View Full Version : Metal work forum

28th February 2019, 12:53 PM
Metal work forum is not working just getting big orange & yellow panel with lots of words

28th February 2019, 01:17 PM
Working fine for me

28th February 2019, 01:40 PM
Same here too China, sent Neil an email earlier today


28th February 2019, 01:50 PM
Just heard back from Neil and they know about it and Steven is working on it.

Apperantly not working if you’re on Wifi but works when on Mobile with wifi off.

28th February 2019, 01:59 PM
Not only wifi, I don't use it

28th February 2019, 02:14 PM
No idea why it's like this but some can use it without any problems. I can't get on to it at the factory so I may as well blame NBN but Steven says not. He can get on via NBN at Deakin. I can get on as DJ said above with wifi turned off and using phones data instead but can't get on using wifi which is through NBN at factory.

Logged in that way and there were 50 users on the forum.

Steven is currently in the midst of massive migration a heap of sited from a server that's threatening imminent collapse new server so the fix for the current MWF problem may take a little while.

Hopefully it won't be too much longer. :C

28th February 2019, 02:57 PM
What browsers are you using ?
I'm on chrome on the PC as well as android (S9) and no problems


28th February 2019, 03:09 PM
On an iPad Pro, tried Safari and Chrome.

1st March 2019, 11:09 AM
Anyone having that problem today?

I just tried to login via factory computer and the MWF address was in the address bar but what came up was what looks like a home page for Auskadi. Has anyone else seen this.

Not sure if this if this is a genuine page, but to be on the safe side if you see it don't click on it.

If so can you let me know and also tell me which service provider you are using. Factory is with Telstra NBN through wifi router.

MWF works fine from home iiNet cable through wifi router.

Steven has been alerted. Yet again.

1st March 2019, 11:20 AM
I got the Auskadi one earlier about three times, currently getting File not found.

Home is Telstra nbn via wifi, also tried with wifi off on iPad via cellular as well

1st March 2019, 11:26 AM
Thanks for that DJ. It confirms at least one of my suspicions.

Will pass it on to Steven.


1st March 2019, 11:39 AM
No problem here Neil. Been on a number of times this morning.
IE11, W10, hard wired connection through router to Telstra ADSL2.

1st March 2019, 12:13 PM
Tried at 11.40am got Auskadi screan

1st March 2019, 12:32 PM
Tried at 11.40am got Auskadi screan

Some help please:
Service Provider (Telstra NBN, iiNet, other)? What browser? What program and version (Google, IE, FireFox, etc)?


1st March 2019, 02:53 PM
Telstra NBN,Google Chrome, windows 10 pro

1st March 2019, 06:57 PM

I can't get on either. Getting directed to Auskadi. On Telstra NBN via Wifi.


Uncle Al
1st March 2019, 07:44 PM
I just hopped onto the metal work forum from the link on this forum, haven't been there for a while, all looked normal to me.
I'm using a Mac with High Sierra, Optus cable, Firefox 65.0

Maybe the problem has been resolved now?


1st March 2019, 08:12 PM
Having the same issues, Auskadi page coming up instead on Telstra ADSL

1st March 2019, 09:07 PM
Auskadi, using both Internode on Firefox and Safari via ADSL.

On TPG mobile (phone and computer via mobile phone network) goes to the real metalworkforums site.
DNS address resolves the same in both cases.

Interestingly, on ADSL using https: gives me the correct page, using http: doesn't.


2nd March 2019, 11:35 PM
Maybe the problem has been resolved now?

Unfortunately it's still an ongoing problem.

Seems that only some are having the problem as there have constantly been between 40 and 60 members on line since it began and mostly over 200+ visitor.

we even know who's site it is but no idea how it got onto the MWf home page as it's on a server here in Australia and MWF is on a server in Texas USA. It is one of many sites migrated from the failing server in Melbourne to a new one in Australia.

It's being worked on but yet to find a fix.

I tried it with https and still the same for me via factory. Fine from other locations


bob ward
3rd March 2019, 04:45 PM
FWIW, Mac and Safari, Telstra NBN, wifi I get the Auskadi homepage and have been since Friday afternoon.

iphone on 4G gets me to metalworkforums.com

The Mac and Safari using the iphone's hot spot for wifi rather than my home Telstra NBN wifi brings up Auskadi

3rd March 2019, 11:27 PM
Getting Auskadi on opera from link on top of WWF have been for three days, tried clearing caches etc when it first appeared to no effect, and from plain Google search via Firefox setup up for completely private browsing (use it banking and don't want anything sticking around after) just now as a test. Win 7 Ultimate, browsers as listed, WiFi via bigpond & NBN to house.

4th March 2019, 11:29 AM
Getting Auskadi on opera from link on top of WWF have been for three days

That's most likely Google tracking where you have been and putting an ad up for that site.


I was finally able to do a tracert to MWF from my affected computer at the factory a couple of hours ago and discovered an IP I had never seen before. Sent it to Steven and below is his response:

That's an IP6 ip, the world is basically running out of the old style IP.

It looks like the system added an IP 6 record in the metalwork DNS. I've removed it and restarted the DNS server.

He also said "It might take a few hours before we see the change," ast he's "not sure how aggressively Telstra cache DNS lookups are."

So those not on with Telstra may see the fix sooner or later than the next few hours but it will change sooner or later.... Hopefully sooner.

Oh yeah. Almost forgot... http://www.ubeaut.biz/woohoo.gif

Thanks Steven. :2tsup:

4th March 2019, 02:21 PM
Woohoo... http://www.ubeaut.biz/woohoo.gif

It's all back up and working.

If you still have a problem and are seeing the Auskadi site hit your refresh button if that doesn't work hit it again. All things being equal you should now see Metalwork Forums home page.

4th March 2019, 02:30 PM
Working for me :2tsup:

4th March 2019, 04:01 PM
Seems to be fixed here to, thanks

4th March 2019, 04:25 PM
Working fine at my end now also, thanks Steven and UBeaut.