View Full Version : What is going on with Timbecon? (no emails and points system)
John G
19th December 2018, 02:24 PM
For a few months now I have noticed I am not getting any further email updates from Timbecon. I used to get monthly (weekly?) newsletters and promotional emails but they have stopped. I logged on to my account to see if I had accidentally unsubscribed, but there doesn't seem to be any preference settings anywhere. So a few weeks ago I sent Timbecon an email asking about it, and still no response. (and yes I checked there were no emails in the spam folder).
Also a few months ago I received an email telling me my Timbecon "rewards points" balance, and that I had a $20 voucher to spend by a certain expiry date. But when I log onto my account there are no details on what this mysterious points balance is or how it has been calculated. I suspect they only count online sales and not things you buy in store, as they seem to be missing some purchases. Twice I have sent an email asking for details but again no responses.
What is going on?!?!?
19th December 2018, 03:38 PM
I'm getting emails from Timbecon all the time. Pretty sure I got one yesterday, and I just checked, there is a new one today. They are just the spammy sales promotions type emails. I've never bought anything from them online, because I prefer to do the one hour round trip to buy a single router bit :doh:
19th December 2018, 03:40 PM
Also getting emails.. As far as I know, I have a reasonable points balance with them. All purchases in store.
Uncle Al
19th December 2018, 06:56 PM
I am also getting the usual promotional emails, but did not know anything about a points system.
19th December 2018, 09:36 PM
i get regular updates from Timbecon and points updates some time after I’ve spent more money with them.
I find Timbecon Melbourne to be very helpful and have never had a problem with their comms or service.
I suggest that it might be helpful to call Hague Haswell (the owner) in Melbourne and explain your problem.
19th December 2018, 11:05 PM
Check your spam folder in case the emails have ended up in there
20th December 2018, 10:33 AM
Check your spam folder in case the emails have ended up in there
His original post states (and yes I checked there were no emails in the spam folder).
I get emails regularly and a points update about every three months. I only buy online.
Chris Parks
20th December 2018, 11:11 AM
I am also getting the usual promotional emails, but did not know anything about a points system.
They gave me all your points.:)
20th December 2018, 03:28 PM
I get their emails often, too often. I don't have any sort of account with them as the only things I've bought from them were at the brisbane wood show years ago. Being in brissy it usually makes more sense to drive over to wakerley than to pay shipping on big items. The price difference doesn't make up for it.
20th December 2018, 05:53 PM
I still get their promotional emails, but now that you mention it, it has been a while since i got one of their last points email.
If you are in store they generally quite good when you buy something to check whether you have any vouchers.
Uncle Al
20th December 2018, 08:20 PM
They gave me all your points.:)
Ah, now I know where they went! I'll pick 'em up next time I'm down your way.
John G
30th March 2019, 09:53 AM
An update: there is definitely something wrong with their email system.
After initial posts above I corresponded with both timbecon and my isp. Timbecon assured me emails were being sent, and my isp assured me they were not blocking or spamming them. Still no automatic emails received (although I was receiving emails they were personally emailing to me).
So end of January I signed up with my gmail address instead, and that is receiving nothing also.
So I suspect Timbecon think they are sending thousands of emails per month, but only a small % are actually being delivered, and they are not checking their undelivered reports properly. I emailed them again earlier this month but no response.
So other than personally sent emails, I have received nothing from Timbecon (to both my emails) since last year.
30th March 2019, 10:06 AM
I still get them, too many in fact.
If it helps you can have mine :)
30th March 2019, 10:27 AM
I am getting them about once a week. Points system is working as I have recently reached the 500 mark and have a voucher to use.
30th March 2019, 03:30 PM
I’m getting them a couple of times a week.
30th March 2019, 03:30 PM
Likewise I get Timbecon’s emails at least once a week. Never had a problem. I find them very responsive to any enquiries.