View Full Version : Pipe under driveway

17th October 2005, 08:29 PM
Lookign for ideas on how to run an 19mm irrigation pipe under my driveway. Anyone had any luck in doing this or any ideas would be much appreciated.
Thanks Stu

17th October 2005, 08:45 PM
Depending on the driveway it will probably allow you to blast a hole through with a hose or a copper pipe pulling through a hose and or your 19mm poly

that is how I did one of mine


17th October 2005, 08:49 PM
You could try pushing a hose under the drive with the tap turned on with the nozzle in high pressure mode. The water forces the dirt out of the way.


If you dig a long trench the width of the drive plus a bit to swing a sledge hammer you can lay a piece of 1" pipe in the trench with the end flattened you could drive the piece pipe under the drive then cut the flattened end off the pipe and then push your 19mm pipe through the 1" water pipe.

17th October 2005, 10:29 PM
The water pressure in the hose should do the job but you need to enclose the hose in a PVC pipe to give you some direction, some rigidity, otherwise the hose just goes skew whiff. The trick is to dig down so that you can get the hose and pipe as close to horizontal as possible at the start of the job, so that it does not start to deviate too much from the horozontal or vertical.
Don't use a wide/thick plastic fitting on the end of the hose use a narrow fitting. A small piece of copper pipe is best, clamped into the end of the hose.

You basically push the PVC horozontally into the soil under the driveway and insert the hose into the PVC and turn the water on. Then it is just a matter of gentle push & shove. Rotate the pvc pipe and push, move the hose through the PVC pipe to keep the soil flushing back through the pipe.

You will get wet! Hope that this gets past the "no moderators"

17th October 2005, 11:31 PM
Just a tip for anyone building a house or laying a new drive . Lay a pipe diam about 120mm+ so that later you can put retic , wires ets through the pipe . I was lucky years ago when i went to pick up some retic at a M10 shop i copped an experianced shop assistant who gave me this tip . Common sense really but one of those things we just dont think of. These days you would get a frowned look with a question "whats a retic pipe"

18th October 2005, 02:43 PM
The water pressure in the hose should do the job but you need to enclose the hose in a PVC pipe to give you some direction, some rigidity, otherwise the hose just goes skew whiff. The trick is to dig down so that you can get the hose and pipe as close to horizontal as possible at the start of the job, so that it does not start to deviate too much from the horozontal or vertical.
Don't use a wide/thick plastic fitting on the end of the hose use a narrow fitting. A small piece of copper pipe is best, clamped into the end of the hose.

You basically push the PVC horozontally into the soil under the driveway and insert the hose into the PVC and turn the water on. Then it is just a matter of gentle push & shove. Rotate the pvc pipe and push, move the hose through the PVC pipe to keep the soil flushing back through the pipe.Yes, that's the way to do it.

I had to get some reticulation pipe under 12 metres of concrete :eek:

My friend an I dug a 7m trench in front of where the pipe was to be inserted. Used a 50mm diam pipe - no special fittings on the end JUST the open end of the pvc pipe. We placed the pipe in the trench, put the garden hose in the pipe, right up to the "boring" end.

We then placed the pipe in position horizontally (the trench was dug a little deeper than the location of the pipe). Turned on the tap and pushed and turned the pvc pipe AND pushed the hose as we moved further and further horizontally into the ground below the concrete. The dirt came flushing out and the pvc pipe went steadily in. I did not need a 50mm pipe as such for the retic, I only really needed 25-30mm. However the 50mm pipe was used as it was a little more rigid then the smaller diameter pipe and more likely to go in straight.

When we reach the end of the 6m pipe we removed the hose and then glued in another 6m pipe and continued - the hose was put back in up to the boring end and the process was repeated.

I CAN tell you that the pvc pipe was hard to turn at this length AND underground it took all the strength of the two of us, BUT it did work and the pipe came out about 4" down from the starting height but otherwise in more or less a straight line. :D

Was I glad there were NO rocks in THAT part of the garden :D it would have been a real pain to have to pull it out and start again. :D :D

18th October 2005, 04:55 PM
Good thread, I just learnt something;)

18th October 2005, 06:07 PM
The water pressure in the hose should do the job but you need to enclose the hose in a PVC pipe to give you some direction, some rigidity, otherwise the hose just goes skew whiff. The trick is to dig down so that you can get the hose and pipe as close to horizontal as possible at the start of the job, so that it does not start to deviate too much from the horozontal or vertical.
Don't use a wide/thick plastic fitting on the end of the hose use a narrow fitting. A small piece of copper pipe is best, clamped into the end of the hose.

You basically push the PVC horozontally into the soil under the driveway and insert the hose into the PVC and turn the water on. Then it is just a matter of gentle push & shove. Rotate the pvc pipe and push, move the hose through the PVC pipe to keep the soil flushing back through the pipe.

You will get wet! Hope that this gets past the "no moderators"

Thats the way to go greenie sent

Cheers sam

18th October 2005, 10:23 PM
Just a tip for anyone building a house or laying a new drive . Lay a pipe diam about 120mm+ so that later you can put retic ...

Continuation of this tip... dont forget where you put it (DAMHIK:o).

CLUE: I have two pipes under my drive, if only I knew where the second one was :confused:;).


18th October 2005, 10:29 PM
I laid 2 x 35mm conduits under the driveway. :D :D :D and I know where they are. (I hope) :confused:

18th October 2005, 10:30 PM
Hello Sam
What's this "greenie sent" thingy?

19th October 2005, 08:53 AM
Hello Sam
What's this "greenie sent" thingy?

It a token people can send u for assistance or a good post the little green squares under your avitar is were they are stored the more the merrier

Cheers sam

20th October 2005, 11:06 PM
Thanks for all the help, found a spare 5 mtr length of 50mm galv pipe at work and fed this under the drive with a combination of water and driving with a sledge hammer. It worked a treat. Thanks again for the ideas
Cheers Stu

21st October 2005, 04:39 AM
You can hire the oil rig Im currently on for $100,000/day. We'll drill you a nice directional hole under your driveway and we'll throw in the casing for free