View Full Version : self levelling agent

28th September 2005, 10:56 AM
Hi all

Hvae just pulled up the carpet in our new house ready for teh vic ash boards to be laid. Near the fireplace we ahve a floating timber slab that was covered with tiles. I had to pull up the tiles as they were green (how very 1970s) and were proud of the subfloor. Now I have a drop of about 5mm from the subfloor to the height of the slab.

I need to level this out before the flooring guy arrives. I presume that I would use a self-levelling agent to smooth this out. Can anyone recommend a specific product? The total area is around 1200x300x5 (give or take).

Any specific tricks to using this gear?



28th September 2005, 11:31 AM
I picked up some stuff from Bunnings last weekend and tried it. Can't remember what it was called but they had some priming products as well.

One piece of advice. Don't trowel the stuff into areas you think need more product. Just pour into an even type spread and let it find its own level. The first bag I put down I stupidly troweled it a bit. After that I just poured it onto the slab and let it find its own level and it worked fine.

28th September 2005, 11:32 AM
one of my favourite products, but cant recommend a brand. just follow the destructions and away you go .....it has saved me a world of pain more than once!

28th September 2005, 11:35 AM
just ensure that you prime the sub surface so a bond can be formed, Bondcrete is ok as a primer.

Std 20kg bag does 12mm per 1.0x1.0mt

28th September 2005, 11:46 AM
Ardex self-levelling compound is the bees knees. You're supposed to use their primer but I used Bondcrete on one I did and it worked fine.

I used Ardit Z8.


28th September 2005, 11:47 PM
I used acetone at this end.
The floor was in sound condition and the stuff we used(no name) hasnt moved at all.
Be aware that it will need a considerable drying time as it looks dry and set on top yet underneath is very soft.
We had a fair few chips whilst the gyprocker was working but nothing that a bit of water putty couldnt fix.


29th September 2005, 11:59 AM
Thanks all. I will try and find come ardex gear this weekend.

This sounds like fun...
