View Full Version : meet the sister

10th October 2005, 09:37 PM
Can you believe it . My sister , in Sydney posted a question on this forum about replacing her lino . She did not know I was a member . I cant believe it .
Small world .

Reminds me of a story from another sister , I have 3 , who was in Turkey I think , staying at a youth hostel .
She was talking to this bloke and he said " where are you from "
"Australia " she replied
"Oh yeah , where in Australia ? "
"Sydney " she replied
"Where in Sydney " he said
"Hornsby " , she said
"Where in Hornsby ? " he asked
This is getting weird , she thought .
" Mt Colah " she replied .
He said " What Street "
She replied with the name of our street
He said " what number "
She said " 27 "
He said "thats the one with the street light out front "
She almost died of shock " Yes , how do you know ? "
He said "I was a taxi driver in Hornsby years ago and I gave your brother a lift home from pub sometimes . "

True story .

10th October 2005, 10:37 PM
Thats freaky.

10th October 2005, 11:14 PM
A few years ago I was on holiday in the U.S., standing on a street corner in L.A. waiting for the traffic lights to change. I was looking on the other side of the street and I thought that this bloke over there looked a lot like a guy who caught the bus from the same bus stop as mine each morning back home in Canberra.

As I got closer to him I couldnt believe how much he looked the guy from my bus stop. Then I noticed he was looking at me in a funny way. Apparently he was thinking that I looked a lot like a guy who caught the bus at his bus stop back in Canberra.

Neither of us knew that we would be in the U.S. at the same time but we managed to bump into each other in a street in L.A.

10th October 2005, 11:24 PM
Not as freaky , Know we are not that big a place but.
I was in Darwin on holidays recently, walked onto the beach to take sunset pics and as we walked along the beach guy says "hi russell "
Neighbour from 3 doors away , neither knew the other was going .

The trouble with life is there's no background music.


10th October 2005, 11:46 PM
Reminds me of many MANY years ago when I was still living in my hometown of Adelaide. I was visiting Sydney and happened to be talking to (chatting up) a girl in a newsagency one day. We got to the 'where are you from?' stage and she said....
"Oh what part" says I (ever so smoothly)
"Well, not really Adelaide, I always say that cos no-one has ever heard of where I really come from" says she.
"Try me, you never know" I reply.
It turns out she was from Streaky Bay on the SA far West Coast and her parents ran the local General Store in a town of 1500 odd people. To her surprise I told her I know it well as my sister had lived there for several years and actually worked in that store with, my soon to be, date for that night.
Small world indeed.



10th October 2005, 11:54 PM
Another one.

A mate of mine took his holidays and decided to head to London.
Upon arriving at Heathrow he grabbed a cab and told the cabby to take him to the nearest pub ans he was quite thirsty after the long flight.
He walked into the bar and to his surprise, their were 4 guys from our home town holding holding it up......and knew them all.
What are the chances???

Sure is a small world when you think about it.

11th October 2005, 12:14 AM
Didn't someone talk about seven degrees of seperation.

E. maculata
11th October 2005, 12:30 AM
Sorta remember 6 degrees, that is 6 people between knowing everyone else on the planet, but that was before the "net"

11th October 2005, 12:34 AM
Sorta remember 6 degrees, that is 6 people between knowing everyone else on the planet, but that was before the "net"

Six, seven, we're all friends here ....

On another note, the use of the term before the "net" conjours up all sorts of scarey Sci-Fi nasties ...

but back to topic "Is curious random chance just a case of '**** happens' or is there more design ....."

HEY I spelt that "SH-ONE-T" happens !!!!

E. maculata
11th October 2005, 12:42 AM
On another note, the use of the term before the "net" conjours up all sorts of scarey Sci-Fi nasties ...

yeah I agree with that image............. sorta explains the old guys around here bein' obsessed with tin foil wrapped around their heads ;) stops all the aliens from being freaked out at their deviant thoughts.

11th October 2005, 09:37 AM
I dropped in to the Rose hotel in Chippendale, Sydney one New Years Eve about 15 years ago to pick up some take-aways. While I was waiting for service, I got talking to this guy at the bar. He say's "is your name Darren".
"Yes it is," says I "how did you know?".
"I used to come down to Pambula Beach for holidays when I was a kid and you were one of the kids I used to play with in the surf".

Now, I never told the guy my name and no-one was with me who he could have over heard it from. I also never said I grew up in Pambula Beach. I remember a kid from Sydney who came down and stayed in the caravan park with his parents one year. I was about 8 years old. I had to go because people were waiting for me in the car so I never got to the bottom of it.

How the F did he know who I was?

