23rd January 2018, 07:56 PM
I was contacted by Kristi in Canberra about making some trays for an old box she had. Kristi sent me some photos and the box looked pretty sad with a mismatched lid and gaps in all the joins with some various types of coatings which did not do the timber justice. I predicted some problems so asked her to send me the box so i could have a good look at it. Once i laid eyes on it i couldn't send it back to her in that state so urged her to let me try and fix it up and was given permission to work a miracle on it. The box is made of Red Cedar and had been veneered with a 4mm thick layer of Cedar Birds Eye which was short on some joins and too long on others. The veneer had been applied with contact adhesive which in a few placed had let go so there were loose panels which i went about peeling off, cleaning all the contact off and then re applying with wood glue. Once it was all stable i went about sanding the whole box and filling and sanding and filling and sanding some more until all the joins looked respectable. I made the trays to Kristi's design from Red Cedar and lined them with Stone velvet. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (