View Full Version : gross generalisations tick me off
27th September 2005, 06:29 PM
Dear Wongo
I have a point of issue with your blanket generalization in your Quote, about the thread on Methadone and little Rose
It reeks of tunnel vision'd ignorance and bias and Sensationalism (much like the media who print these stories) implies that single mums are more likely to be “Serial Mums!” with multiple genetic donors of the “Y” chromosome persuasion. LOL
The majority of Single Mum’s I have come across are not sole parents by choice but through divorce or through a death of a partner.
I’ve worked in the Biomedical Field for over 10 years and the majority of my co-workers were, as you like to term “Single Mums”, I have no doubt they have paid their fair share of taxes and possibly more taxes than yourself.
And as it is a horribly sad indictment that an innocent child lost her life due to the ignorance, and stupidity of her parents, I fail to see the connection between the two. Apart from your implication that Single Mums equates to Serial Mums equates to Potential Negligent Mums therefore resulting in the death of said offspring.
Having used a lot of mathematical formulas in my time your theory is sadly lacking (That’s for the censors out there to read the implications LOLOL) I have seen first hand at just how difficult it has been for some of my co-workers to not only be a sole parent, but to try and juggle a career and just because they don’t possess the “Y” chromosome have to put up with similar attitudes from Patriarchal Dominated Research Academics! And the contempt shown to them because they have had a child! Is misogynistic
So while we are all saddened by the needless loss of such an innocent life perhaps we can take some solace in the knowledge we as parents will never place our own Children or any child in such a situation.
And for all who are impacted by this if you are religious perhaps offer up a prayer or blessing to your prospective Deities or God that it never happens to another child again.
Sincerely Biotechy2k
Who works from Home and raises her two children along with their patriarchal genetic donor.
27th September 2005, 07:21 PM
If you read the sticky note post at the top of each forum - it looks something like this:
<TABLE class=MsoNormalTable style="BACKGROUND: #d1d1e1; 100%; mso-cellspacing: .7pt; mso-padding-alt: 4.5pt 4.5pt 4.5pt 4.5pt" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 0; mso-yfti-firstrow: yes; mso-yfti-lastrow: yes"><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; PADDING-RIGHT: 4.5pt; BORDER- #ece9d8; PADDING- 4.5pt; BACKGROUND: #f5f5ff; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4.5pt; BORDER- #ece9d8; PADDING- 4.5pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8">
</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; PADDING-RIGHT: 4.5pt; BORDER- #ece9d8; PADDING- 4.5pt; BACKGROUND: #e1e4f2; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4.5pt; BORDER- #ece9d8; PADDING- 4.5pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8">
<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shape id=_x0000_i1026 style=" 12pt; 12pt" alt="Angry" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\E275644\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image002.gif" o:href=""></v:imagedata></v:shape><O:p
</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; PADDING-RIGHT: 4.5pt; BORDER- #ece9d8; PADDING- 4.5pt; BACKGROUND: #f5f5ff; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4.5pt; BORDER- #ece9d8; PADDING- 4.5pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8">
<v:shape id=_x0000_i1027 style=" 9pt; 9pt" alt="Sticky Thread" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\E275644\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image003.gif" o:href=""></v:imagedata></v:shape>Sticky: Please Read This (
It should be apparent from the first sentence that taking such a personal approach is not par for the course. A lot of posts you see here – especially in “nothing at all to do with ww” are a snapshot in time – a response from someone to a given stimulus (whoops - another generalisation :rolleyes: ). Everyone is entitled to an opinion and I'm not knocking yours or endorsing Wongo's, just the style in which this has been aired.
PS if you type stuff in word and then paste it in the layout is difficult to read and full of "ffice:office" /><O:p></O:p>"
27th September 2005, 07:51 PM
Another thing that drives me bananas every time is those single mums who have 6 kids with 6 different fathers. Where the hells my tax money gone?
Sorry where were we?
I think if you read the sentence properly he is not having a go at single mothers per se.
27th September 2005, 07:58 PM
Gingerchick thinks I'm generally gross
Son of boban
27th September 2005, 08:01 PM
Those single mums with 6 kids with 6 different fathers give those single mums with 6 kids with only 4 different fathers a bad name. I hate generalisations too.
By boban
27th September 2005, 08:10 PM
So while we are all saddened by the needless loss of such an innocent life perhaps we can take some solace in the knowledge we as parents will never place our own Children or any child in such a situation.
