View Full Version : Username change Xfigio to LanceC
1st June 2019, 06:36 PM
Not an introduction, rather a heads up that I’ve finally got around to having my username changed.
Rather than continue to use an unpronounceable keyboard “splash”, I thought my actual name would be better suited.
Now back to your scheduled viewing...
1st June 2019, 09:48 PM
Hi Lance,
I also would like to change my username, could you please advise how this is done.
1st June 2019, 10:36 PM
Hi Lance,
I have found out the way to change username.
Thanks anyway.
4th June 2019, 10:58 PM
I quite liked your original name. Often see user names and wonder how they were thought up or came from.
5th June 2019, 02:36 PM
I quite liked your original name. Often see user names and wonder how they were thought up or came from.
The first Lord of the Rings movie had come out in 2001 (I think), and I was hypothesising with a fellow worker how Tolkien came up with his character names. Being a little silly, I suggested that as he probably typed the book on a typewriter, and may have "splashed" his fingers across the letters to come up with a name. As I said this, I performed the action on my computer, and "Xfigio" came out. :cool:
10th June 2019, 10:19 PM
You've been a long term member Lance...
Make sure you keep sharing your know how and projects with lots of photos and WIP notes.
Cheers, crowie