View Full Version : You know how some people ask...

13th October 2005, 10:45 PM
...you a question such as "Is the ozito 14.4 batt drill any good" ? Are any of you ever tempted to simply say "No" ?

I know I am, frequently. for all manner of inane questions... surely it would be smarter to ask "Does anyone have an opinion on the Ozito 14.4 batt drill ?"

just thought I'd share that.

no need to reply.

I still love you Gumby. ;)


13th October 2005, 10:48 PM
...Are any of you ever tempted to simply say "No" ?....


13th October 2005, 10:49 PM
In a very broad view it does in some ways resemble a drilless cord!.....:confused: :eek:


Cliff Rogers
13th October 2005, 11:31 PM
....a question such as "Is the ozito 14.4 batt drill any good" ? Are any of you ever tempted to simply say "No" ?...

I almost always say "It depends..."

& when they say "On what?"

I say "Exactly"

It actually makes some people think about their question more than if you just say "No" :D

14th October 2005, 12:15 AM
I say "Exactly"

It actually makes some people think about their question more than if you just say "No" :D

Why ?

14th October 2005, 12:30 AM

It keeps the rabbits out..... there are too many rabbits in China. :D

14th October 2005, 12:35 AM
You mean Wabbits?? :D

14th October 2005, 12:50 AM
Ozi wot? :D

14th October 2005, 01:06 AM
Time for a new hobby o highly esteemed and furry one.

You could have made up a title like...

Everyone worships...

The smartest fella (chimp?) in the world is...

I know who just came out of the closet, and their name is...

Etc, etc.


14th October 2005, 08:08 AM
Ozito's last for years with one simple maintenance step.

Leave them in the box for show.

Cliff Rogers
14th October 2005, 11:00 AM
Why ?

Why what?

14th October 2005, 11:55 AM
As a beginner, I have limited finds and cant validate spending hundreds of dollars on a panasonic or Bosch even though I would appreciate the quality.
When a cheapy will do the job for 99% of what I want and I can have two for the price of a bottle of wine. They also make a great spare.

My bother has a panasonic and he loves it, but the taxman is paying for half of it and its used everyday. Horses for courses....

I notice that they are quite clever in they reuse their dies, the 9.6V, 12V etc all have the same battery pack, just less batteries. When the batteries die in about a year dont think its worth getting a battery to replace it, I was quoted $9 to replace one C cell and a replcement drill was $14, so use your common sense.

Its good to see so many people here have some common sense, cause I was getting frustrated wondering how come they call it common? Is common a place I've yet to visit.......

Wood Borer
14th October 2005, 03:23 PM

The answer is clear if the person asking can afford and has use for a good tool, then I would advise them that the cheap and nasty is a waste of their time and to seriously consider buying the better tool.

If the person couldn’t afford the better tool or didn’t have the need for the better tool, I would politely inform them that it might be a bit of a compromise and that there are better tools around. I would however be sympathetic knowing what it’s like to be on a tight budget.

To advise people to buy the best or good tools may mean they become disheartened and end up with no tools at all. Poor tools can achieve something whereas no tools achieve nothing.

I gather you are against people pretending rubbish tools are wonderful. I agree with you, people shouldn’t kid themselves.

To prove the point, why don’t you bring along a cheap tool on Wednesday night and we can destroy one of Wongo’s good tools to see how much more bashing Scott’s good tool takes before if breaks compared to the cheap tool. I would offer to bring one of my good tools for the destructive tests in the interests of science but I doubt if I have sufficient room in my car. :D

14th October 2005, 03:25 PM
I'll put my $5 Bunnings sledge hammer up against your $10,000 Hammer/Felder whatever any day :D

14th October 2005, 04:37 PM
what a lovely can of worms! I did say "no need to reply didnt I?"

it was just an idle comment....

14th October 2005, 04:40 PM
Actually, the correct reply is :

"Do a search" :p

14th October 2005, 04:43 PM
what a lovely can of worms!

Great bait for myna birds I understand.


Wood Borer
14th October 2005, 04:44 PM
Never heard of baiting myna birds with pancakes :D

14th October 2005, 04:52 PM
Tell me

Why did the bus you just missed always leave 2 minutes too early and the one you are waiting for is always 10 minutes late? :mad:

Why does exchange rates always drop the minute you book your overseas trip and it goes up again as soon as you get home? :mad:


14th October 2005, 04:53 PM
Sod's law

14th October 2005, 08:42 PM
As a beginner, I have limited finds and cant validate spending hundreds of dollars on a panasonic or Bosch even though I would appreciate the quality.
When a cheapy will do the job for 99% of what I want and I can have two for the price of a bottle of wine. They also make a great spare.

My bother has a panasonic and he loves it, but the taxman is paying for half of it and its used everyday. Horses for courses....

I notice that they are quite clever in they reuse their dies, the 9.6V, 12V etc all have the same battery pack, just less batteries. When the batteries die in about a year dont think its worth getting a battery to replace it, I was quoted $9 to replace one C cell and a replcement drill was $14, so use your common sense.

Its good to see so many people here have some common sense, cause I was getting frustrated wondering how come they call it common? Is common a place I've yet to visit.......
G'Day debugger,
I have made several mistakes buying tools but the older I get the wiser I get (I think), the most recent was a planer, never had one before so I thought start off small and see how it goes, if I like it I'll buy a better one next time. First time I used it "crunch!", a bit of broken nail, chipped the blade. So everytime after it left a score in the timber!, drat!, off to Bunnings for a new set of blades!...Not so fast!..they don't sell spare blades, go to Gasweld or Glenfords, they just laught at me when I told them the brand and said "Mate they are a throw away item!". "So what am I going to do?", I stupidly asked the guy. He said "THROW IT AWAY!". I kept it for crop work and got me a good one and a spare set of blades just incase. Don't waste your money on Ozito!....

14th October 2005, 08:48 PM
I just came out of the closet,

Good for you..

Al :eek:

14th October 2005, 10:21 PM
Tell me

Why does exchange rates always drop the minute you book your overseas trip and it goes up again as soon as you get home? :mad:


Fluctuations :D

I've been waiting 30 years to be able to give that answer to that question!

15th October 2005, 12:58 AM
It probably means that the way this thread is headed will be here soon :D

15th October 2005, 08:05 AM
It probably means that the way this thread is headed will be here soon :D

It does and I am. ;)