View Full Version : Driveway

9th October 2005, 08:56 PM
Hi all

I am Siting my new house on my block and will have a driveway down the side fence to the shed:D . Not wanting to waste land what is the minimum distance between the house and the fence/boundary for a driveway.

May also want to park and get out so need room for that as well.

2.4m, 3m, 3.6 or 4m?

Most houses around here have the garage at the front so I am having trouble getting the measurements>

So if you have a drive like this can that works can you run a tape across it?



9th October 2005, 09:06 PM
Prolly best you speak to your local council.

Al :)

9th October 2005, 09:24 PM

The minimum I would have is 3.0metres to get out of the car on both sides. Just imagine a 2.4m roller door which is average opening size to drive a car through and if you parked in the middle of the roller door opening you would not be able to get out of the car.

But if you can make it more I would do so. I don't think the council will care as long as you have the minimum distance required for the eaves gutter and that can vary from council to council.

9th October 2005, 09:34 PM

3.0m is the practical minimum, 3.6m is mucho better. :D

Think of it in terms of the width of a single car carport and you'll soon get the idea. ;)

9th October 2005, 10:37 PM

The minimum I would have is 3.0metres to get out of the car on both sides. Just imagine a 2.4m roller door which is average opening size to drive a car through and if you parked in the middle of the roller door opening you would not be able to get out of the car.

But if you can make it more I would do so. I don't think the council will care as long as you have the minimum distance required for the eaves gutter and that can vary from council to council.

Now why didnt I think of the rolladoor idea.......doh.!

Thanks everyone

