View Full Version : Indian myna birds,
12th October 2005, 02:49 PM
Any ideas (preferably legal) on how to get rid of Indian Myna birds. Im looking for quick, cheapish and non threatening to native wildlife methods.
12th October 2005, 03:08 PM
The best thing is to encourage Noisy Miners, aka Soldier Birds.
Noisy Miners love Grevillias.
Funny thing is, I've never seen an India Mynah in our yard in the 12 years we've lived in our house, yet just across the highway they are endemic :confused:
We do have lots of Noisy Miners (and currawongs :( ) though.
12th October 2005, 03:21 PM
They don't like frozen peas.
It's a time thing, at first they'll sit there thinking, "There's that nice man that gives us the frozen peas", and fly away only to return in a short while.
After a week or two, they start to think the man isn't so nice, and fly away when they see him coming outside.
After a month or two, they start to realise that they can hang around the place next door, and they don't get fed peas anymore.
Works on Crows anyway.
E. maculata
12th October 2005, 04:49 PM
Peter, are these frozen peas travelling at speed? perhaps propelled by a rubberised propulsion device ;)
I know the FIL calls .22s "peaguns"
12th October 2005, 04:57 PM
Yes I do have a method but it is probably illegal. :p
12th October 2005, 05:12 PM
Does it involve eating them in any way, shape or form?
Robert WA
12th October 2005, 05:24 PM
Just a thought. The animals that are extinct or endangered are the ones that something else eats. How about a recipe book? "100 ways to cook Indian Mynas."
If the CWA can survive on the proceeds of a cook book, why can't we. Start posting your recipes.
Broiled Myna.
Pluck and gut the bird. (It is a little more humane to do this after the bird is dead.)
Nail the bird, stretched out, to a hardwood plank.
Place the plank, with bird attached, in a container of water and bring to the boil.
Maintain rapid boil and test periodically for tenderness with a sharp implement.
When the implement will easily penetrate the plank to a depth of 5mm, remove the bird, throw it away and eat the plank.
12th October 2005, 05:29 PM
Myna Casserole
1. Remove all feathers, gutty bits and frozen peas from the birds
2. Dice two onions, three potatoes and four carrots
3. Select a large stone from the garden, roughly the same size as the bird
4. Place all ingredients in a saucepan with 2 litres of water and salt and pepper to taste
5. Boil for 6 days
6. Remove and discard the bird. Eat the stone, it will be more tender
12th October 2005, 05:32 PM
I'll have the feet thanks :D
12th October 2005, 06:36 PM
Out fox terrier lies in wait and pounces on them, catches a few.
12th October 2005, 06:47 PM
Out fox terrier lies in wait and pounces on them, catches a few.
can I rent it ?
12th October 2005, 07:01 PM
Don't tell SWMBO and I'll put it in an express post bag for return policy applies :rolleyes:
12th October 2005, 07:06 PM
Curried Indian Myna on a bed of long grain rice:D
Auld Bassoon
12th October 2005, 07:08 PM
Are telescopic sights on a 12 gauge illegal?
12th October 2005, 07:31 PM
E. maculata
12th October 2005, 07:35 PM
Are telescopic sights on a 12 gauge illegal?
No, but on a shotty completely useless :eek: .
12th October 2005, 07:42 PM
Duck fishing is fun :D
Overcomes the shooting bans :cool:
Myna Fishing should be very entertaining too ;)
12th October 2005, 07:43 PM
Soak small pieces of bread in cheap, low-quality spirits or wine (you may have to buy this, although some of that Glenfiddich or Grange would probably work.) Scatter the bread around where the minahs usually hang out.
The minahs eat the bread & get drunk, legless & wingless. You can then collect them in a garbage bag and deliver them, marinaded from the inside out, to your local chinese epicurean, who will, no doubt, tell you what to do with them.
After you've done it, you may want to finish off the cheap grog.
I've never heard of using frozen peas to get minahs, but they work with polar bears. You cut a hole in the ice, sprinkle peas around it, and when the bear comes up for a pea, you kick it in the icehole.