That part of your post I agree with, the rest of your post consists of either assumption or blanket generalizations and statements without proof.
However as Eastie points out we don't take a personal view on others postings hence I won't get into a spirited verbal stoush over them.
Either I'm getting old or wiser. :D
27th September 2005, 08:12 PM
I knew a woman who had 4 kids, by 3 diff fathers. the first 2 were from the first bloke - he was in jail and she left him I think, the others were from failed relationships. she worked, part time but she worked, nice bird - I liked her and she wasnt some scrag that took advantage of the system. however I can see both points.
what can you do ? pretty much S.F.A, there was this bloke in Germany who had a solution about 50 yrs ago but that didnt work out. its a shame really if the kiddies suffer...
27th September 2005, 08:30 PM
I’ve worked in the Biomedical Field for over 10 years and the majority of my co-workers were, as you like to term “Single Mums”,
I guess your friends had access to the technology!
My kids call me "Dad" rather than "patriarchal genetic donor", so I guess we have a fundamental philosophical difference to begin.
Maybe I could have some sympathy for what you are trying to say, but gross misrepresentations of gender bias really tick me off.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
27th September 2005, 08:30 PM
Keep the drunken deekwits away from them and they wouldn't have that many kids. You all remember it takes two people to not worry about contraception to result in a pregnancy.
When you look at the sheet young girls and women have to put up with growing up, ie not being accepted because they are tall or short or fat or thin or green/white/yellow/pink or whatever. Media portrayals of what a woman should look like. et al.
Some of these girls end up with very low self esteem and consequently make poor decisions regarding drunken deekwit blokes at pubs.
We can hope the children they have wont end up in the same place. (I'm sure my neighbour's daughter will be pregnant in 6 months)
27th September 2005, 08:39 PM
Some of these girls end up with very low self esteem and consequently make poor decisions regarding drunken deekwit blokes at pubs.
We can hope the children they have wont end up in the same place. (I'm sure my neighbour's daughter will be pregnant in 6 months)[/QUOTE]
yes and the glossy mags depiction of what supposedly is perfection when my daughter was in year 2 at school she asked if she was fat,
she's like her dad (very slender) I asked why and she said her class mate wanted to go on a diet
7 yrs old that was scary society I am afraid still has a lot to answer for
and the low self esteem sadly is a learned behaviour so if they see the parents with low self esteem it often is repeated albeit unconsciously
and that is very sad
28th September 2005, 02:20 PM
3 years ago i became a single parent and deff not of my own choice ..... i had wat i thaugh been happily married to the same person for 17 yrs ...
I am now extremely happily partnered we have his kids her kids and our kid .... and no i havent been preganant in this time ..... our kids range from 19 19 18 16 15 14 ( 3 of each ) and some are home grown and our baby has been with us for 3 mths and she is our foster daughter we have been very lucky we have a well ajusted lot they have seen a lot of good and bad things in thier lives and usually are not rude to the general public all have jobs sept our baby and she is working on that one already and she can only legally get work in 3 weeks time ...
I agree totally im very ticked off withthen people who generalise all single mum's are bad working in the welfare system belive me its deff not the right way of thinking some of the worst cases i have ever seen have come from a well ajusted ( or so it seemed ) very well off family where i live
now that i have untwisted my temper have a wonderful day jules
28th September 2005, 03:04 PM
Everyone who makes gross generalisations is an idiot. :rolleyes:
28th September 2005, 04:32 PM
Hey jules
Sounds like you and your partner are doing a great job and I hear where you are comming from with some kids coming from families with two parents
Case in point one Friday evening a couple of years back I was up watching a late movie (cause dear hubby had gone to soccer and forgot his house keys) LOL
so it was 10.30 at night and I wandered out the back to make a cupper
my dog took off like a bat out of hell growling and heading down the hall way
I raced after him (didn't want him waking up our rug rats and to see what was up anyway I found him latched on to the backside of some kid who had climbed through my lounge window I grabbed my stock whip off the saddle stand and told said dog to heel, (lovely big Rottie now gone to doggy heaven) and asked what the little bugger thought he was doing, said he thought it was a mates place
Yeah Right! turns out kid was 14 goes to a nice "Private" school a daddy was a lawyer,
mummy a doctor and I thought ok well I ring up the kids parents
so I rang
his dad and said come and pick up your kid I would have been happy if said dad was willing to give him a leather enema (aka boot up the bum) but dad arrived and threaterned to sue me as my boofy dog tore his nice new designer jeans (Not a mark on the kid mind you)
My two rug rats still sleeping peacefully, just as the boys got back from soccer
Mr Lawyer ranting and raving so one of the chaps in hubby's soccer team was the Ol Bill, basically thought the dad was being a real pratt
Arrested him (the kid that is LOLOL
I would have all let it slide if the father just showed some common decency and said yep my kids in the wrong I am sorry I'll give him a boot up the bum and he wont do it again
But no some how it was my fault his kid climbed through my window possibly looking to pinch something while I had two wee tackers sleeping
mind you if I'd hit the little rat with the stock whip I would have been charged with assault but there you go apparently I the one in the wrong LOL
Go figure Huh?
