View Full Version : Home made wipe on poly

7th September 2018, 10:40 AM
Well I've finally run out of Minwax wipe on. I remember reading on the forums the recipe , I think from memory it was 3 parts poly / 2 parts turps. I've seen on U Tube 50/50 but that seems too thin. Could someone confirm if my recollection is right. I can't find anything in the forum search. :doh: Thank you chris

7th September 2018, 04:03 PM
G'Day Chris, For toy making I use 40% Satin Clear Polyurethane, 30% Pure Tung Oil, and 30% Mineral Turps.....
I've even added a spoon of Teak Stain to one batch to create a Honey Coloured finish.
Cheers, crowie

Mr Brush
8th September 2018, 04:57 PM
As above, but I also add a teaspoon of jam (for luck).

8th September 2018, 05:04 PM
You can also use linseed oil if you don't mind a bit of yellowish tinge.

Chief Tiff
8th September 2018, 05:34 PM
My standard go-to recipe is 1 part boiled linseed oil; 1 part gum turps and 1 part varnish. Wipe on; leave for 10 minutes or so then buff off by hand. Repeat on alternate days if you want to build up a thicker coat. By altering the ratio of oil to varnish you can make the finish either more durable (more varnish) or more "natural" and easy to repair (more oil).

Wipe on/off finishes are best combined with a really high quality surface finish to start with. A thick coat of varnish will basically cover up to an 80 grit sanded finish but wipe-one/off are best applied after 400 grit upwards; the higher the better.

(Not trying to teach you to suck eggs, that last bit of info is for anybody who's never used this finish before and finds this thread)

9th September 2018, 05:51 AM
Thank you crowie, justonething and Chief Tiff , I will try out your recipes . :2tsup: Chief Tiff, I take it when you say varnish you mean poly ?
Mr Brush :rotfl: strawberry ?

Chief Tiff
9th September 2018, 06:39 AM
Poly is only one type of varnish, although it appears to have made traditional oil based varnishes obsolete as they seem to dominate the shelves of every hardware shop.

BTW using a water based easy-clean-up product in the mix probably won’t work; although I admit I’ve never tried it.