Robert WA
12th October 2005, 07:53 PM
Are telescopic sights on a 12 gauge illegal?
Do they make wide-angle telescopic sights?
12th October 2005, 07:55 PM
Make up some friut mash and sprinkle liberaly with ground ratsack. he he, that gets the little mongrels. Don't try this at home because it is probably illegal and the greenies would hate you for it. But then again............................
12th October 2005, 07:56 PM
Soak small pieces of bread in cheap, low-quality spirits or wine (you may have to buy this, although some of that Glenfiddich or Grange would probably work.) Scatter the bread around where the minahs usually hang out.
The minahs eat the bread & get drunk, legless & wingless. You can then collect them in a garbage bag and deliver them, marinaded from the inside out, to your local chinese epicurean, who will, no doubt, tell you what to do with them.
After you've done it, you may want to finish off the cheap grog.
I've never heard of using frozen peas to get minahs, but they work with polar bears. You cut a hole in the ice, sprinkle peas around it, and when the bear comes up for a pea, you kick it in the icehole.
Tried to give you a greenie for that but it wouldn't lrt me. :D :D
Auld Bassoon
12th October 2005, 08:09 PM
but they work with polar bears. You cut a hole in the ice, sprinkle peas around it, and when the bear comes up for a pea, you kick it in the icehole.
Wouldn't want to miss though!
12th October 2005, 08:39 PM
can I rent it ?
But Grunt is cheap..
Al :D
12th October 2005, 08:57 PM
I'll get the little bastards. Send down the airfare, I'll be by Friday. Oh, and I don't eat Pal.
12th October 2005, 09:06 PM
Its not humane, but you could always feed them alka selser. I was told it works on pigeons (supposedly they cant burp and will explode....)
12th October 2005, 09:15 PM
I can't give you the exact details but it goes something like this.
Feed the mynahs for some days in a cylindrical trap made of chicken wire(...maybe they enter from the bottom, exit from the top)
Then introduce a second trap that fits on top of the original but this one has no exit and they are blocked from returning by a funnel type design...sort of thing. They can then be collected and hooked up to the car exhaust or some such humane treatment. Frankly, a 410 would be a good cure but you wouldn't want to scare the natives.
12th October 2005, 10:16 PM
rat traps
Cliff Rogers
12th October 2005, 11:23 PM
The best thing is to encourage Noisy Miners, aka Soldier Birds.
Noisy Miners love Grevillias.
Funny thing is, I've never seen an India Mynah in our yard in the 12 years we've lived in our house, yet just across the highway they are endemic :confused:
We do have lots of Noisy Miners (and currawongs :( ) though.
They also don't like curawongs. (sp?)
I'm not sure how you attract them, we just have them.
12th October 2005, 11:37 PM
rat traps
Thats worked well here for my neighbour on starlings . He baited them with worms .
12th October 2005, 11:44 PM
What Implexa said: I have seen an article in a local paper about a council mynah trap - basically a big bird cage with a smaller cage inside. The large cage has a one-way entry - I think something like a curtain of hanging wires that the birds can push aside going in, but can't push out - like the old vending machine cash boxes.
The inner cage has a couple of mynahs with lots of food & water. The birds in the inner cage just keep making the 'lots of food, come & get it' song, and all their relatives come around, find the one way door & come on in, but don't get any goodies. When it gets a bit crowded, the council ranger comes & 'euthenaizes' the non-union birds :eek:
We seem to have: Noisy Mynahs, Currawongs, Magpies, Crows & one or two Indian Mynahs, as well as assorted parrots, but no pigeons. So one out of two isn't too bad - mynahs have mites, but their S.H.1.T is smaller & less gooey. :rolleyes:
doug the slug
13th October 2005, 01:25 AM
Are telescopic sights on a 12 gauge illegal?
If you need telescopic sights on a 12 gauge you have serious problems
13th October 2005, 03:23 AM
Optics on a shotty? No, but rifle sights are useful...
