View Full Version : Tree identification.
11th November 2018, 08:55 AM
Hi folks, I am hoping someone might direct me to a book I may purchase on identifying trees. I have a couple that cover a few hundred. Eucalypt, acacias, pines etc but, I would to be able to recognise the more rarer varieties.
The tree and the timber it produces would be the ultimate find but that probably expecting too much. Alternatively a website showing the same would be great.
I intend going to the Main Library in Brisbane to do a search and it would help if if I had a few tips on what may be recommended.
Thank you for any assistance in this regard folks.
11th November 2018, 10:02 AM
Welcome to the forums Gordon. This site is sort of organized on a topics basis and you might get more visibility posting in the sub-forum specifically designated for Timber (
One of the regular contributors there has a website that covers a lot of the trees you might be interested in.
Check out ttit - Trees & Turnings (
11th November 2018, 03:09 PM
Thanks Fuzzie will go for that.
12th November 2018, 06:30 PM
there were a number of books and pamphlets published on Australian trees and scrubs in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The publishers tended to be the forestry divisions of various State governments.
Some of these publications were republished or expanded in the later half of the 20th century before the various forestry commissions were "commercialised"
one of the earlier works Pines of Australia
one later example is
good luck, any decent librarian should be able to locate the earlier works
12th November 2018, 08:59 PM
Forest Trees of Australia may be out of print, but was widely distributed and not only helped identify trees but had technical data on timber use, firewood suitability etc. I wouldn't be surprised if you could get it at the library or via Abebooks or similar second hand quite cheaply. Get the later edition from the 90s, has colour photos by memory,
I just looked at Abebooks and there are a few there. As I said, get the later edition.