28th September 2005, 05:58 PM
Hey jules
Sounds like you and your partner are doing a great job
Wouldnt that be, " the childs patriarchal genetic donor "
Al :confused:
28th September 2005, 06:06 PM
Wouldnt that be, " the childs patriarchal genetic donor "
Al :confused:
Not if he didn't donate any genetic material
he may just be just a partner LOLOLOL
28th September 2005, 06:20 PM
The majority of single mums I come across ARE 'serial mums'.
BT2K. You are getting offended over nothing. Wongo's comment Is squarely pointed at 'serial mums' only, not those who unfortunately find themselves single with children due to circumstance.
28th September 2005, 06:27 PM
[QUOTE=DanP]The majority of single mums I come across ARE 'serial mums'.
BT2K. You are getting offended over nothing. Wongo's comment Is squarely pointed at 'serial mums' only, not those who unfortunately find themselves single with children due to circumstance.
Dan actually I am not offended just replying to the statement that if some one is a partner they may just that LOLOL
genetic donor implys blood relative LOLOL
but as for being offended I am enjoying the responses trust me this little black duck has got a hide like a rhino LOLOL
no offense taken mate just a very black sense of humour
28th September 2005, 07:48 PM
Here we go again another troll...
28th September 2005, 07:59 PM
I had the same thought Matt.
Another doofus to ignore.
Al :(
28th September 2005, 08:06 PM
[QUOTE=DanP] trust me this little black duck has got a hide like a rhino
I'm trying very hard not to picture what you look like. :rolleyes:
28th September 2005, 08:27 PM
I'm trying very hard not to picture what you look like. :rolleyes:
Gumby, this is what a little black duck with a hide like a rhino ( looks like according to a post in the aptly named rogues gallery forum. :D
28th September 2005, 08:30 PM
Some of them may be trolls but we shouldn't generalise.
28th September 2005, 08:40 PM
What's going on??? I feel like I am out of the woods. Genetic donors? Single bitchy man hating mums?? I guess this type will gladly take on being involved in cloning. Anything to get away from being impregnated by her (it's) husband, shudder, cringe.
28th September 2005, 08:42 PM
Gosh you chaps all seem a tad sensitive, I think I'm on a forum of snags,
although I do believe emails tend to come across as rather ambiguous I for one don't use those funky little emoticons and as as for picturing me I photo shopped it so the horns and tail were removed, and coloured in the grey hairs
Cheers Biotechy2k
28th September 2005, 08:44 PM
What's going on??? I feel like I am out of the woods. Genetic donors? Single bitchy man hating mums?? I guess this type will gladly take on being involved in cloning. Anything to get away from being impregnated by her (it's) husband, shudder, cringe.
So you saw the picture too.
Al :eek:
Wood Butcher
28th September 2005, 08:52 PM
I for one don't use those funky little emoticons
Why Not? Seriously
No offence, but what the heck does this mean????
28th September 2005, 08:56 PM
[QUOTE=Wood Butcher]Why Not? Seriously
I don't know why I don't use the emoticons, guess it never really appeals to me
and my firewall on this PC don't really like them on my list they tend to get stripped as it (the list) uses a thing call spam guard
but as I type at a relatively good speed it seems like excessive mouse use or
maybe its mouse abuse LOL
sorry bad pun I know
cheers Biotechy2k
28th September 2005, 08:58 PM
Oh and I forgot to answer your other question
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
and ROFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off
and there are others also
AFAIK = As far as I know
that's just a few
cheers Biotechy2k
28th September 2005, 09:06 PM
and ROFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off
Consider yourself lucky that the 'good' Gumby is on here tonight. ;)
28th September 2005, 09:09 PM
Well I'd better go and dig up the old asbestos suit but in the mean time I will have to take a break
called into work
sutures to remove and got to check up on last two vasectomy patients
should be back later for a spar boys
"I've not had this much fun since Dedekin put his "Cuts" theory out there
Cheers Biotechy2k
Wood Butcher
28th September 2005, 09:11 PM
So you must be Laughing Out Loud Out Loud.