Pity, the last time I checked, slugs were a dollar a pop. :(
And a Myna recipe. :)
Myna surprise.
Place lots of nice food for birds on the ground. Something suitable like breadcrumbs, peas and herbs.
Run a small hose from your barbie gas bottle to where the food is.
When the birds come down to eat the stuffing... err... bait, turn on the gas and throw a lit match.
Surprise! :D
One, nicely incinerated, stuffed small game bird ready for the cat (or dog) next door. Serves one, two or worms, depending on how heavy handed you are with the gas. ;)
(psst, a .270 is great for these imported PITAs. No evidence, no crime, right?)
E. maculata
13th October 2005, 09:23 AM
(psst, a .270 is great for these imported PITAs. No evidence, no crime, right?)
That's the go,
Then after we've decimated the myna problem with .270s, then we'll break out the H&K .475 for the bunnies :D
Wood Borer
13th October 2005, 10:00 AM
Perhaps a liberal coat of MFKL on the right parts might stop them breeding up. Driver would be the best to advise you on the correct dilution and preferred methods of application for effective treatment. I understand Ozwinner has experimented with the product also.
The trouble with eliminating the ones from your backyard is that you are making room for others to move in. Unless you eliminate all the Indian Myna's from Sydney and surrounding areas you will continue to have the problem.
Perhaps think about creating an environment in your backyard that is hostile to Indian Myna's but paradise to native birds might be a strategy worth pursuing. Something along the lines of Cliff's suggestion.
13th October 2005, 10:30 AM
Rat Traps
Thats worked well here for my neighbour on starlings . He baited them with worms .
I've use rat traps with good effect, especially on starlings but also mynahs. I baited them with glazed cherries (although you have to tie the cherries on with cotton, the buggers will get them off otherwise).
13th October 2005, 10:31 AM
They also don't like curawongs. (sp?)
I'm not sure how you attract them, we just have them.
Yeah. Currawongs are bastards, but at least they are native bastards. :D
Plus they have a nice song. About their only redeeming feature imo (apart from detering Indian Mynah's that is :rolleyes: )
13th October 2005, 02:14 PM
A few months ago read an article where a Central Coast guy developed a humane trap that apparently only trapped the myna birds. All the tree huggers got stuck into him saying these birds had every right to exist and I havent heard anymore about it.
He probably sells the plans on the side, but I dont remember what his name was.
But its probably a slow process like the humane way of freezing cane toads to kill them rather than golf clubs, only thing is nobody really wants them in their freezer and you can only do some many at a time .. and the population has probably doubled whilst you are fussing around doing it the nice way.
13th October 2005, 05:05 PM
Let Google be your friend. (
Al :)
13th October 2005, 05:20 PM
Not trying to hijack the forum, around here Indian Mynahs are a bit rare.... solution 22 sorted them out in our garden.... but bloody feral moggies aren't so does anyone have asurefire bait for bloody cats so I can entice the itlle furry darlings into my pussy relocating equipment?????
13th October 2005, 05:52 PM
Solution .22 you mean, don't you Chris? :D
13th October 2005, 06:16 PM
Not trying to hijack the forum, around here Indian Mynahs are a bit rare.... solution 22 sorted them out in our garden.... but bloody feral moggies aren't so does anyone have asurefire bait for bloody cats so I can entice the itlle furry darlings into my pussy relocating equipment?????
My old man used to keep all the toadfish he caught.
H'd boil them in an old tin can then leave them out.
We never had a cat problem after a nice cooked fish dinner.
13th October 2005, 06:33 PM
Interesting Bob, I am good at catching the things to...... big game toady catcher, that's me! might have too try that one.... does it work on bloody seagulls too?
13th October 2005, 06:44 PM
He told me that a cat can throw up an ordinary bait but cooking the toadies gets into their system before they can do that.
13th October 2005, 06:58 PM
Sorry to go back on topic :o but the best way to get rid of Mynah's is to work out where they are nesting. We had a stack around our place and they were entering the house through an overhanging gap in the tiles. I jumped up on the roof and stuck a bit og rolled up chicken wire in the hole and stopped the little ba$tards from getting back in. Just make sure that they are all out first :eek: otherwise it will stink eventually.
