View Full Version : Trouble posting a video
2nd October 2018, 04:16 AM
Can anyone please let me know how to post a video. I can post photo's ok, but trying to add a video has me stumped.
2nd October 2018, 09:22 AM
The only way I can do it is to upload the video to my Youtube channel (very easy to set up a channel and upload videos) then copy and paste the link into my thread.
2nd October 2018, 09:28 AM
The only way I can do it is to upload the video to my Youtube channel (very easy to set up a channel and upload videos) then copy and paste the link into my thread.
That's how I do it as well.
Video broadcast Web Apps like Youtube do a lot of processing to uploaded video files for use on the web and I doubt whether the Forum software has the ability to do this.
If you look at the way Vids are attached to posts they can only be added via a URL (ie from somewhere else)
Chris Parks
2nd October 2018, 12:14 PM
I guess you could upload it to one drive or google drive and link to that.
3rd October 2018, 06:33 PM
I use the code converter here:
YouTube or Vimeo Code Converter for eBay 2018 ( add video links to my eBay ads. It relies on the forum (or eBay in my case) software to be able to interpret HTML code. Unfortunately I can't really test it because the forum software doesn't allow posts to be deleted... It produces an image that when clicked on opens the Youtube video (yes you have to upload this before you do anything) in a new window. As others have said the alternative is to just insert a URL to the Youtube video and allow forums members to click on it. Not as elegant but it works fine.