View Full Version : I hate cigars

3rd October 2005, 12:32 PM
Yesterday the BIL came around for lunch and brought two Havana cigars with him. That's fine, but he wanted me to smoke one of them. :eek:

I haven't smoked in 8 years and really didn't want the bloody thing but I smoked it so he wouldn't be offended because I'd spurned his $20 cigar. :rolleyes:

Today I have THE most disgusting taste in my mouth which I can't get rid of no matter how many times I clean my teeth.

Oh well, just thought I'd get that whinge off my chest :p

3rd October 2005, 12:41 PM
Coincidentally, I was offered a cigar on Saturday evening. My son - who is heading overseas for a while - had some of his mates around. One of them brought me a cigar as a special treat. Helluva nice gesture from a good bloke whom I've known since he was in kindergarten.

However, I haven't had a smoke now since February 2004. I almost accepted the cigar because I didn't want to offend my son's mate. But I didn't. Instead I tried hard to explain why I was turning down his thoughtful gift. I think he was a little disappointed but I hope he wasn't offended.

Tough one! But - I know that I am merely a recovering smokaholic - not a former smoker. One highly satisfying drag and I'll be back on the bloody things again.


3rd October 2005, 01:14 PM
Gave up smoking just before Christmass but still had a heap of good cuban cigars from spain and egypt so I promissed myself two on our last holliday .
1 watching the sun set at ayres rock with a nice red
2 on my birthday with a good glass of red

Enjoyed them both and had no after taste , so craigb mabye you should have been drinking as you consumed the cigar. http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gifhttp://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gif Works for me

The trouble with life is there's no background music.


3rd October 2005, 05:19 PM
Yesterday the BIL came around for lunch and brought two Havana cigars with him. That's fine, but he wanted me to smoke one of them. :eek:

I haven't smoked in 8 years and really didn't want the bloody thing but I smoked it so he wouldn't be offended because I'd spurned his $20 cigar. :rolleyes:

Today I have THE most disgusting taste in my mouth which I can't get rid of no matter how many times I clean my teeth.

Oh well, just thought I'd get that whinge off my chest :p

Your BIL is not named Bill Clinton by any chance is he?
Maybe you look like Monica.

Al :D

3rd October 2005, 06:01 PM
Your BIL is not named Bill Clinton by any chance is he?
Maybe you look like Monica.

Al :D
:D :D

No he's not


3rd October 2005, 07:06 PM
yuk. blarghhhhh.

3rd October 2005, 07:58 PM
they is yukkie and they does stink we know somone who has great delight smoking them nr me im asthmatic and they just make me wanna hurl .. is that enough hehehhe jules

3rd October 2005, 08:07 PM
they is yukkie and they does stink we know somone who has great delight smoking them nr me im asthmatic and they just make me wanna hurl .. is that enough hehehhe jules

Jules...next time this person lights up near you just go into a full scale Force 10 asthmatic attack.....that should make him think twice about puffing in your presence.

3rd October 2005, 08:18 PM
Yesterday the BIL came around for lunch and brought two Havana cigars with him. That's fine, but he wanted me to smoke one of them. :eek:

I haven't smoked in 8 years and really didn't want the bloody thing but I smoked it so he wouldn't be offended because I'd spurned his $20 cigar. :rolleyes:

Today I have THE most disgusting taste in my mouth which I can't get rid of no matter how many times I clean my teeth.

Oh well, just thought I'd get that whinge off my chest :p

You Cultural Desert!!

Ridgi-dig Havana's...............yum!!!!

3rd October 2005, 08:23 PM
I used to be a smoker but never big on cigars. Bloody awful things if you ask me. I could never see the value in 'em. *cough* :cool:

3rd October 2005, 09:07 PM
G'Day All,
I'm a smoker (10 per day), and before anyone starts, I know it's no good and a filthy habit, but we all have our vices. I don't like the larger cigars but I do have a weakness for and "Old Port" (the tipped ones) every now and then!...:p