Personally (biotechy this is not about you alone) LOL is used at the most inappropriate times. My brother sends me an email about how bad things are during his radiation treatment for his cancer but ends "LOL" ???????
28th September 2005, 09:12 PM
Consider yourself lucky that the 'good' Gumby is on here tonight. ;)
Ok I'll bite can you explain or is it something to do with the censorship thread I was reading earlier in the week
Cheers Bio
got to go the cars here and my patients need me
actually one of the students could do it but when you gotta go you gotta
seems like my cold beer will have to wait till I get back
cheers bio
28th September 2005, 09:14 PM
Al :)
28th September 2005, 09:17 PM
28th September 2005, 09:31 PM
Is that the sound of the vasectomy stitches being removed?
:D :D :D
28th September 2005, 09:37 PM
does that make u guys cross ur legs ?????
even the thaught makes some of us cringe
cheers jules
and im glad ur being a good gumby
28th September 2005, 09:39 PM
does that make u guys cross ur legs ?????
even the thaught makes some of us cringe
cheers jules
and im glad ur being a good gumby
tut tut Jules that really is a gross generalisation!! ;) ;)
28th September 2005, 09:50 PM
Ill Beg forgivness wouldnt u have ur legs crossed
im sorry ...
28th September 2005, 09:55 PM
Is that the sound of the vasectomy stitches being removed?
:D :D :D
Its the sound ppl make when they bite at a troll post.
I think you were on the TSE when it first came up.
Al :D
28th September 2005, 09:55 PM
My wife wanted me to get the chop. I don't see why I have to go through that. It's not like I've been humping anyones leg.
28th September 2005, 09:56 PM
My wife wanted me to get the chop. I don't see why I have to go through that. It's not like I've been humping anyones leg.
Good boy.
Roll over.......
Al :D
28th September 2005, 10:27 PM
Good boy.
Roll over.......
You talking to me?
E. maculata
28th September 2005, 10:38 PM
Actually apart from the good lady mistaking (well that;s what I believe anyway)young Wongos' actual message I haven't read anything that makes me concur with the troll or other boys'n the sheds' mildly paranoid worries. All I've read is a womna who's not afraid to speak her mind, just like many of my other favourite inhabitants of this forum, crikey my wife says stuff like this sometimes, I know cause I listen when she does ;) .
29th September 2005, 09:48 AM
Personally (biotechy this is not about you alone) LOL is used at the most inappropriate times. My brother sends me an email about how bad things are during his radiation treatment for his cancer but ends "LOL" ???????[/QUOTE]
Dear Wood Butcher I am Truly Sorry to hear that your brother is undergoing radiation treatment perhaps asking him why he uses the acronym "LOL" (when
describing his treatment) (I know I have used humour as a coping mechanism when lifes stress's seem insurmountable)
I spent a lot of time volunteering with terminal patients in the early 80's but also know first hand what it is like to have a seriously ill family member and you have my sincerest wishes he makes a full recovery but your Love and Support
is one of the best medicines he has.
the nature of email and written communication is such that one sees or reads with certain attitudes or inflections while another reads a statement in a completely different manner, I suppose it really comes down to our own personalities and comprehension of the written word.
but as I said in an earlier post emails can be rather ambiguous, and please be assured when I use "LOL" I am seeing the humour in all responses
Anger is not a part of my life, I can't remember the last time I was angry
but my kids and their room tidying skills can get me into a serious state of annoyance LOL
But Seriously I do wish all the best for your Brother and his family
Take Care
29th September 2005, 09:55 AM
...... My brother sends me an email about how bad things are during his radiation treatment for his cancer but ends "LOL" ???????
perhaps in this context LOL could mean Lots of Love?
29th September 2005, 09:55 AM
I agree with Bruce, Bio is not afraid to have her say. Just look at how readily the "blokes" do the same. I find the troll reference offensive and against the good free nature of the forum. Would hate to think we still have sexism in this day and age.
Have your jokes, as I love to do, but keep it tounge in cheek lol.
Ivan in Oz
29th September 2005, 10:00 AM
G'day Bio.
Good one!
I do not agree with everything you say.