11th October 2005, 09:52 AM
many years ago, my Dad and I caught a taxi to work (he had a shop and I worked there Saturday mornings). This particular day we were approaching the shop and for some reason my Dad started telling the cab driver about a guy who was killed on the footpath, right outside the shop in a knife fight. This had happened about 8 months earlier. The fight stated in the pizza shop next door at around midnight. Dad was telling him about the Police putting chalk marks on the ground, splatters of blood on the footpath and the cars parked there. I noticed a funny look on the cab driver's face but Dad didn't. he just kept on with the story. When we pulled up outside the shop, the driver told us that the victim was his son ! Dad was speechless. Imagine the poor driver picking us up a few suburbs away and having to stop in that exact spot again. :(

11th October 2005, 10:00 AM

How the F did he know who I was?

Some people just don't change their basic features over the years, even since mid childhood. Last year, I was on holiday and someone sitting next to me asked if I was 'Burn'. I said yes with a puzzled expression. He said he remembered me from 20 odd years earlier when I was a few years ahead of him at University. I asked how he remembered and he said that I haddn't changed ... perhaps less hair and greying ... but basically I was told I've not changed since my early 20's.

11th October 2005, 10:04 AM
How the F did he know who I was?

Terrific memory for faces.

As opposed to moi, I can't remember what you look like. ;) :D

11th October 2005, 10:04 AM
Thing is, I was in my early 20's and this guy hadn't seen me since I was 8 and we'd only met once for a few days. He must have had a very good memory is all I can say.

11th October 2005, 10:07 AM
I can't remember what you look like.
It's all the beer I make you drink when we get together ;)

11th October 2005, 10:08 AM
Maybe he'd been stalking you. :eek: :eek:

11th October 2005, 10:10 AM
He must have had a very good memory is all I can say.

You just don't get it, do you Darren?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

P (the Protected)

11th October 2005, 10:15 AM
Dang, it's those blasted aliens again, isn't it? I thought I'd seen the last of them...

E. maculata
11th October 2005, 11:14 AM
Dang, it's those blasted aliens again, isn't it? I thought I'd seen the last of them...

yep that says it all, silly old buggas need locking up for their own good
Your Honor the prosecution rests.

Now, must away to the zirtin nebula, a frezzelbuzz is awaiting for me:p

11th October 2005, 02:51 PM
How the F did he know who I was?

Strange indeed.

Several years ago I sold a business I ran here in Bunbury WA and, since then hardly get to see any of the people I used to deal with.

Only last week I was in a shopping centre with my wife and 3 guys passed by on separate occasions each nodded to me with a friendly - "Hi Neil". It always embarasses me that although I recognise the faces, I can't recall a name or workplace to put to the faces. All I can mutter in reply is "G'day Matey, dam cold huh?"

We were discussing it on the way home as to why other ppl can remember names but I can't.

Not til I was stripping for bed that night did I notice that the jumper I had been wearing all day had my old business logo and my name under it plain to see.....:o Duh.



Skew ChiDAMN!!
12th October 2005, 08:00 PM
I few years ago I was travelling north with a potential SWMBO when we pulled into a truckstop for a meal. As I paid, the local boy-in-blue walked in.

Some 5-10 mins down the road, a flash of blue lights and a siren, so I pulled over. I started to open the door as the ossifer walked up when he called out "G'day Mr *******, you dropped this as you left the stop" and handed me my wallet. :o

The lass I was with freaked out. "He knew your name! How did he...?"

I gotta admit I let her stress for a while before I drew her a picture. :D:D:D She really should've been born blonde.

12th October 2005, 08:16 PM
You just don't get it, do you Darren?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

P (the Protected)

Owwh look, a maxi me.

Al :)

12th October 2005, 08:22 PM
She really should've been born blonde.

Are you sure she wasn't one in disguise. :D


14th October 2005, 07:17 PM
I think the weirdest thing that happened to me was I went in to the hosp for an MRI and got talking to this really old doc there who I knew from working with the rats in the oncology research lab, and as we were chatting away and I was being shot up with some lovely Radio Active Isotopes I made a joke saying
"so will I glow in the dark tonight doc?"

Well he stopped and said Y'know Lou I used to treat an old saddler with Radiation Therapy who used to say exactly the same thing and his little blond haired brown eyed daughter would sit in the waiting room drawing pictures of ponies waiting for him to come out and she would leap into his arms and look at his throat and say "Daddy they have drawn Road Maps on your neck"

I got this chill and said Was the old Fella's name by any chance Les
He said yes , yes it was How did you know?
I said He was my Da

Then he got all teary and said you know I used to ask him
"How do you keep on going"
and appently Dad used to say my little girl keeps me going

and this was exactly 32 years to the day my dad passed away on 28th Sept

but left me with a great feeling of knowing my Da a little more


14th October 2005, 08:22 PM
Owwh look, a maxi me.[/img]

Al :)
It's ok, here it is http://zapatopi.net/afdb/testimonials.html

That's "me" (Al) with his tub of Maxi.

P :D

Auld Bassoon
14th October 2005, 08:45 PM
Hugshttp://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon7.gif for Bio...

14th October 2005, 09:21 PM
Hugshttp://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon7.gif for Bio...

Thanks Mate yep I still get a bit teary thinking about it but its more like Happy tears if you get my drift,
Cheers Bio