View Full Version : Protecting new timber palings

pedro the swift
3rd March 2019, 04:20 PM
Greetings to all,
I have recently had new palings placed around the bottom of my high set house and they need painting to protect them from weathering. does anyone have useful suggestions as to what can be used to paint(brush or spray) these palings in an economical manner to protect them.
Thanks in advance.

3rd March 2019, 04:44 PM
Any idea what sort of timber? If they are treated pine fence palings they will be very wet and need time to dry before any coating is applied.
Are you looking for a clear coating, stain or paint?

pedro the swift
3rd March 2019, 05:30 PM
Any idea what sort of timber? If they are treated pine fence palings they will be very wet and need time to dry before any coating is applied.
Are you looking for a clear coating, stain or paint?

They are just ordinary fence palings. Hardwood i believe. Don't need clear coat, just some sort of stain or paint(most economical) to protect the timber. i'm guessing paint would probably be the best bet! What would Justin use?

4th March 2019, 08:41 PM
Ideally the front of the batons and back of the palings should have been at least under coated before fixing. Otherwise you are likely to get wood stain over your nicely painted palings next time it rains.

Personally I would just buy a good brand exterior water based paint. May need an oil based undercoat to seal timber first depending on the colour of the paint.

But I am no expert and hate painting.