Attracting the local birds will stop them coming back.
official thread re-jacker
Auld Bassoon
13th October 2005, 07:19 PM
I wasn't the projectiles that I was thinking about - it was the sight of a disintegrating Mynah
13th October 2005, 07:22 PM
Would'n that rot yer boots
The hijack got hijacked :D :D :D :D
13th October 2005, 08:31 PM
Not trying to hijack the forum, around here Indian Mynahs are a bit rare.... solution 22 sorted them out in our garden.... but bloody feral moggies aren't so does anyone have asurefire bait for bloody cats so I can entice the itlle furry darlings into my pussy relocating equipment?????
How about 1080 fox baits.
13th October 2005, 11:10 PM
Interesting Bob, I am good at catching the things to...... big game toady catcher, that's me! might have too try that one.... does it work on bloody seagulls too?
so basically you just dont like animals? :rolleyes:
13th October 2005, 11:20 PM
So what is wrong with the old .177 air gun.
Kills to 20 mtr - 30 if you are good.
14th October 2005, 02:10 AM
To encourage Magpies, Currawongs, Butcherbirds etc. just toss out some bits of mince (or trimmings of fat etc off your meat) when they are around. The 'word' soon gets around, and if you don't overfeed them (like my late father) they will dig out all the pests in your lawn for you while they are waiting for their handout.
14th October 2005, 06:39 AM
I remember seeing a doco some time ago about a sparrow or swallow (or some sort) problem in some South American country. What they did was to encourage the birds to nest in this large tree. In the evenings, thousands of them would descend to this tree. Then it was surrounded with heaps of 44 gallon drums of petrol which were simultaneously ignited with a dynamite charge on each drum. The fireball mushroom was so huge it engulfed the whole tree and not a bird survived. Maybe a google search might turn up someone in South America who does this type of work at a reasonable price? You could blame it on the French. Say that they'd resumed bomb testing again but their maps were out of date and they thought this was Muroroa Atoll?
14th October 2005, 10:49 AM
so basically you just dont like animals? :rolleyes:
That's precisely incorrect Brett..... I hate FERALS! so look out next time I'm in Sydney
14th October 2005, 10:52 AM
Would'n that rot yer boots
The hijack got hijacked :D :D :D :D
I call it rejacking! :D
Cliff Rogers
14th October 2005, 11:29 AM
..surrounded with heaps of 44 gallon drums of petrol which ...
That's about $260 each for the fuel alone.... there has got to be an easier way.:rolleyes:
journeyman Mick
14th October 2005, 04:31 PM
A mate from down Toowoomba way told me that fruit farmers who had a problem with metallic starlings used to do the following. Find their home tree, this usually has hundreds of them living in it. Get a backhoe to dig a trench around it and then lay explosives in the bottom of the trench (the stuff you mix up in a cement mixer using diesel and fertiliser) fill the trench with gravel. At night, when all the starlings are in the nest, detonate explosives. The gravel acts as shrapnel and completley shreds the tree, all the foliage, birds and nests are just wiped out. :eek: Probably wouldn't get away with it nowadays though. ;)
14th October 2005, 06:51 PM
Im alert but not alarmed :eek:
Al :D
Auld Bassoon
14th October 2005, 07:06 PM
A mate from down Toowoomba way told me that fruit farmers who had a problem with metallic starlings used to do the following. Find their home tree, this usually has hundreds of them living in it. Get a backhoe to dig a trench around it and then lay explosives in the bottom of the trench (the stuff you mix up in a cement mixer using diesel and fertiliser) fill the trench with gravel. At night, when all the starlings are in the nest, detonate explosives. The gravel acts as shrapnel and completley shreds the tree, all the foliage, birds and nests are just wiped out. :eek: Probably wouldn't get away with it nowadays though. ;)
Hi Mike,
In today's "anti terror" climate (aka polly bandwagon - to some extent at least) that might be seen as a slightly anti-social thing to do. Somehow, detonating (or even mixing up!) some explosives in a Melbourne 'burb might just be misinterpreted
Ivan in Oz
14th October 2006, 10:07 AM
Soak small pieces of bread in cheap, low-quality spirits or wine (you may have to buy this, although some of that Glenfiddich or Grange would probably work.) Scatter the bread around where the minahs usually hang out.