I do not usually agree with EVERYTHING everyone says
Maybe "Most everything" on the odd occasion :D
Isn't it good to be able to differ and no have the
"Black Shirts" come and get you in the middle of the night.
Arh!! Freedom and Freedom of Speech......
Keep it up!!
29th September 2005, 10:09 AM
I agree with Bruce, Bio is not afraid to have her say. Just look at how readily the "blokes" do the same. I find the troll reference offensive and against the good free nature of the forum. Would hate to think we still have sexism in this day and age.
Have your jokes, as I love to do, but keep it tounge in cheek lol.
Thanks for the "virtual support mate" I've posted off your info request you should have it by Monday at the latest
I should also clarify my vasectomy patients are primates of the cute and furry persuasion and have a prehensile tail LOLOL
I don't perform vasectomies on men as my husband can attest to LOL
cheers Bio
29th September 2005, 10:09 AM
Mate of mine in Sale, Vic. had a similar episode. Found two kids breaking the windows at the footy club rooms. Decided to take them home to Mum and Dad for some home disipline.
When he arrived at the house he was subjected to abuse as to how dare he bring the kids home in a police car..................
Shrugged his shoulders and then took the kids down to the station and booked them.
I remember as a kid being caught by the local copper riding my motorbike on the road. Got a kick in the backside and walked it home. Dad heard it from the copper as well and I got another kick lol. Used back streets after that......
29th September 2005, 10:17 AM
yes kids and discipline a tough subject, I heard a mates daughter respond to her mum "If you smack me I'll charge you with assualt" Kid was around 10
now said mum is thinking of other methods, I suggested docking pocket money it works extremely well with my two ruggies, if they don't do their chores
they don't get pocket money but if the are naughty they get their pocket money docked LOL
works a treat but then again my kids don't get a huge amount of pocket money and they have to work for it
although number one son tends to grumble about child slave labour while doing the dishes LOLOL I swear that kid should be a lawyer or policy writer LOL
but I am a great believer in trying to instill in my kids a good work ethic
a sometimes difficult thing to do don't you think
29th September 2005, 10:59 AM
When you work out the formula for teching kids a good work ethic can you let me know the secret.
I have an 11 year old son who is starting to develop attitude and I just think to myself, here we go, now the "fun"begins.
I remeber what I was like as a teenager and it scares me that he is going to do to me what I did to my parents.
Dont they say something about your past coming back to haunt you.
29th September 2005, 05:10 PM
My wife wanted me to get the chop. I don't see why I have to go through that. It's not like I've been humping anyones leg.
As I see it there no point in throwing away the matches if the gas is still connected to the oven. The only safe way is to snip the pipes in the oven
Years ago a friend had a snip job, :)
Coupla years later his missus fell in :eek:
(she didn't tell him for some reason) :rolleyes:
She had an abortion on the quiet.
Dunno if she had the oven pipes snipped then.
Dunno if he ever found out either.
29th September 2005, 05:35 PM
Oh where have I been?
Biotechy2k, I am sorry if what I said upset you. I wasn’t having a go at single mums and I don’t dislike single mums.
29th September 2005, 05:46 PM
Years ago a friend had a snip job, :)
Coupla years later his missus fell in :eek:
(she didn't tell him for some reason) :rolleyes:
She had an abortion on the quiet.
Dunno if she had the oven pipes snipped then.
Dunno if he ever found out either.[/QUOTE]
Well I do know there is a waiting space not too sure of what it is for humans but on my transgenic mice and spf ratties in the lab we have done fine needle aspirations from the vas deferens and obtained (short tailed) viable sperm 3 weeks post vasectomy so when we neuter any of the rescue rats and cavies
they must stay away from females for a minimum of 4 weeks
the vas deferens has a more suitable pH for spermatozoa life than the testes
and does
and does not have a greater tempreature variation as the testes also
there you go chaps your Biology lesson over for the day time for a beer,
dam will have to have a cupper all out of beer
cheers Bio
29th September 2005, 05:47 PM
Oh where have I been?
Biotechy2k, I am sorry if what I said upset you. I wasn’t having a go at single mums and I don’t dislike single mums.
No problems I guess I read too much into it any way no harm done
cheers Bio
Wood Butcher
29th September 2005, 06:26 PM
As I see it there no point in throwing away the matches if the gas is still connected to the oven. The only safe way is to snip the pipes in the oven
Years ago a friend had a snip job, :)
Coupla years later his missus fell in :eek:
(she didn't tell him for some reason) :rolleyes:
She had an abortion on the quiet.
