gift.

If i could choose who could recieve my organs....yep im all for it but if others choose for me...i have a problem.
a donor card is very simplistic, YES or NO, why cant there be a multiple choice, like i dont want alcoholics to get my liver....isnt that my choice...to see someone actually appreciate the donation and

Not get it simply because they fit the PROFILE or are NEXT IN LINE.

Just my thoughts

29th October 2005, 09:35 AM
I havent got a problem with donating....but shouldnt i have a
If i could choose who could recieve my organs....yep im all for it but if others choose for me...i have a problem.
a donor card is very simplistic, YES or NO, why cant there be a multiple choice, like i dont want alcoholics to get my liver....isnt that my choice...to see someone actually appreciate the donation and

Not get it simply because they fit the PROFILE or are NEXT IN LINE.

Just my thoughts

My thoughts too.


29th October 2005, 03:59 PM
...or make some organ oil if you wish.

Put me on the list for some of that Chinese tongue oil! I've heard it works great :D

29th October 2005, 08:28 PM
I've registered and the missus has as well - the family knows our views and "should" respect them as most of them are registered as well.

The missus and I are fairly religious - and we figure that if God can't sort out the odd missing bit, then we've had it all wrong anyway.

I figure its the "gift that keeps on giving", the taxpayer gets to foot the bill, and someone and their family are happy - wins all round.

31st October 2005, 11:03 AM
Been registered for donations since 1982 - us atheists don't have to worry about rocking up anywhere with bits missing. Also used to donate blood regularly but when I came down here I got told "we don't want your nasty, BSE-riddled foreign blood". No convincing them that I'm very unlikely to have BSE as I've not eaten a cow since 1988 - if you were in the UK you can't donate. Still, seems they're happy to have my nasty, BSE-riddled, foreign internal organs. Whatever, if it does somebody some good... Wongo, I'm veggo and I've got a cat - should I put you on the exclusion list just in case? :D :D

31st October 2005, 11:23 AM
Wongo, I'm veggo and I've got a cat - should I put you on the exclusion list just in case? :D :D

Yes please, I want the good ones only. :D

31st October 2005, 09:08 PM
I am going to donate my bum et all to the tax man, he's been up there so often I reckon he owns it!

1st November 2005, 12:05 AM
I recon there should be a box on your drivers license application/renewal that you have to tick if you DON"T want to donate organs - as oppose to if you do. People are too lazy to tick the donate box.
I worked in a kidney transplantation ward for a couple of years and some countries, eg SPAIN have an opt out rather than opt in system for organ donation. I'm with you it's a good idea :)
If you don't donate it's just offal

1st November 2005, 07:46 AM
haven't registered for the organ donation but the wife does know that i don't have a problem and certainly won't need them (whether anyone wants them is a dtfferent story).

Have registered with the bone marrow registry thought, worth doing. The best thing with that is that you are still alive after the donation to feel good about it.



1st November 2005, 05:54 PM
I am registered for bone marrow and organ donation in Australia as well as in Japan.

What is often in higher need, though less glamorous is blood.

To do a liver transplant, about 70 units of blood are needed if nothing goes wrong. (this is going back a bit, so the figures could be out)

We love to complain about paying too much tax, the hospitals not having enough beds and government wasting our money.

The more people that give blood, register for bone marrow donation and organ donation, the less time kids with leukaemia, patients waiting for transplants and road accident or other trauma victims will need to wait for their chance at life.

Like most of us, it took the death of a young girl in my home town to show how real these things are.

Getting back to our tax, every day sooner that a patient is cured, fixed or patched up, is one less day they are in hospital. The mathematics are astounding as to number of days by cost per day by number of patients. Next time you listen to talk back radio and hear the complaints about budget shortfalls, ask how many of us are donating our pint of blood?

I have a condition called haemochromatosis or something like that, so I am at the other end. For a while there I had to donate blood weekly to get the iron levels down. Was tempted to binge on steak so I could set some new donation record. Cholesterol put a stop to that.

From a right wing capitalist perspective, it saves money.
From a socialistic perspective, it saves lives.
It is the apathetic perspective that is the one to watch out for. Though giving blood or registering to be a donor is pretty easy, it is easier not to do it.

Ask your mates if they are registered. If not, why not? If not, when?


5th November 2005, 02:45 AM
I missed this, but I can't vote as none of the choices fit me.

Can you make a "if they don't take them, I'll come back and haunt them!" option please?

Anyone who can sign for me when I go knows that they can take anything they can use, no matter where it happens.

No brainer for me.

Mum's had someone else's kidney for 16 years now. :)

Don't know who it was that donated it exactly, but they are a saint and I thank you.

But, also know of many who aren't here because there aren't enough spare parts to go around.

Nice to know that the father of three, nicest guy you could possibly meet, etc, etc is no longer here because someone decided it was too icky or they were too ignorant to consider passing on their organs that they or a loved one could no longer use.

To all of you who say yes, thanks.

Someone like you let me keep my mum. :D

P.S. Greenies all round to anyone who ticked the yes box. ;)

P.P.S. Will hunt down anyone I missed soon. :D

7th November 2005, 10:36 AM
Already done. It's so much nicer to do it when you're still alive because then you can forever tell the person who you helped, how they should be eternally grateful and buy you tools every Christmas. My sister's got my kidney (the worse one. Wasn't giving away my good one), and I remind her every single time I see her what a wonderful human being she has for a brother. She's getting a bit sick of that though. Keeps threatening to give it back. :)

To not see your sister on a dialysis machine every day because of me is a feeling that cannot be replaced by any other emotion anywhere in the world. Trust me.

Anyone who hasn't decided, go and register. Also, tell your loved ones and family your wishes, basically anyone who's likely to be around you when you die.

But don't wait until you're dead.........oh...except for the vital parts ;)

10th November 2005, 05:46 AM
I would be a hypocrite if I didn't donate. I am walking arround with someone else's cornea - not that it helped much the eye is still blind (but a great excuse for poor parking, crooked cuts etc.).http://www.ubeaut.biz/chuckle2.gifMy family is well aware that my bits are up for grabs - if there is someone desperate enough to need such worn-out and abused organs.

Wood Borer
30th November 2005, 08:12 AM
A mate is in hospital waiting for a liver transplant.

I heard my mate received his new liver and is now on the road to recovery.

Thankyou to the thoughtful person who saved Neville's life. He will be gracing us with his wonderful fine woodwork very soon hopefully.

30th November 2005, 08:20 AM
hey Wood Borer,

thats fantastic news, another example of selflessness helping others out.


Wood Borer
30th November 2005, 08:25 AM
Thanks mate.

Hopefully by spreading the word there can be further good news for others in this sometimes sad world - caused by selfishness.

1st December 2005, 12:32 AM
A message to Zed:

With missing organs, you are most likely to get a new body when you get reincarnated. Think outside the square mate. :cool:
Another message to Zed...sorry to disappoint you but there's nothing mate, only fat hungry worms and what a waste. I'm donating anything that still works and the University is getting whats left. (they pay for the funeral service). What I would really to have happen with my poor old cadaver is to be frozen and sliced in to miniscule wafers by a beautiful Lei Neilson plane.:cool: now that WOULD be cool.

Greg Q
1st December 2005, 09:06 PM
I heard it described in some movie thus: Someone else is donating ALL of their body just to keep a small part of YOU alive..;)
