View Full Version : Floor finish

24th October 2005, 11:14 PM
Hi everyone,

I am hoping that someone can come up with a good solution for the following problem....

We have recently applied finish products to our Blackwood timber floor. Most of the floor we finished in Feat Watson's tung oil flooring product (forgotten the name). The bathroom however the building inspector made us do in a poly finish, and we chose Cabot's Clear Finish water based.

Unfortunately, the timber has come up quite different in intensity of colour between the two products. The oil has a tinit in it, and the timber is really lustrous and golden, while the Cabots product has left the timber looking just like it is clean and polished. Both are similar in terns of satin sheen though.

Does anyone have any ideas of how to fix this, or whether the Cabot's product might possible yellow a bit over time?


24th October 2005, 11:35 PM
RE sand coat the hole lot in a water based poly floor finsh, incld sealer plus a couple of top coats, there are no edge bonding issues with water based polys unlike the old ones.

Water based poly floor finshes are used in commmerical applications and cop heaps of foot traffic.

25th October 2005, 07:20 PM
RE sand coat the hole lot in a water based poly floor finsh, incld sealer plus a couple of top coats, there are no edge bonding issues with water based polys unlike the old ones.

Water based poly floor finshes are used in commmerical applications and cop heaps of foot traffic.

Slightly OT

does anyone know if you can spray poly floor finish with an air gun I realise you would have to thin it a bit, just a thought


25th October 2005, 08:45 PM
spray poly floor finish

yea, we do it for our sample boards, we leave the spray pot pre mixed ready to go.

Maybe not a good idea in a house with the over spray plus fumes, also would require a number of coats to get the film thickness.