View Full Version : Possible Hacking Attempt

2nd February 2019, 09:22 AM
Over the last week, on three separate occasions when viewing a post on the Forum, I have had a message appear from Telstra that the following site has been stopped as it may contain malicious content, etc.


Has anyone else had the same happen to them? It has happened only when on the Forum, nowhere else.

I have notified Neil.

4th February 2019, 11:34 AM
Told Tom I was pretty sure it will be something on his computer.
He's done full security scans and nothing. :gaah:

Anyone else had this or a similar problem?

Neil :dunno:

4th February 2019, 12:28 PM
nope, have not had anything similar. But I'm not on Telstra (except when commuting and connected via my mobile hotspot - and I do read the forum on the laptop)

Tom, do you actually use Telstra for your internet connection? Not sure if you're using a laptop at all, but Have you tried this on a different internet connection at all (to identify if it is something Telstra-specific, not browser specific).

What goes thru my mind is that it is possible this URL may have come into the HTML stream via a bad advertisement in the top banner - and Telstra have taken a proactive step in blocking this. I've not heard anything about them doing so, but could imagine how a proxy on their network could protect against this. Tom, when (if?) it happens again, can you capture the URL that is in your browser address bar and add that here? I'm happy to dig a bit further to help ensure nothing obvious is faked on that...

4th February 2019, 04:26 PM
Thanks for your reply, Poundy

I use a lap-top via Telstra on NBN. I do not have access to another internet connection.

If it occurs again, I will make a note of the URL.

As I said in my initial post, it happened only when browsing the Forum hence my contact with Neil in case others had been affected.

Thanks again

4th February 2019, 08:24 PM
Nothing on my computer either

4th February 2019, 08:52 PM
Yes I get a page from Telstra warning of malicious content if I click on the link