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2nd October 2005, 08:53 PM
Hi Guys
May seem a bit silly but what is the little tree like thing under the avatars and please don't ask me to run my mouse over it
if it was working properly I would LOL
but it has up and died and so do you know how difficult it is to try and type in an internet forum while trying remember all those damm hot keys
hell takes me back to high school when we had those awful mark sensor cards for computing assignments and the pdp 11 was the size of a room LOL
That's it first thing tomorrow I'm buying a new mouse
Cheers Bio
Auld Bassoon
2nd October 2005, 09:22 PM
I remember PDP 11's 34s through to 70s - and they were only the size of a large filing cabinet - and pretty good tools for the time too! Good ol' RSTS
Oh! the answer to your Q! It's the accreditation / dis-accreditation symbol, or put more simply where you can give "greenies", "blueys" or - "reddies"!
2nd October 2005, 09:31 PM
Oh! the answer to your Q! It's the accreditation / dis-accreditation symbol, or put more simply where you can give "greenies", "blueys" or - "reddies"!
Thanks Steve I think the last one I saw was the size of a large suitcase
amazing what they can do now
I've got another question what are greenies, bluey's or reddies LOLOL
and as for getting smaller my mate picked up a new mobile phone
hell its smaller than my business card case I'd loose it but I really hate mobile phones my is an old clunker by today's standards mono-chrome screen, boring ring tones and doesn't do all those whiz bang things like take pics and send emails or make you a latte LOL
2nd October 2005, 09:40 PM
Ah, PDP-11, can you remember how to PIP?
The greenies and reddies are reputation points system. Check out this.
We're all getting old.
2nd October 2005, 10:08 PM
I've got another question what are greenies, bluey's or reddies LOLOL
Go to your user CP
You can see what other users have given you as a reward for your postings, like the red I just gave you.
Lolololololololololololololololololol etc.
Al :p