View Full Version : The end of the World is nigh.
10th October 2005, 07:58 AM
Tsunami, Katrina, Earthquake. Typhoons (No bloody rain here) IMHO it would have been a different story had the Mad Hatter not been running the world.
But seriously, 30 000 people killed around the disputed region between India and Pakistan in a big earthquake. I'll donate my beer money this week to the relief effort.
10th October 2005, 09:39 AM
That Bob Dylan song keeps running over in my head.
I'm not the superstitious type but you can almost see why so many people believe there is a God. I prefer the scientific explanation. Maybe we are affecting the weather and maybe the warmer climate is causing the earthquakes. Or maybe it's just part of the cycle. It's a bit conceited of us to think we could have that big an impact on the Earth.
10th October 2005, 09:41 AM
If the Human Race cannot exist in harmony, taking and giving, Mother Nature will make the executive decisions, and remind every one, who really is running the show..........(((((((...cloaking device activated...))))))))))))))
no offence intended.
10th October 2005, 12:10 PM
I'm not the superstitious type but you can almost see why so many people believe there is a God.
Dash it all, I'm outside that other forum and can't talk religion! :eek:
But I don't think God is superstitious either. ;)
On the other hand, 18,000 non-white people die, and the cricket and Bathurst come first in the news......
On to the topic though and in a non-religious, purely for scientific research mood:- There is a curious, if barely tongue in cheek index on the web which has an index similar to the "Nuclear Clock", indexing the current probability of the world as we know it ending today, based on the status of fulfilment of Biblical prophecy.
Currently 75% up considerably from earlier in the year, when last I looked!
:D :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
10th October 2005, 12:40 PM
Dang it all. I've finally got my new shed built and now this!! Typical!!
10th October 2005, 12:42 PM
maybe the warmer climate is causing the earthquakes
Since 1900 the average number of Magnatude 7+ earthquakes per year is 19.5
It just depends on where they happen.
10th October 2005, 12:45 PM
Dang it all. I've finally got my new shed built and now this!! Typical!!
Darren, sorry but there is just no point in having the shed. The end is neigh. Send all shed contents to me and you may just be able to save yourself.
10th October 2005, 12:47 PM
Not much in there at the moment, Grunt. A few lengths of 4" PVC, a pile of 16mm chipboard and the left overs from yesterday's smoko. :D
10th October 2005, 12:48 PM
indexing the current probability of the world as we know it ending today, based on the status of fulfilment of Biblical prophecy.
I think this is actually a serious site.:eek:
10th October 2005, 12:49 PM
If the Human Race cannot exist in harmony, taking and giving, Mother Nature will make the executive decisions, and remind every one, who really is running the show..........(((((((...cloaking device activated...))))))))))))))
no offence intended.
Bit like
The trouble with life is there's no background music.
10th October 2005, 01:28 PM
Maybe it is not the number of natural events that has changed, but rather the fact that there are now more people to experience them and also news coverage is better at bringing the news of them to us.
10th October 2005, 01:50 PM
Dang it all. I've finally got my new shed built and now this!! Typical!!
You haven't read the fine print!! You're OK.... it probably won't happen till after you've paid it off!
The Purpose For This Index
You could say the Rapture index is a Dow Jones Industrial Average of end time activity, but I think it would be better if you viewed it as prophetic speedometer. The higher the number, the faster we're moving towards the occurrence of pre-tribulation rapture.
Rapture Index of 85 and Below: Slow prophetic activity
:D :D :D
10th October 2005, 01:54 PM
also news coverage is better at bringing the news of them to us.
Good point except for the "better at" bit. I don't think we should confuse quantity with quality, and we should specially not confuse it with equality or objectivity, of which there is none.
10th October 2005, 02:25 PM
You haven't read the fine print!! You're OK.... it probably won't happen till after you've paid it off!
Pay that shed off quickly and we'll all come to get you Silent :mad: :D ;)
10th October 2005, 06:49 PM
That Bob Dylan song keeps running over in my head..
Which one's that, "Bear Mountain picnic"?
