View Full Version : ALARM BELLS! Shower recess problems

10th October 2005, 11:08 AM
Well folks

I bought the place 2 1/2 yrs ago and all seemed well in the bathroom until I noted a cracked tile...... then another and of course another - followed by a swelling in the wall behind the cracked tiles. Upon further inspection today (i.e. removing a cracked tile) it seems the tiles are laid on top of standard plaster, not blue board.

Now I am wondering if there is a product I can paint onto the scraped back plaster that will seal and prepare it for retiling, or am I up for total replacement with either cement sheet or blueboard?


10th October 2005, 11:42 AM
Hi Steve,

Been in this one before!! My approach was to rip the whole lot out back to the frame and install water resistant lining - cement sheet at that time. The job came up a treat in the end -even after I knicked the water pipe with the jig saw :o

To not do it properly invites water to follow gravity and get into the floor/substructure which gets even harder to fix.!! Your call, but good luck which ever way you go. At least it's getting to that time of year where you can have a shower in the backyard with the old swimmers on!!!!!

If you really want to go the full pound you could rip the whole lot out, base and all and line the frame and floor with copper or gal sheet folded to the desired dimensions and then line and retile. Depends on perhaps the permancy of your residence at the property. First good for 15 years the latter for double that. ;)

10th October 2005, 11:42 AM
forget it ....... the bottom of the bloody wall is gone - no other way for it than to remove the lot and redo it

not what I had in mind for my day I can tell ya - several days I shouldve said

10th October 2005, 11:44 AM
Thanks Barnsey -yup ..... nothing else for it


10th October 2005, 11:45 AM

Commiserations old son - leaks in showers often wind up bigger than Ben Hurr :eek:

Can't wait to see the pics of the new bathroom :D :D :D

10th October 2005, 12:13 PM

Don't muck around, give the whole lot a coat of glass-reinforced polyester. I like to get the WetSeal guys to do it, that way I pay ten times the material cost, but get an excellent guarantee!


P :D

10th October 2005, 12:15 PM
thanks mate - I have decided to install lami-panel or equivalent so theres no bloody grout OR tiles to fail...... didnt like the bathroom anyway, but hadnt planned on spending money on it this year - oh well


10th October 2005, 12:16 PM

unfamiliar with that product

10th October 2005, 04:05 PM
Well folks

I bought the place 2 1/2 yrs ago and all seemed well in the bathroom until I noted a cracked tile...... then another and of course another - followed by a swelling in the wall behind the cracked tiles. Upon further inspection today (i.e. removing a cracked tile) it seems the tiles are laid on top of standard plaster, not blue board.

Now I am wondering if there is a product I can paint onto the scraped back plaster that will seal and prepare it for retiling, or am I up for total replacement with either cement sheet or blueboard?


Welcome to the bathroom nightmare. :p

I relined mine with villaboard & glued a one piece shower liner to it. No tiles, grout or joins! ~$260 for the liner & glue from Bourne (http://www.bournebathrooms.com.au/bathroom-kitchen/).

Hope you have another shower &/or bathroom to use while you fix this one.

Steve (sniff sniff, what's that smell)

10th October 2005, 04:52 PM
Mate why don't you check out the shower cubical on eBay , it could save you a few bucks! let alone time and hassle.

10th October 2005, 06:22 PM
Steve, I'm afraid I'm not trying to help with your problem - but I'm just dead curious to know how the wall came to be made like that. Do you know if it was done by the builder of the house, a shonky tradesperson, or a know-nothing diy renovator ?

Sorry, but I'm always curious to know how things come to be done like this.


10th October 2005, 06:42 PM

unfamiliar with that product

There are a number of others, these guys have been around a long time and have a good track record.

Not all can say that!

