View Full Version : Thumbs up for MIK Adelaide

6th October 2005, 08:36 PM
Got a new Carbatec CH16-N benchtop drill press delivered last week by John from MIK...he was on his way home from work past my place so kindly offered to drop it off for and save me freighting costs.

Things looked ok until I got drilling a few days later....table wouldnt tighten up, motor was making a din and the chuck seemed to be spinning a bit off centre.

I put in a call to John and today he popped in with a brand new drill press and hauled away the old one...bldi good service and I'm now a very happy punter.

Thanks to Michael, John amd others at MIK for the great service.

Cheers Martin

6th October 2005, 08:38 PM
MIK, Australias answer to Lee Valley. :)

6th October 2005, 10:21 PM
How come some companies keep getting good wraps here?
Is it something they do?

6th October 2005, 10:31 PM
How come some companies keep getting good wraps here?
Is it something they do?

Companies like MIK work to a very simple formula.....they realise that without satisfied customers they wouldn't be in business. One thing I've noticed also is that the MIK guys are woodies like their customers...they know what woodies want and they know how to keep woodies happy

All very simple really....dont know why 90% of other Australian companies havent picked up on it.

I've do however have one beef with MIK....I wish they wouldnt give out those bright bldi blue shopping bags.....the colour is guaranteed to catch the eagle eye of SWMBO as you try and get the latest haul of tools from the car to the worshop without being sprung.



7th October 2005, 05:11 PM
How come some companies keep getting good wraps here?
Is it something they do?

Yes. :)

7th October 2005, 10:52 PM
These folks are 100% customer service focused!
I have never had anything but, fantastic & very prompt service from them.
The real bonus is when you get this great service and then find you also received a discount on occaisions without even asking.
I'll spend my hard earned with them before anyone else whilst they continue to please!
Regards Sandman. :D :D :D

8th October 2005, 12:15 AM
Yep agree with you guys, only had one shopping spree there but got great service and they price matched... so I brought some more gear, cant leave with any change in pocket!

John Saxton
13th October 2005, 09:48 PM
MIK's on the top of my favourites list...head straight to them at any WW show they always know who their clientele are.

FAULTLESS SERVICE ALWAYS and always a pleasure to deal with them either interstate by any means or personally. :)

I have spent quite a bit of moolah with them over the years because they do the right thing with folk they deal with.
All due credit to Michael and the staff there who will continue to get my support.
The one place in OZ where fine tools can be readily accessed fairly and without the hassles of going off-shore ...point bein' support your local industry.


14th October 2005, 12:04 PM
I have to come out of lurk mode to add my opinion to this thread. MIK provide outstanding service, friendly, knowledgable and very quick. I have been so happy with my 3 MIK transactions that I actually prefer buying from them and having it shipped from Adelaide than popping down to Carba Tec here in Melbourne (it is a bit out of my way and I don't own a car). It it not that I have had a bad experience with Carba Tec it is just that I feel that good customer service should be rewarded with repeat custom.

Back to lurking again.


Oz Man

14th October 2005, 07:22 PM
I bought a Hegner scroll saw from MIK and had it shipped to NZ. Their service was quick, efficient and knowledgeable.

Rhys H.