View Full Version : This is why we must never let newspapers die

KBs PensNmore
15th May 2018, 06:45 PM
Here are some headings taken from Newspaper. Have typed out the headings for those that don't want to open the link.
Worker suffers leg pain after crane drops 800 pound ball on his head
(Under sports heading) Rangers get wiff of Colon
Homicide victims rarely talk to Police
Barbershop singers bring joy to school for deaf.
Miracle cure kills fifth patient
Bridges help people cross rivers
City unsure why the sewer smells
17 remain dead in morgue shooting spree
Starvation can lead to health hazards
Man accussed of killing Lawyer receives a New Attorney
Parents keep kids home to protest school closure
Hospitals resort to hiring doctors
Federal Agents raid Gun Shop, find weapons
Total lunar eclipse will be broadcast live on Northwoods Public radio
Meeting on open meeting is closed
Statistics show that teen pregnancy drops off significantly after age 25.
Bugs flying around with wings are flying bugs
Man with 8DUI's blames drinking problem

16th May 2018, 09:48 PM
I need newspapers. How else am I meant to clean my paint brushes and protect surfaces when painting.

16th May 2018, 11:58 PM
I need newspapers for the intelligent section .....comics and crosswords

17th May 2018, 08:00 AM
I love the headings. Then you have to buy the newspaper in order to read the article.

17th May 2018, 09:41 AM
I need newspapers for the intelligent section .....comics and crosswords

Me too

17th May 2018, 10:51 AM
When I was an apprentice and before I had a car license I would buy the Telegraph newspaper when I would go to TAFE, by train, once a week. I bought the paper solely to count the spelling mistakes on the first few pages. I can't recall the exact numbers but it was around a dozen for each edition

17th May 2018, 02:48 PM
Now that's my definition of boredom or is it a true reflection of the titillating value of the content of said paper

27th May 2018, 04:56 PM
I need newspapers for the intelligent section .....comics and crosswords
Yes! How can one make it through the day without "Dilbert"?

Dilbert Comic Strip on 2018-04-29 | Dilbert by Scott Adams (http://dilbert.com/strip/2018-04-29)

27th May 2018, 06:19 PM
Yes! How can one make it through the day without "Dilbert"?

Dilbert Comic Strip on 2018-04-29 | Dilbert by Scott Adams (http://dilbert.com/strip/2018-04-29)

That's not a comic book, it's a training manual for one of the places I worked!

28th May 2018, 04:20 PM
That's not a comic book, it's a training manual for one of the places I worked!

Same here! I worked for a 'Pointy Hair Boss' except he wasn't as smart as the one in the comic strip.