Dunno if she had the oven pipes snipped then.
Dunno if he ever found out either.
My mum's a clinical midwife and a lady was recently at her work giving birth to her sixth child (same partner for all six BTW). Interestingly enough 9 months ago she had been in hospital having her tubes tied. Her and her partner had had "one last time sex" the night before :eek:. Needless to say nine months later a healthy boy was born :D.
29th September 2005, 08:05 PM
I agree with Bruce, Bio is not afraid to have her say. Just look at how readily the "blokes" do the same. I find the troll reference offensive and against the good free nature of the forum. Would hate to think we still have sexism in this day and age.
Have your jokes, as I love to do, but keep it tounge in cheek lol.
A troll is someone who just tries to **** everyone off. And that's all she's trying to do.
doug the slug
29th September 2005, 08:21 PM
...I should also clarify my vasectomy patients are primates of the cute and furry persuasion and have a prehensile tail LOLOL
ANd thats why you frighten a lot of the forum users biotechy, most of them are hairy primates with a prehensile tail, and despite overwhelming evidnece to the contrary they think they are cute
29th September 2005, 09:31 PM
ANd thats why you frighten a lot of the forum users biotechy, most of them are hairy primates with a prehensile tail, and despite overwhelming evidnece to the contrary they think they are cute
Why Doug I'm really not that scary (only when I have a scalpel) but to be quiet honest I prefer to play with my Ryobi toys, and I don't have to wear those unflattering green or blue scrubs.
I can wear my plain old ratty jeans and work boots which by the way are really hell on the legs, we also use them in the labs, but mine not only have the steel cap over the toes they also have a steel plate in the sole for extra protection
and after a couple of hours with you standing in them your legs really hurt LOL
and LOL in this instance stands for Lying on Lounge
cheers Bio
29th September 2005, 10:09 PM
<!-- end foldoc --><!-- begin jargon --><!-- google_ad_region_start=def -->G'Day All,
Just got curious as to the meaning of the word "Troll" (I knew the Norse meaning of the word and the fishing meaning), but looked it up anyway, and to my suprise learned a different meaning of the word. Read on if you are as curious as myself!.....:)
v.,n. 1. [From the Usenet group alt.folklore.urban] To
utter a posting on Usenet ( designed to attract predictable
responses or flame (; or, the post itself. Derives from the phrase
"trolling for newbie (" which in turn comes from mainstream
"trolling", a style of fishing in which one trails bait through a
likely spot hoping for a bite. The well-constructed troll is a post
that induces lots of newbies and flamers to make themselves look
even more clueless than they already do, while subtly conveying to
the more savvy and experienced that it is in fact a deliberate
troll. If you don't fall for the joke, you get to be in on it. See
also YHBT ( 2. An individual who chronically trolls in sense 1;
regularly posts specious arguments, flames or personal attacks to a
newsgroup, discussion list, or in email for no other purpose than to
annoy someone or disrupt a discussion. Trolls are recognizable by
the fact that the have no real interest in learning about the topic
at hand - they simply want to utter flame bait. Like the ugly
creatures they are named after, they exhibit no redeeming
characteristics, and as such, they are recognized as a lower form of
life on the net, as in, "Oh, ignore him, he's just a troll." 3.
[Berkeley] Computer lab monitor. A popular campus job for CS
students. Duties include helping newbies and ensuring that lab
policies are followed. Probably so-called because it involves
lurking in dark cavelike corners.
Some people claim that the troll (sense 1) is properly a narrower
category than flame bait (, that a troll is categorized by containing
some assertion that is wrong but not overtly controversial.
<CITE>The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, © 1993-2005 Denis Howe</CITE>
Nothing to be offended by, really, if used in this context (probably would be, if used in the Norse meaning directed at someone). Interesting!!...:)
30th September 2005, 10:04 AM
[QUOTE=Wongo]Oh where have I been?
Hi Wongo I meant to ask and compliment you on your beautiful Rocking horse
stunning can I ask how you attatched the saddle to the wood My Da used to make saddles and I remember he was commisioned to make a saddle for a rocking horse but he made a very small scaled down authentic all purpose (read english) saddle but his was removable but I have seen some that are attached with furniture tacks and it was a repair job we did as it was a stuffed pad
I remember having to do the re-stuffing cause I had little hands LOL
anyway mate is here and have to take the hound for a walk
cheers Lou