View Full Version : Thumbs down for concretors!
Wild Dingo
11th October 2005, 05:38 PM
So Ive ordered me new 6mtr x 9mtr shed and sent the shire to approvin the plans should be all set for a go in 3 weeks
Shed itself set us back $4300 not bad price I thought... so there I am today checkin out prices for the concretors to whack down a floor
$2140!!! :eek: SHYTE!! :mad:
Now I expected about a grand or so and allowed 1500 all up for this part of the setup... but over 2000?? to lay bloody concrete?? :mad: On a level flat ready ground? this quote given site unseen :mad:
So now... NOW!! I become a woodbutcha propa like! :p Im puttin down a wood floor!!! :cool: ... sure its gonna take a good sized chunk outta me ready to work dry Jarrah in the humpy hoochy out the back... but $2000+ ??? not a friggin chance cobber!!
Strewth!! :eek: I just realized Ive still gotta put friggin power to the thing!! :( Leccys scare the bejeeeeeehazus outta me!! Those buggars seem to see a job make a mental calculation of an approximate cost then double it as they drive in the gate double that when they park and double it again as they say "gidday" then double it again just for good measure!! Last shed I had that I thought about getting powered up was a 6 x 6 in Mandurah and that came in at $1500 with me and me young fella doin all the friggin diggin and supplyin all the points lights and conduit!! Im a bit worried about even askin for a friggin quote after this lot with the concreters! :mad: might be a better option to buy a bloody great generator!! :rolleyes:
So Im goin the timber floor route save some $$ and then maybe just maybe someone can point me at a leccy whos honest and gives a realistic quote!
Ho hum another day in chaosland :rolleyes: :D
Cheers :cool:
11th October 2005, 05:58 PM
6 x 9 m floor will take about 6 cubic metres of concrete to a depth of 100mm. I think I was last charged about $160 per cubic metre so that is $960 in concrete.
Then add in cost of reo which would be about $300 so that is $1260 ish. Add in plastic reo chairs, plastic sheeting which would round off to about $1320.
Time to do formwork, plastic, set reo say three hours at $50 per hour so thats $1470.
That leaves $670 for labour and to do the job properly - helicoptered smooth etc
A timber floor would be cool though:D
Wild Dingo
11th October 2005, 06:29 PM
mmmm so yer reckon hes right on the money then? strewth ah well not to worry I reckon the timber floors a better option and gives me something interesting to do!!
Now I just gotta make damned sure I have the tools placed exactly RIGHT eh!! I reckon 3 x 3 joists ocwe 4 x 4 beams on 6 x 6 stumps every couple of feet or so would make it sturdee as all heck eh? boards 1in thick should be the right thickness considering the size of the tools wouldnt it? Or would I be overdoing it a tad?
11th October 2005, 07:00 PM
Youre getting of lightly there Dingo...footings and floating slab for my garage and workshop set me back $15,000. Not youre average shed though.
11th October 2005, 07:17 PM
Yep, it doesn't sound excessive to me. My new garage was 9 x 6 and had a partial floor. (some was already there because it replaced the old carport) I had the extra laid plus a path around it which cost me $1800. I think it's about right and I'd be going ahead with it, rather than timber.
Wood Butcher
11th October 2005, 07:28 PM
I was quoted $1650 for a 6x6 slab 100mm thick at the beginning of the year. I think that you would find the cost of a suitable timber floor would be comparable to concrete.
11th October 2005, 08:00 PM
Timber is better on aging knees as well.....and stops the cold coming up....and looks good, and if you run out of timber you can pull up a few pieces and replace later;)
11th October 2005, 08:38 PM
And you are all forgetting Shane's guiding principal. Never do things the easy way when with a bit of panic, you can make it complicated and chaotic :D
Irreverently yours
11th October 2005, 10:37 PM
mmmm so yer reckon hes right on the money then? strewth ah well not to worry I reckon the timber floors a better option and gives me something interesting to do!!
Now I just gotta make damned sure I have the tools placed exactly RIGHT eh!! I reckon 3 x 3 joists ocwe 4 x 4 beams on 6 x 6 stumps every couple of feet or so would make it sturdee as all heck eh? boards 1in thick should be the right thickness considering the size of the tools wouldnt it? Or would I be overdoing it a tad?
Timber floor is much better to work on, looks classy too!
Put yer bearers in 4 ft apart and yer stumps 6 ft apart and you'll have a nice strong floor. (2ft apart is a tad over the top).
11th October 2005, 10:53 PM
Sounds a reasonable price to me . Sure you could save a bit by doing it yourself . Here concrete is $140/m reo included ( fibers ) . I would not go timber myself . Concrete lasts forever if laid right .
To mix it yourself and pour it , its not THAT big a slab with a few mates and a good mixer would be 7 bags cement per meter ( $10 each bag , 6:1 ratio ) and gravel/sand ( $130 for 10m ) plus reo . Less than fifteen hundred dollars for a 6x9 roughly .
Its not really that hard to mix and pour concrete yoursef and for me I love doing it .
trouble is for a slab that size you need several slabs for the mates and a pig on the spit .
just go with the quote , its not a bad price .
11th October 2005, 11:04 PM
Why don't you pour the concrete floor yourself and then build the timber floor on top of it.
That way you don't have to be perfect with the concreting, you can run your dusty pipes and power lines under the floor to where you need them and the floor is comfortable to stand on.
That way you have the best of both. :D
doug the slug
11th October 2005, 11:32 PM
$2140!!! :eek: SHYTE!! :mad:
9m x 6m = 54 square metres
our local price is $40/sq metre (mates rates)
He's quoted you $20 below mates rates where i live.
additionally you will need footings to anchor the walls and the flooring to, if you go for timber anyway, or it wont get through council, here anyway.
I would go with the concrete and book it in quick before he realises how cheap he quoted you
12th October 2005, 10:08 AM
I paid $6,000 for the slab under my 16x6 shed but it was worth every cent. You could ice skate on it.
12th October 2005, 11:55 AM
Quite a few shed manufactures use the concrete floor as a structural part of the building and will charge you more if you need proper footings. Who's making your shed?
Also concrete is termite proof.
As folks have said before though, a timber floor is much easier on the feet legs and back.
I'm having a 14mtr x 7mtrs part open sided shed built (tractor storage) with quarter of it enclosed and concreted, this is costing $13,500 built with the concrete.