10th October 2005, 07:02 PM
Which one's that, "Bear Mountain picnic"?
I'd be thinking "Lay, lady lay."
P(till the break of day!)
:D :D :D
10th October 2005, 07:53 PM
I'd be thinking "Lay, lady lay."
P(till the break of day!)
:D :D :D
No need to wait for the end of the world for that. :D :D :D
10th October 2005, 10:56 PM
Good point except for the "better at" bit. I don't think we should confuse quantity with quality, and we should specially not confuse it with equality or objectivity, of which there is none.
Agreed - but they have definitly got better at delivering quantity even though it might not be quality, so my statement still stands!
10th October 2005, 11:04 PM
O.K. Global warming is a fact . In Siberia temperatures have risen 3 degrees . Water temp has risen . There is now a coral reef off Tasmania that was not there 30 years ago . Fact .
So what happens when things heat up ? They expand . The earth is a globe and as it expands it causes an earthquake .
They are already saying the cyclones are caused by warming of the oceans causing winds to develop . Something like the el-nino effect .
Just my theory .
11th October 2005, 12:00 AM
O.K. Global warming is a fact .
No it isn't, global temperatures were higher 40 years ago than they are now.
It's a myth spread by the greenies.
The earth has gone through masny climate change cycle over millions of years and has been stable for some time.
doug the slug
11th October 2005, 12:21 AM
....... They are already saying the cyclones are caused by warming of the oceans causing winds to develop ......
There might be something in what you say rick. eating chilli also causes a warming effect and is responsible for wind, and also symptoms not unlike an earthquake in some individuals
11th October 2005, 01:13 AM
I personally believe that it has the makings of the biggest pile of crap i have ever had the privelege to witness.
Natural disasters are just that.......natural.
With our reliance on technology we have assumed that our power out weighs that of mother nature.....we are merely pawns in the end game and imho i dont think mother nature gives a s**t about how rich you are or wether you ride a bike to work to help save all of those greenhouse emissions.
There is a lot to be said about Carpe never know what day will be your last. Wether it be by accident, earth quake or flood.
That being said........why the big hooo haaa about nuclear power stations.
By products aside ( currently all the materials used have a by product, wether it be coal or gas) Wind or solar arent taken into account as they generally need a helping hand by those previously mentioned,nuclear produces the cleanest energy by a country mile.
Yes, its by product, or at least its disposal, is distasteful.......but we cant have our cake and eat it too.
I think that most of the human race are very short sighted and most couldnt give 2 ***** about the condition of mother earth, they are more concerned with the contents of their hip pockets.
And that goes for the so called greenies too!!!
11th October 2005, 07:39 AM
I also heard about another polution related effect. Global dimming. I see its already affected a few here :D but; Extra particles in the atmosphere reflecting light, hence heat, thus negating global warming. Or it could have been a hoax and I'm Globally dim.
11th October 2005, 08:07 AM
It's a myth spread by the greenies.
So the more greenies you have, the less you should be believed!
:D :D :D
11th October 2005, 10:55 AM
.why the big hooo haaa about nuclear power stations.
By products aside ( currently all the materials used have a by product, wether it be coal or gas) Wind or solar arent taken into account as they generally need a helping hand by those previously mentioned,nuclear produces the cleanest energy by a country mile.
Yes, its by product, or at least its disposal, is distasteful.......but we cant have our cake and eat it too.
I think that most of the human race are very short sighted and most couldnt give 2 ***** about the condition of mother earth, they are more concerned with the contents of their hip pockets.
And that goes for the so called greenies too!!!
What I don't get is why the greens stopped the building of the franklin dam ? Surely it would be better to have more clean Hydro power , and yes I think its time we re-visited the idea of nuclear power too .
11th October 2005, 11:29 AM
I think its time we re-visited the idea of nuclear power too .
Revisiting the idea is a good thing..... so here is a site that is also worthrevisiting. If you haven't already done so, spend about 10minutes doing the tour.
I'm not at all anti-nuclear power, but there just may be a few issues that haven't been quite resolved......
