View Full Version : How reliant are you on plans for your projects

doug the slug
10th October 2005, 11:50 PM
the poll on whether we want an online plans forum on this site inspired me to post this poll. How much do you rely on plans when building your projects?

E. maculata
11th October 2005, 12:05 AM
Good poll Doug.

11th October 2005, 12:17 AM

All depends on what I'm making. If it's something I've never had experience in I'll look at several pics / posts by you mob and take bits and adjust to my preferences.

I'm currently looking at jigs for my grinder (when I get it) for sharpening. If it's toys, then I might have a look at pics and make plans from there - but that's simple stuff.

Part of my job involves paper which I love and making it do things, mostly with printing, so for some things I make a paper template to see if my ideas work and then I go from there.

11th October 2005, 12:28 AM
In the past its all been in the head... but now that my work is evolving:confused: and I am making furniture which requires more complicated joinery I think I will be using plans more often until I am comfortable with the joinery.


11th October 2005, 12:44 AM
Didn't read the poll, should have voted I draw up my own plans as well, didn't realise it was a multi choice poll
Usually the stuff I draw is freehand , though i'm pretty good at that and the measurements only on the important dimensions
I recently made two cots and change tables , both look the same , fit the same mattress, height etc... But have several changes/improvements . The one basic drawing works for both but the way they go together came from inside my head.
The biggest problem I have is when shmbo askes what will look like when its finished , and then I have to do a 3/D drawing cause like a lot of females ( and some males) she can't picture 3/D in her mind and needs to see it on paper.
I understand where you are coming from doug and have got to agree.

The trouble with life is there's no background music or plans.


11th October 2005, 03:28 AM
I usually draw up my own plans, but just recently built a project from bought plans. it's a pretty vulnerable feeling because you don't have the whole project built in your head as a "castle in the air", and you just have to trust that all the steps are correctly leading to the completion. it turned out well though. I might do it again. :)

Ivan in Oz
11th October 2005, 06:40 AM
Plans are like a recipe when cooking.
They are NOT etched in Stone.

I cook what I eat;
no-one has complained of Dying :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :eek:

11th October 2005, 09:29 AM
Plans are like a recipe when cooking.
They are NOT etched in Stone.

I cook what I eat;
no-one has complained of Dying :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :eek:

G'Day All,
couldn't have said it any better!!....:)

11th October 2005, 01:46 PM
As one who has an electro-mechanical trade background I love a plan. Manuals and exploded views are my dreams. :p

Not to say I won't change it in my head or elsewheres for that matter but I need the overall picture to be able to vary the detail. :D

Actually Rocker said he'd give me a copy of his plans and I even had the cold hard in my pocket but the whole deal escaped me at the magnificent home of The Biting Midge :(

Anyone with plans feel free to post :) I've got a few here which I'll try and post in a suitable subforum if that's the way to go. Let me know ;)

11th October 2005, 08:38 PM
I don't use conventional plans.
Often I just work from my head influenced sometimes by the timber on hand.
Occaisionally I sketch concept designs.
Complex details i rough sketch but dimension accurately

Skew ChiDAMN!!
12th October 2005, 08:39 PM
The only time I strictly adhere to plans is when they're architect's plans and the client wouldn't be particularly pleased if I went my own way... but even then I'll make "suggestions for improvement" and I'd reckon that about 50% of the time they're incorporated anyway. :)

Otherwise if I'm building something with space constraints, eg. to fit into an alcove, I'll draw up my own plans. The constrained dimensions are highlighted for ease of reference, but the rest of it is subject to change as and when the whims of vagiary strike me. Almost everything else I build is the same, with the exception of the aforementioned constraints.

I do sometimes draw up plans after finishing or prototyping something I'm particularly pleased with. But even then my plans are more a general description of overall ratios than a detailed "this is how I was built" type architect's drawing...

Wood Butcher
12th October 2005, 09:28 PM
9 out of 10 times I work out of my head, maybe putting some rough sketches on the nearest peice of scrap timber. Unfortunately this is propably my biggest downfall too. Things don't always end up like they are supposed to.

13th October 2005, 08:33 AM
I usually get an idea then research it through and pay particular attention to proportional dimensions. I believe you can steal a lot from a picture and apply your own dimensions and choose your own materials. Usually a blend of common sense and adaptation of various ideas and materials works for me.

Regards Mike. :D

24th October 2005, 09:59 PM
If it something bigish or complex I will scibble something down on paper and then after a few days or weeks of further thought I will fix obvious errors in the design or make improvements. I tend to have a longish period between thought and finished product due to a long wish list from family and friends, and little play time, so I need drawings to remember what I am doing.


24th October 2005, 10:10 PM
All plans are laden with mistakes waiting to catch you out :p

25th October 2005, 07:12 AM
Actually Rocker said he'd give me a copy of his plans and I even had the cold hard in my pocket but the whole deal escaped me at the magnificent home of The Biting Midge :(


I thought there was someone else who wanted my plans at Midge's, but I forgot who it was. I will waive the postage and handling, if you still want it.
