View Full Version : Strauss

21st October 2005, 08:45 PM
I have just got a cd of The Magic of Strauss.

I know. :o

But now I love everything from AC/DC to Strauss.
Weird or what?
Must be an age thing?

Al :D

Wood Butcher
21st October 2005, 08:52 PM
I know. :o

Weird or what?

Al :D

Least you can admit it!!:rolleyes::D

21st October 2005, 09:23 PM
Yeah!...I have similar taste in music, but my musically uneducated spouse and offspring (kids not the group) won't let me play any thing classical, so I have to wait till they all go out :( .


21st October 2005, 09:31 PM
I know the feeling Ozwinner,i can endure days of Meatloaf to Mozart............Regards.......AL

Wood Butcher
21st October 2005, 10:01 PM
My parents are really into classic, but as kids we hated classical. So my parents bought the Hooked on Classics collection. Classical music to a rock beat, don't mind it!

21st October 2005, 10:05 PM
Good music is good music, genre and date of composition matter not one whit. Unless the genre features Miles Davis. Then it's always sublime... mostly.

21st October 2005, 10:13 PM
What gets me about Strauss and Co.
Is that they had nothing to work off, what made their music is from inside their head.
Muso's of now a days have other stuff to get ideas from.
Dont get me wrong, I love the music from NOW....
But the old dudes actualy made music.

Al :cool:

21st October 2005, 10:36 PM
My favourite is 50's Rock'n'Roll, my kids make fun of it, but when I point out that a lot of their "music" is just another version of the stuff I like, they say "No way". So I drag out the original and they stand there looking at each other puzzled, It's so funny!...:cool:


E. maculata
21st October 2005, 11:34 PM
Good music is good music, whatever the age of the composer/artist, genre' becomes blurred as your palate expands.
Not an age thing Al more an open mind thing I reckon, no. 3 brother was a professional muso for 15 years (having kids fixed that)played in successful heavy metalish band for 3 years, then folk, then 6 years in very successful Irish/folk/rockish band fulltime, there's alot of us with eclectic tastes, we're just not "hip".

My collection from the Clash, Sgt Peppers, the stoutfellows(irish folk)to yes classical. In other words from 110 dba to 110dba, just in different tempo

21st October 2005, 11:40 PM
Mummy, make the strange men go away ... :eek:

Work on a bit of ZZ Top Al, then you'll like AC to ZZ :D

Cheers..............Sean, gimme all your lovin' :)

22nd October 2005, 08:47 AM
But the old dudes actualy made music.

Al :cool:
John Paul Young (?) ex Led Zeppelin (Stairway to Heaven) now writes Spanish Madrigal, KISS were all clasical musicians, there are still a lot of classical composers out their still writing without any aids.
I wonder if the famous ANON family are still writing :rolleyes:

22nd October 2005, 08:54 AM
But the old dudes actualy made music.

Well, the instruments weren't sitting around idle awaiting Strauss et al. :D Anyone who studied music would have been exposed to lots of music. Just not on the radio or stereo.
The genre we call classical today was nothing more than the pop music of the era. And with pop there has always been the real musicians and the copiers.

22nd October 2005, 09:03 AM
The genre we call classical today was nothing more than the pop music of the era.
NOt quite true, there were the serious writers as opposed to the popular gigues (jigs) and dansayrs (dances) of the peasants, often passed down but never written, some composers did use them as a basis for elaborate composition.
And J S Bach put it all together by creating the scales and signatures we know today.

Hey you edited while I was replying...............foul

22nd October 2005, 10:04 PM
Al, you need to get some t shirts printed up:


Cheers...............Sean, classsical gas

22nd October 2005, 11:03 PM

All these wusses are just trying to be nice to you, cousin. :(

Listen carefully to your Cousin Col:-


Strauss and Acker Dacker? :eek:

Give me a break! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

23rd October 2005, 08:12 AM
John Paul Young

Wrote "Love is in the air" John Paul Jones was in Zeppelin.

23rd October 2005, 08:32 AM
I was close though :rolleyes:

23rd October 2005, 09:05 AM
In the words of Maxwell Smart : "missed it by That much" :)

24th October 2005, 11:05 AM
KISS were all clasical musicians
You might be thinking of Queen there, Ian.

One thing about classical music (which wasn't called 'classical' at the time :rolleyes: ) is that there are a lot of very structured rules about how it is written and performed. You need to understand all of the instruments and what they are capable of before you can compose.

The amazing thing to me is someone like Mozart who could hear the whole thing in his head. Other guys would write it down, play it, change it, fuss with it for years and years before getting it right.

Having been involved in song writing, I can say that the average amount of effort that goes into a modern song is probabaly 1000th of the effort that someone like Strauss put in.

24th October 2005, 11:18 AM
You might be thinking of Queen there, Ian.
Actually, I have to retract that too because I've just had a quick look through their biographies on Wikipedia and they were all in different fields before Queen was formed. I always thought Freddy was but he did piano grade IV and that's it. His education was Graphic Arts.

E. maculata
24th October 2005, 12:28 PM
Graphic Arts.
Sounds like :cool: MENTAL AS ANYTHING.

24th October 2005, 06:29 PM
Having been involved in song writing, I can say that the average amount of effort that goes into a modern song is probabaly 1000th of the effort that someone like Strauss put in.
AMEB 8 Classical Guitar, I have some understanding of whats involved :)

Andy Mac
25th October 2005, 09:34 AM
Hi Ozwinner,
I don't think its an age thing, unless a certain generation grew up more open minded!!:D SWMBO is convinced I have multiple personalities...
I think its more of a mood thing. Depending on the day, I drag out classical guitar, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Gregorian chant (church music), Jazz, Triple J compilations, Blues (lots of it!), Beethoven piano or Van Morrison. If I can't be bothered selecting something, the radio stays on JJJ, except for the odd footy match or the cricket.
The thing I can't handle anymore is the 70's and 80's "classics", the stuff I grew up with...been there done that, to death...but I must be in the minority judging by the number of radio stations dedicated to that genre.

Cheeers for now,