(Insert very serious, pondering smilie here.)
11th October 2005, 11:41 AM
The problem with nuclear power is what do you do with the waste.
How do you safely store nuclear waste with a half-life of 1000 years? There is just no way that we can guarantee that we could build a safe storage facility that will last 3 or 4 thousand years.
Sure, it'll solve our problems but future generations will be less happy.
I'm not in favour of building lakes over wilderness areas. There is so little wilderness left that I think we need to leave a little bit for our children.
I think Australia should build gas fired power stations. We have an abundant supply of natural gas. We could use this until the technology solar/wind or other renewable sources are up to speed. We need to keep investing in these so the technology advances.
11th October 2005, 07:12 PM
Oh well, time to cash in the super and go fishing etc... :D :D
11th October 2005, 08:12 PM
The problem with nuclear power is what do you do with the waste.
There is surprisingly little dangerous waste to be stored.
With fuel rods- only a couple of percent of the rod is actually used and it can be reprocessed.
This leaves only a tiny bit of waste that could easily be set into stabilized blocks and buried.
The worlds total of really dangerous waste is not many cubic meters. The rest could be stored in drums and buried in a dry stable area.
11th October 2005, 08:20 PM
There is surprisingly little dangerous waste to be stored.
With fuel rods- only a couple of percent of the rod is actually used and it can be reprocessed.
This leaves only a tiny bit of waste that could easily be set into stabilized blocks and buried.
The worlds total of really dangerous waste is not many cubic meters. The rest could be stored in drums and buried in a dry stable area.
I'm definetly no expert but why couldnt they just shoot it out into space .
It has to be cleaner than coal and even gas , we could keep our wilderness .
11th October 2005, 08:45 PM
I'm definetly no expert but why couldnt they just shoot it out into space .
It has to be cleaner than coal and even gas , we could keep our wilderness .
Yup, whack a great heap of it on top of a thumping great big rocket ... then have the whole lot go bang half way up. Instant contamination over an impressive area. Seriously, I'm pretty sure that's the reason because it's not hard to launch something that will wind up in the sun.
11th October 2005, 09:01 PM
good point
14th October 2005, 12:29 AM
O.K. Global warming is a fact . In Siberia temperatures have risen 3 degrees . Water temp has risen . There is now a coral reef off Tasmania that was not there 30 years ago . Fact .
So what happens when things heat up ? They expand . The earth is a globe and as it expands it causes an earthquake .
They are already saying the cyclones are caused by warming of the oceans causing winds to develop . Something like the el-nino effect .
Just my theory .
Rick, your theory needs a bit of fine tuning....the earth's climate happens in the atmosphere.....earthquakes happen below the earth's surface, the two are physically seperate parts of the planet. Earthquakes are the result of movement of the tectonic plates that make up the earths crust. Movement of the plates is in turn driven by movements of material within the earth's mantle.
My thoughts on global warming...humans are definitely influencing the planet's climate but IMO there is also a natural climatic fluctuation going on as well.....our activities are accentuating what is a natural phenomenon.
Cheers Martin
14th October 2005, 09:04 AM
the two are physically seperate parts of the planet
I wonder if in a closed system like this that is really possible? You would be aware of the chaos theory. Perhaps there is a connection.
I know it works in reverse. Krakatoa affected the world's climate for many years after the event. There's even a series of paintings done by an artist in London over a period of time which feature brilliant red sunsets that were caused by all the dust in the atmosphere.
14th October 2005, 09:07 AM
There's even a series of paintings done by an artist in London over a period of time which feature brilliant red sunsets that were caused by all the dust in the atmosphere.
I thought they were painted during the great baked-bean glut of 1903.
:D :D
14th October 2005, 09:15 AM
You don't hear much about the great baked-bean glut, do you? It's all "the blitz this" and "the great plague that" and "the fire of London the other". Oooh, the fire of London, it was soooo terrible, oooh I nearly died of the plague and then I stepped on a UXB. What about the baked-bean glut, huh? What about that!!