View Full Version : Can Openers
4th October 2005, 01:07 PM
Last night I had trouble opening a can of tomatoes with a reasonably new can opener, I know they have been using less material in the cans from overseas ( but this was an Aussie product ) and this makes most can openers obsolete, including the ones that take the top off the can, as there is less to grip onto. Even the army style with the fold out blade don't work as they use to
So is it just me or do you have a problem too .
And does anyone have a good way of opening cans , or know the brand of a useable opener.
Some I know, will have to ask SHMBO or significent other half , or parent , nursing home cook etc the case may be , but as the one in our household who opens most of the cans I would appreciate your answers
The trouble with life is there's no background music.
4th October 2005, 01:19 PM
Out with the big bush knife and push down through top of can.
Rotate 90 degrees and stick knife in again.
Always works. :D
4th October 2005, 01:23 PM
the best can openers I have ever used or seen are the simple little units the army uses in its ration packs. Basic design that works perfectly on all cans, long lasting (we still use some from vietnam vintage!) and dont take up half the drawer space. Amazingly some people cannot work out how to use them but if the chockos can...
4th October 2005, 05:30 PM
My favourite can openers:
2. The army one Womble mentioned
3. The tupperware one - albeit it costs around $50, but I haven't found a can it can't open yet.
4th October 2005, 06:42 PM
hammer and old wood chisel
Auld Bassoon
4th October 2005, 06:48 PM
Lee Valley probably have one, in anodised aluminium
4th October 2005, 08:29 PM
I used to use one of those pointy ones that left a jagged edge around the outside of the lid.
Thne one day I sneezed and head came forward and my forehead struck the edge and cut through to the bone......4 stitches later.
My wife bought me an electric one!!!
4th October 2005, 09:11 PM
I used to use one of those pointy ones that left a jagged edge around the outside of the lid.
Then one day I sneezed and head came forward and my forehead struck the edge and cut through to the bone......
I think Homer did that on the Simpsons :D
As for the opener, I use a Magican, which has yet fail after 10 years.
E. maculata
4th October 2005, 09:33 PM
Gazaly, you're lucky our first one lasted a couple of years, next one maybe 2, this one is failing with 2 years on the clock, although to be fair it does open at least 3 pet food cans a day :D so not doing real bad considering......
Skew ChiDAMN!!
5th October 2005, 01:02 AM
You going darkside? You have a band-saw don't you?
5th October 2005, 12:42 PM
Thanks all
Must admit there are times when the bandsaw option is considered
The Tupperwear one I will try , cost dosen't matter as long as the damm thing works
and will keep my eye out for a "Magican "
5th October 2005, 02:27 PM
Good luck with it Ashore. I'm interested to hear what you think of it. HWMNBO hates it, i.e. can't get the hang of it, but I love it, oh yes, the handles are good for CSI/CTS, ok for arthritis, or simply sore hands from too much woodwork :D
6th October 2005, 12:10 AM
Just stick the can in a bonfire... it'll cook and open all by itself!
6th October 2005, 08:16 AM
This has handled every can at our place since the late 1980s. It's a "Monopol" brand, made in West Germany. If you look closely there are two gears, one each behind the can drive-wheel and the cutting wheel. These gears provide a very positive enagement between the handle, driver, and cutter. Was a bit pricey ($30 in 1988), but excellent value. Good ergonomics, never had to fiddle with it, wow, what a good tool.:)
6th October 2005, 09:53 AM
Thanks Zen , I'll put that one on the list as well
7th October 2005, 05:42 PM
We have the tuppaware one, its bl.... fantastic, always takes off all lids :D somehow dosnt leave a sharp edge and the flammin lid will actually sit back on the can (tin...stupid) without falling off :cool: pricy but you wont regret it.
I do not sell ,promote or endorse tuppawre products because they breed like FLIES .....Tonto :eek:
7th October 2005, 07:06 PM
Thanks Tonto its wendies advice as well, must be the only damm tuppaware thing we don't have
Next Question is anyone having a tuppaware party ????
10th October 2005, 10:17 AM
Ashore, A lady here at work just had one. I can order one for you if you'd like.