The minahs eat the bread & get drunk, legless & wingless. You can then collect them in a garbage bag and deliver them, marinaded from the inside out, to your local chinese epicurean, who will, no doubt, tell you what to do with them.
After you've done it, you may want to finish off the cheap grog.
I've never heard of using frozen peas to get minahs, but they work with polar bears. You cut a hole in the ice, sprinkle peas around it, and when the bear comes up for a pea, you kick it in the icehole.
I've been searching the web for Indian Myna "Bird traps"
everyone wants an Arm and A Leg for them.
Anyone here have a suitable plan/Design for one....CHEAP!!!
Might try the Soaked bread thing; should be entertaining:)
14th October 2006, 10:16 AM
Do they make wide-angle telescopic sights?of course they do, your optomiitrist calls them glasses
Bleedin Thumb
14th October 2006, 11:42 AM
The best thing is to encourage Noisy Miners, aka Soldier Birds.
Noisy Miners love Grevillias.
Funny thing is, I've never seen an India Mynah in our yard in the 12 years we've lived in our house, yet just across the highway they are endemic :confused:
We do have lots of Noisy Miners (and currawongs :( ) though.
Us too. We have a noisey Mynah problem people across the street have a Indian Myner problem.
Every Summer the whole neighbourhood has a Channel Billed Cuckoo problem......please please dont nest in our tree....:mad:
Eddie Jones
14th October 2006, 12:10 PM
If they are Mynah birds, they will have little lights on top of their heads. Soooo.... why not just take the globes out, then they won't be able to find your place........
14th October 2006, 02:42 PM
Following on from Eddie,
Put a cage in the backyard with a facade of a mine tunnel in front of it and a sign saying;
"Mynahs Wanted, must have experience in a large Bank or Telecommunications Call Centre." (This will allow the noisy mynahs to twig and escape.)
When the cage is full ship the birds back to India as illegal immigrants. Maybe you could save the legs for Wongo.
14th October 2006, 03:09 PM
Are telescopic sights on a 12 gauge illegal?
No thats legal
14th October 2006, 03:18 PM
Blinkin' Indian Mynah birds... I s'pose they did have a good use while I was growing up.
High powered slug gun and lots of patience.. I faired ok
14th October 2006, 03:24 PM
... does anyone have asurefire bait for bloody cats so I can entice the itlle furry darlings into my pussy relocating equipment?????Yep, Indian Mynah Birds :D:D:D
14th October 2006, 03:26 PM
Not trying to hijack the forum, around here Indian Mynahs are a bit rare.... solution 22 sorted them out in our garden.... but bloody feral moggies aren't so does anyone have asurefire bait for bloody cats so I can entice the itlle furry darlings into my pussy relocating equipment?????
Fruit fly spray or any other good insectacid on something tasty. But be careful you dont kill yourself.
14th October 2006, 03:33 PM
I neither like nor hate cats but I do know that panadol crushed up in milk will kill 'em deader than dead. But if you want to discourage them from entering your yard then go buy some nice expensive cat food and lace (ie soak it in tabasco sauce) let the blighters have a good tummy full and I promise you you will never see them again.
But if you have your own cats be careful they dont have any cos it really does do nasty things to their tummys and bums!!
15th October 2006, 12:24 AM
's.p:// (
These are good sparrow traps, and can catch other types of birds as well, alive and safe. If another bird type is caught, it can be used for a short while to lure the aggresive Mynah's to hunt that bird away. I had a similar trap that worked well back in the 1950's.
Good challenge for the woodworkers as well.