View Full Version : Super proud of Son
22nd April 2018, 02:06 PM
My 22yo son JP has just graduated from Uni with a degree in electrical engineering with Honours.
JP is the first to graduate from uni on my side of the family ever. Both his mum and I only did year ten at school. My parents left school in year 7 and 8.
Not only did he graduate he did so with the really high grades.
He has been offered to do PhD’s with twelve seperate universities and won an industry award for his thesis which developed a remote temperature sensing device that cuts the cost of monitoring from $15000 to about $500.
An industry association is sending him to the US for a conference and to discuss his thesis.
Super proud.
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22nd April 2018, 03:27 PM
Congratulations to your son and especially to his mum and dad.
Looking at your age, leaving school at what is now year 10 is nothing you need to apologise for.
It was normal for the time (late 70s) and reflected the employment and continuing education opportunities then available.
and as for your own parents -- leaving school that early was for their time "normal" and is nothing to be ashamed of
22nd April 2018, 04:24 PM
Good on him as said above back in the seventies there was no need to go through to (Matriculation as is was called ) unless you planned on being a rocket scientist, for trades etc. year 10 (intermediate) was all that was required
22nd April 2018, 04:34 PM
Congratulations to Mum, Dad and JP.
22nd April 2018, 05:38 PM
Thanks guys.
When I went to high school there was never an inkling of going to university and I later wished I had. So three years ago I started a Macquarie Uni arts degree through open university.
Just one unit per semester and enjoying it. Take a fair bit of fun stirring from JP for it being an “arts” degree.
Amazing how in just three generations the family has advanced educationally.
Dad joined the navy at 16 I think. Mum came from a Romani gypsy family that travelled Aust basically stealing and theiving as they went.
Parents were married at 17/16 and when I was four grandma arrived at the door and told mum she had dropped three of her sisters (10,13,15) at the orphanage and if she wants them to go get them. So I was raised by four mums effectively while dad was at sea.
Though mum has passed I think she would be happy to know how things have worked out.
Now three more to go!
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23rd April 2018, 11:03 PM
Congrats To JP and parents
23rd April 2018, 11:52 PM
What a wonderful story!
24th April 2018, 08:14 AM
Onya Dazzler!
Congrats all round.
Your story about going to uni as a mature age person sounds a bit like my Dad's. He never even completed high school because when he was 13 he had to go and work to help feed his family in a sawmill replacing my grandfather who had died. Dad then worked as a timber faller for years before being involved in a log truck accident that he never recovered from physically so he went back to complete high school at a rehab centre. Dad and I completed year 10 in the same year. Dad then worked in an office for a while but then in his early 50's went to uni and eventually completed an arts degree and started doing a Dip Ed but he could not function as a teacher because his hearing was so bad from chainsaw use so he continued in office jockey until he retired. Despite all this he and mum managed to get 6 out of their 10 kids through uni.