View Full Version : Salesman to sell woodworking machines - Brisbane

16th April 2018, 02:55 PM
Hi all,
Gregory Machinery is looking for a Part or Full Time Salesman for their Showroom at Richlands. Are you looking to fund your hobby!?

A good knowledge of wood working, machines, parts etc plus a background in Sales would be an advantage. Computer proposals made with Office experience preferred.

Send me your details to [email protected] if this sort of role appeals.


12th May 2018, 05:49 PM
Now they need two. I am no longer there.

12th May 2018, 08:10 PM
Hey Bill, what are you now up to?

13th May 2018, 10:15 AM
Hi Damien,
Looking at options. Stay tuned!

13th May 2018, 05:25 PM
While I am not likely to apply for any job due to distance the question on my mind is why you are no longer there or why they are still looking for staff?

14th May 2018, 07:42 AM
Hey Handy,
After 3 years (the last, part time after cancer surgery) $2m in sales (personnally) 6 mths as Service Manager, let's just say, I was under appreciated.
As the person that did all the hiring and firing, I can also say it is hard to find quality Machinery Sales people. Lots of baristas looking for work! (No offence to the coffee pouring artists but it is not the same as selling a table saw!)