View Full Version : photography ???
la Huerta
15th October 2005, 10:13 AM
i'm sure there are some good photographers on here, could use a little addvice, although i have a pro.35mm camera, i need to take some pics of a product with a compact digital camera, it has macro , so i can putt it directly on my pc...the question is , how can i take a pic of a item and blurr the bacground , it is easy with the 35mm as i have full control but with the digi compact i am yet to learn the ropes, will macro focus enough on one spot to blurr the bacground so the subject will stand out...although i will spend some time experimenting,if anyone has some thoughts and tips that would be great...
15th October 2005, 11:55 AM
I blur backgrounds all the time. It's simple. Just move the camera as you take the photo. Haven't had a sharp one yet ;)
15th October 2005, 12:51 PM
Good excuse to get a copy of photoshop 9 cs , not only is it a great photo editing program dut it removes all traces of free time from your life
Or you could e-mail a copy of the picture to someone who has photoshop to blur and e-mail back
The trouble with life is there's no background music.
15th October 2005, 12:59 PM
The following is a direct Quote from Ken Rockwell site
Almost unlimited depth of field. Because the p/s have such teeny sensors they use very short focal length lenses,
even if they mark an "equivalent" 35mm focal length on the outside of the camera.
There teeny lenses have huge depth of field, even wide open.
This is a problem when you want a short depth of field, eg to put the background out of focus. Virtually impossible.
You can if you have a program like Photoshop do it in post processing on the computer.
Another reason why a DSLR is much superior for those wishing to have any control over the exposure.
la Huerta
15th October 2005, 08:06 PM
DSLR is my next upgrade one day, although i'd rather a 3ccd movie camera, pc upgrade software and , and , ok dreaming a bit about a ROBERT ROGRIGUEZ home studio...
my best bet sounds like a bit of editing software, that'll have to do the job...
17th October 2005, 09:04 AM
Best bet I can think of- shoot macro (minimises DOF), use flash (will leave the background a lot darker), or use a blank background, such as a curved sheet of card of a nice colour (curved so you dont see the corner. The bigger the better.
Try to get anything in the background a lot further away from the object in question. Use low light- if the camera has an aperature it will have to open it wide for the shot, minimising DOF.
Hope one of those suggestions work.