View Full Version : Burnishing over Epoxy Resin

14th January 2019, 05:29 PM
Hi All

In the process of finishing off a project that has taken more years than anyone could imagine :):)

It is a Buffet made from WA Marri and as per most Marri timber it has it's standard vein lines (some may call features) that need to be dealt with give a smooth, even finish

I've decided to finish with be with Organoil Hard Burnishing Oil followed by Traditional wax, which I have done some trials on the waste timber from the project and it has come up a treat.

I am considering using Norglass Liquid Glass to fill up the Marri veins before applying the HBO. Just a bit at sea to whether this would actually work.

Has anyone had any experience with this?



14th January 2019, 07:21 PM
Hi Ken,

I've done some table tops with epoxy filled gum pockets using HBO and the finish is fine. The Trad Wax will probably help in this situation, but you'll be able to make the judgement yourself. Should look stunning. All that and resistant to water,heat and stains.


15th January 2019, 11:59 AM
Thanks Rob

Gunna give it a go and see how it all pans out!



15th January 2019, 03:20 PM
I have put HBO and wax over resin and didn't have any problems.