View Full Version : Finishing for Recycled Messmate small coffee table

21st October 2017, 11:46 AM
Hey team,

New here and loving the community already! Still got a heap more to learn about woodworking but enjoying the process.

I've just finished making a small coffee table from recycled messmate.

I was planning to just finish with Feast Watson Scandinavian Oil. 3 or 4 coats likely.

The timber has lovely features and colour so I don't want to take away from that too much and I prefer a more flat finish.

Before I start, can anyone suggest a better option?

Thanks in advance,



21st October 2017, 12:22 PM
Welcome to the forum Jase.

21st October 2017, 06:46 PM
Great looking table Jase.

I haven't used Feast Watson Scandinavian Oil so I can't comment on if what we use at work is better or not.

We use Mirrortone's Precatalysed lacquer and it comes up a treat, really brings out feature that I sometimes hadn't noticed before finishing.
Although I'd rather use their 2 pack finish as it's a tougher finish. But since I'm not in charge, I'll just do what I'm told... kind of.

21st October 2017, 07:32 PM
The Feast Watson Scandinavian oil dries to what might be called a satin finish, it's definitely a few steps down from a gloss varnish but it isn't matt either. Being an oil finish it does have a yellowish color that will affect the color of the wood. It's personal preference, but I don't like the yellow tinge on lighter colored woods like messmate and definitely not on white or blond timbers. Water based polyurethane will impart almost no color - it'll be almost the same as if you sprayed it with water. I've yet to use lacquers but I believe a clear lacquer will also not change the color of the wood. White shellac also doesn't impart much color.