KBs PensNmore
24th December 2017, 04:41 PM
Darth Vader says to Luke "I know what you're getting for Christmas".
To which Luke replies "Rubbish, how could you possibly know what I'm getting for Christmas?"
Again Darth Vader says to Luke "I know what you're getting for Christmas".
To which Luke replies "Impossible, how could you possibly know what I'm getting for Christmas?"
Again Darth Vader says to Luke "I know what you're getting for Christmas".
To which Luke replies "No way could you possibly know what I'm getting for Christmas?"
Darth Vader says to Luke "I know what you're getting for Christmas".
To which Luke replies "How could you possibly know what I'm getting for Christmas?'
To which Darth Vader replies to Luke "I felt your presence".
To which Luke replies "Rubbish, how could you possibly know what I'm getting for Christmas?"
Again Darth Vader says to Luke "I know what you're getting for Christmas".
To which Luke replies "Impossible, how could you possibly know what I'm getting for Christmas?"
Again Darth Vader says to Luke "I know what you're getting for Christmas".
To which Luke replies "No way could you possibly know what I'm getting for Christmas?"
Darth Vader says to Luke "I know what you're getting for Christmas".
To which Luke replies "How could you possibly know what I'm getting for Christmas?'
To which Darth Vader replies to Luke "I felt your presence".