View Full Version : Forum Sponsors

16th November 2017, 06:41 AM
Are there any sponsors that offer forum members a discount. If so, what percentage?

16th November 2017, 08:36 AM
They pay to be sponsors Kidbee, you have to leave something in the deal for them.

Chief Tiff
16th November 2017, 02:49 PM
I think some of them just use the forum as their basis for advertising as it targets the best demographic for their products and is open for criticism or praise. As an example I always used to buy my abrasives down the local big green shed but having seen The Sandpaper Man's banner on the side bar I decided to flick through his wares and put in an order. I don't recall ever seeing any other advertising for him anywhere else so without the sidebar it was unlikely I'd have come across him by accident. Additionally I had come across a couple of posts recommending him and that was sufficient to close the deal. This resulted in me paying an honest price for some quality abrasives; but the real sweetener was the fact that he personally contacted me to inquire if I wanted a few grits that I hadn't ordered due the website saying "out of stock".

So yeah; some of the sponsors may offer a member discount but from my experience and the recommendations I've read they just provide a really good service and value for money that you may struggle to find through your own research.

16th November 2017, 04:12 PM
Quality is the issue here.. Any sponsor of this site that sells rubbish won't last long...