View Full Version : I've moved to the GV

31st December 2018, 08:49 PM
Hey all. Long time, no post.

In Jan 2018 I moved from Ballarat to Shepparton (not particularly by choice) and have recently bought a house up here...with a massive shed/workshop...and have only recently had the 'net connected.

During the year I joined the Goulburn Valley Woodworkers (http://www.gvwoodworkers.com.au/) group and have met some skilled and/or interesting folks and have seen some great work...particularly from the turners.

Are any of you forumites from the area too, or maybe members of the above group or Men's Sheds?

I can't wait to get back to into doing some work at home (it's been a year!!), but it's taking longer than I hoped to setup the new workshop. Besides the transporting and shelving of all of my timber, I've also been working on roof mounting my Bill Pentz dust extractor so it collects in my green waste wheelie bin.

I've not had so much room to use before, so it's taking a while to get the hang of :)

Anyhoo...that's my life's tale for the year :)

31st December 2018, 09:20 PM
Nice one mate
Nice shed too I’m sure you get use to the space.

Cheers Matt,

31st December 2018, 09:36 PM
Hey Matt (from back home)
Nice to see you're still around.
You saw my old container workshop...and now I have a 4 car garage to play with...BIIIIIIIG difference eh? :D
Just like clamps, you can never have enough workarea ;P

mature one
1st January 2019, 06:55 AM
Hi RedShirtGuy welcome to Shepp I can understand the ugh after Shepp been her for 16 years and not that fond of the area at all.Great shed hope you can fill it up with goodies.

1st January 2019, 12:13 PM
Oh for a huge shed come workshop....but the move would be a killer.
Enjoy the new digs...Cheers, crowie

PS - Sawdust is IMHO true green waste...top idea!!

1st January 2019, 01:53 PM
Enjoy that shed.