View Full Version : Sealer for wooden soup bowl

11th April 2019, 09:54 PM
Hi all,

This is my first post.

I have been researching for some time now to see what varnish/sealer product I can find in the Australian market to refinish my wooden soup bowl(s) which its initial finish has come off over years of use.
I think urethane based products are the best choice for their durability & water resistance but I am just not sure if it will be safe even after it has cured fully as it would be subject to being filled with liquid over 60 - 70 Celsius degrees.

Does anyone have experience in such an application?

Thanks in advance.

24th May 2019, 06:21 PM
Have you tried "Tried and True"Original? It's made with polymerised linseed oil and beeswax. Food safe.

27th May 2019, 03:02 PM
If you are using it as intended, hot soup, I wouldn't seal it at all. Whilst Livos have a certified food safe product, I would not recommend that either. The heat would effect the coating and most likely give the food a different taste. At least it has a full ingredient disclosure...but still, and definitely not poly.